Banks Now Easing Credit For Small Businesses With Democrats In Charge!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Small-Business Hating GOP had refused to support any easing of credit to small businesses starting in 2006. Most Americans,apparently, were not thought "Too Big To Fail," at GOP. They would never be eligible for bail-outs with the Senator Mitch McConnel types in office, or the Governor Palin Types out campaiging for offices(?), or the Senator Corker or Senator Gregg types in the GOP federal legislative offices. The Senator John McCain types would not be thought supportive of small businesses. The Secretary Paulson types, and Undisclosed Location types, would not be thought supportive of anything smaller than a Haliburton business.

The banks like noticed that there was after all, the Bogus Administration in office. Dimpled Chads , somehow, were basis of "political capital."

So now, after the Great Socialist Stimulus victories, then banks can see that small businesses can likely expand, and are credit-worthy after the GOP induced credit drought, and financial crisis.

Fed report says banks are loosening lending practices - Aug. 16, 2010

Banks are finding an easing, again good business. Any remaining mega-coporations surviving, after the Republicans tried to kill them off--(The Party of Lincoln has a history certain, of problems with White people living in peace, with productive lives)--will likely find investment in plants and projects: Again good business.

It's still, however, an Ivy-League Administration, so teen-aged Blacks, mainly, are not included. Likely that will be the case for as far as the eye can see the Ivy, on the League, of higher education in America! The Clinton Administration is apparently regarded racist on the basis that all blacks had enployment and education opportunities, beyond the rap music/basketball/violence-prone sub-cultures. Martin Lutther King, Jr., was even said to have been opposed to the Clinton Adminitration record all along--who is dead and therefore not late for anything.

As for the Bush Family record, in two Administrations: No seems to think that any of their "Reagan Trajectory" policies were racists at all. It was really all just an "Entrepreneurial Spirit!" And now it's an Obama Economy, in no small all thanks to the GOP cross-overs in the primaries.

Anyone wonders how that could have happened!?! In reality, Bush even has an M-BA, (MMM-Bah), Degree from the Ivy League: Which probably explains all of the above, all of the forgoing, and all of the rest of it, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father send more beads and trinket money now, to Conquering Squaws, before hands coarsen. . .i . .in the garden. . . . . . .before meeting with the King of Spain(?). . . . . .and maybe Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn--who at least now how to speak the English Language(?)!)
Hooray for more Debt!! Yea more borrowing & debt is exactly what this country needs. That's exactly what got us into this economic meltdown in the first place. Encouraging more borrowing & debt is just plain stupid. The Socialists/Progressives are just lost. It's time for real change.
The Small-Business Hating GOP had refused to support any easing of credit to small businesses starting in 2006. Most Americans,apparently, were not thought "Too Big To Fail," at GOP. They would never be eligible for bail-outs with the Senator Mitch McConnel types in office, or the Governor Palin Types out campaiging for offices(?), or the Senator Corker or Senator Gregg types in the GOP federal legislative offices. The Senator John McCain types would not be thought supportive of small businesses. The Secretary Paulson types, and Undisclosed Location types, would not be thought supportive of anything smaller than a Haliburton business.

The banks like noticed that there was after all, the Bogus Administration in office. Dimpled Chads , somehow, were basis of "political capital."

So now, after the Great Socialist Stimulus victories, then banks can see that small businesses can likely expand, and are credit-worthy after the GOP induced credit drought, and financial crisis.

Fed report says banks are loosening lending practices - Aug. 16, 2010

Banks are finding an easing, again good business. Any remaining mega-coporations surviving, after the Republicans tried to kill them off--(The Party of Lincoln has a history certain, of problems with White people living in peace, with productive lives)--will likely find investment in plants and projects: Again good business.

It's still, however, an Ivy-League Administration, so teen-aged Blacks, mainly, are not included. Likely that will be the case for as far as the eye can see the Ivy, on the League, of higher education in America! The Clinton Administration is apparently regarded racist on the basis that all blacks had enployment and education opportunities, beyond the rap music/basketball/violence-prone sub-cultures. Martin Lutther King, Jr., was even said to have been opposed to the Clinton Adminitration record all along--who is dead and therefore not late for anything.

As for the Bush Family record, in two Administrations: No seems to think that any of their "Reagan Trajectory" policies were racists at all. It was really all just an "Entrepreneurial Spirit!" And now it's an Obama Economy, in no small all thanks to the GOP cross-overs in the primaries.

Anyone wonders how that could have happened!?! In reality, Bush even has an M-BA, (MMM-Bah), Degree from the Ivy League: Which probably explains all of the above, all of the forgoing, and all of the rest of it, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father send more beads and trinket money now, to Conquering Squaws, before hands coarsen. . .i . .in the garden. . . . . . .before meeting with the King of Spain(?). . . . . .and maybe Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn--who at least now how to speak the English Language(?)!)

Why give credit when they can't repay it? wasn't this the reason we had a democratic failed economy?
Actually, Democratic Party Labor-Liberals, tend to support easing of credit. Employment comes from the Great Victories of the Socialist Total Credit Market, which is $55.0 tril., or so. A great deal of failed personal, political, social, family, and religious values are able to be tolerated, in such economies. Moslems can even build Mosques near sacred ground--apparently, most recently, the X-rated locations of Manhattan Island! Allah will now be watching. . . .too, or something.

The outcome of the Socialist Great Victories, which is also now the Global Marketplace, are like General Motors of the U. S. A! The rise of General Motors, from virtually nothing, to an IPO kind of company already--Can really only happen in Great Democratic Party Socialist, U. S. A.

On the record, the Republicans of Lincoln's Party--of their School of Crisis Management--opposed both the re-inventing of General Motors, and the Tax Cuts and other Stimulus of the Obama Administration.

The Party of Lincoln, of its School of Crisis Management, is still around! Even Blacks seem to know this, who had at one time had voted for Clinton-Gore, and were rewarded--along with dot-com profiteers. First the dom-com profiteers failed completely. Then came. . . .well(?)!

Two of said dot-com profiteers, are even now running for office in California. One, at least, is promising to raise all kinds of government employee incomes--likely including especially, Bell, CA. The other one still knows that Carleton is the real name.

Actually, of course, the Obama Administration, too: Knows about the "Entrepreneurial Spirit," of the "Reagan Trajectory," of the "Twenty Mule Team(?)!" At the Republican School of Crisis Management, Great Politicians--do soap commercials. . . .as training for the job!. The Bush campaign even showed photos of George and Jeb--au natural about it--in the tub, apparently at the spa!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Sitting Governor of California, too, has the MMM-Bah (MBA) degree. Anyone left to wonder if there could ever be schvartz Ph.d., at all. . . . .well!)
Economics had to create the Credit Market in Part because the age-old systems didn't work. When the rich get richer, and the poor get pooer, then when the poor can't pay the mortgages, then the rich houses all come tumbling down.

Raising incomes also has the effect of raising prices. Prices even rise to help pay the cost of the credit. The credit is necessary to pay the inflated prices. Easing creates the credit that pays the prices. Job are created to replace the inventory, or create an inventory. Well-off corporations can then afford to raise union incomes a fixed percentage.

Usually small businesses, tend to be by-passed: Anyone notices.

The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer: et cetera, et cetera, et ceteras(?)! Many have a problem, even, with the prices in the hair salon emporiums(?)! Tires are even subject to the growing baldness "problem." The problem is that new ones need credit--espcially for some of the more modern cars. Entire used cars would even be cheaper.

The U. S., however is an educated economy. School made it that way. At School, the teachers are paid from the monopoly of the tax roles, where mega-bucks are located. Teachers can get fixed percentage pay raises. The Rich get richer, and the poor get poorer: And entire state and local governments get to run out of money.

Actually, the Total Credit Market isn't really that involved.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mainly, the MMM-Bah (MBA), degreed have really no clue about any of this at all. Anyone wonders if Huckleberry Finn would have had one of these. . . .and anyone can wonder what he might have been inclinded to call . . . .well!)
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Banks have had notes. Notes could be honored. Loans wee secured with asset values.

In America, even homeowners now find themselves, unable to keep up the value of their poor, sorry assets.

An entertain Wrestling Owner even understands this, and so is running for a federal office. "Chavo Sucks! Chavo Sucks! Chavo Sucks!" is about real life. . . .even in Arizona!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's new Conservative Government, even, is now a frozen-asset kind of budget. Presumably the boys are even now understanding more about the charm of Yiddish, from their "gulag." Huckleberry Finn, and even Tom Sawyer: Were actually freely born, by comparison--able to indentify, even other peoples!, and other concepts!)
Shouldn't this read something more like this?

Banks now being offered federal guarantees to loan money they don't have to people who will not repay the loans?

Bingo! It's exactly what caused this horrifying economic meltdown in the first place. The Socialists/Progressives really are lost. It is time for real change.
The overnight lending rates, and other central banking mechanisms, are not exactly "federal guarantees." They are Central Banking, stabilizing a financial system, capable even of tolerating lots and lots of failed family values, religous values, pesonal values, geo-political values, social values, economic values, political values, basketball, and Reality TV shows!

But Central Banking is in Fact Socialist banking. The Von Mises people even fail to recognize that real credit is in fact regulated centrally. They come up with two concepts, agreeable to the Bogus Administration. "Socialism can't exist since each mili-second of any economy, can never be known or predicted with any certainty," or something even more nonsensical. The next concept, nowhere able to be supported, is that credit run amok will some how lead to failed investments. Apparently no investments at all is better, or in fact then central banks can know and predict, within reasonable certainty, outcome of actions that get taken.

The dot-com revolutions was rife with failure. Dot-com now runs the world. It would have been foolish and stupid then not to tap the credit. It is equivalently stupid now to not have small business, tap into the giant Total Credit Makret---which won't even notice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even in Calaveras County of California: Frogs even likely now know what Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Eight-Treys and others--were and are even now, all talking about!)
I read all of mascale's posts. Does anyone have any fucking clue what the guy is talking about?
Prcies and credit, and pay and raises are concepts in economics, and in business school. Faculty chose 35 years ago to not allow any presentation forever, of any arithmetic presentation of what makes interconnected.

So instead all children on the planet have to do wrong things instead, taught by people doing wrong things instead, with the outcomes that are wrong.

Billions worldwide have watched it all happen, are living(?) in it even now: And with no clue!

The Bogus Adminstration created two phony invasions, and occuppations, killing off people who had no clue about any of it all!

There is nothing on the planet that makes anyone else all that specials. Teachers will affirm that, to this date. Teaching is clearly not possible, at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort.

And so schools and universities all exist, on that basis, intentionally to denigrate all peoples worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer actually: Did understand the concept!)
Of course, anyone with half a brain already knew that, but this Thread is posted from the denizens of the clueless.

The policy differences have been widely noted, and the Republicans voted against the ones from the Democrats, and pretty much in unison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even have their own version of the response to the High Tech crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. Piling rocks on the sand on the beach was about the extent of what they proposed! Possibly they had in mind rocks made of tourquoise, and plastic, and other items of value certain!)
There aren't any policy differences, of any substantial note.

Bailout nation still exists and is only getting bigger.

The Fed and Goldman Sachs toadies still run the show.

And you're still a dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers waver of the pom-poms for the Democrat Party.

A few Southern Boys rallied over Fort Sumter. Lincoln gave orders for its relief. The Administration had no need to send in troops, but could engage even the previous Administration in the resolution of the conflict. Eventually, the Lincoln Administration couldn't even get the right relief ship, to the location. Even the seas were against the atrocity, about to unfold. The inability to assess the symbolism of the rally, and the relief, in effect caused the actual killings of hundreds of thousands.

It would be similar to attacking all of England, over the BP Gulf disaster--as some pre-meditated act of the Entire Northern European region.

Then There was the continuing inability to get the crisis under control, even though crisis managment, failed from the outset, failed again at the Junction famous rout.

It was as though Martial Law had suddenly become the "Blessings of Liberty!"

Other nations would continue to behave as badly.

The United States even built a monument to Lincoln. . . .which is even known to change its color. . . .having nothing to do with how American children are raised on the subject.

"Crowm James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Teenagers in America, clearly, now know that we are past all that!)
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You would think Americans would be glad to see small business loans becoming easier to obtain.

I know I am, its good news for anyone who believes in the american eutraprenerial spirit.

I guess you hate America first cons just cant take anything as good news unless it scores your party poltical points.

Party over country is all you can muster.
Of The Party Of the Bogus Administration, Any one can see how predictable they are!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Actually, the Planter Classes of the Old South likely could easily discern the concept, "MMM Bah." (MBA) degree!" Anyone knows that they lived in the South, on and among the property of the time: Which they themsevles knew how to keep valueable(?), unlike current times, anyone can think of!)
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