Banks Now Easing Credit For Small Businesses With Democrats In Charge!

You would think Americans would be glad to see small business loans becoming easier to obtain.

I know I am, its good news for anyone who believes in the american eutraprenerial spirit.

I guess you hate America first cons just cant take anything as good news unless it scores your party poltical points.

Party over country is all you can muster.
When you go out and obtain a small business loan, then you can come back to report to the class how easy it was to get....Until then, you're just being the "party over country" hack you sanctimoniously claim to decry.

BTW...Being able to get a loan is cold comfort when there's little business to be had in the first place.
There's no point in taking out a loan to invest in a small business when economic growth is trending down to the 1 percents and unemployment is close to 10% (actually would be over 10% if 1.1M people had not quit looking for work altogether since April).

Just sayin'.
I really do not know how to feel on this. I think allowing for small business to have the resources to get their business up a running is not necessarily a bad thing. I do not think it should be government backed though. I really do not think it is a good idea for an agency that is running at a deficit to be guaranteeing anything. I would also hope they would be responsible loans. The US government has already bailed out many banks for giving baseless loans. I do not know why you would want to encourage this again or even think it was a good idea. While small business is the back bone of the US economy it is successful small business not failed small business.

I guess what I am saying is do not make it all or nothing. Do not hand out loans without re-guard to ability to pay back or validity of the idea. On the other hand do not make it so hard to get that you have to already have ability to pay it before you can get it. Use good business sense and hedge your bets where you will win.
A few Southern Boys erupted around Ft. Sumpter. Lincoln went to war against all the White People in the region, likely on the phony basis that some kind of "ideology" was behind it all, and that all people in the region believed in it.

More recently, the Bogus Administration wemt tp war against an entire region, on the phony basis that some kind of "ideology" was behind it all, and that all people in the region believed in it. The 19 dead no-accounts, who flew into the buildings, and elsewhere, died on the spot.

9/11 was over just as soon as it had started. The BP Gulf spill was not a regional attack by Northern Europe, on the United States. The Al Qaeda World Trade Towers event was not a regional attack by all the Middle East, especially Israel, on the United States.

The Socialist Economic victories in China, and now the United States, require the Credit Market. The party of Lincoln, of its apparent "Abraham Lincoln Center for Crisis Management," is not even relevant to world events, even then. The race-war against the Moslems is irrelevant. A race war against Northern Europe is irrelevant. A racist Civil War of White People Against White People was irrelevant. What all three concepts irrelevant have in common is the Party of Abraham Lincoln himself. Even his own monument statue in bronze, turning color, knows what Lincoln was about!

Credit is how business gets done. The Party of Abraham Lincoln, of the Abraham Lincoln Center for Crisis Management: Is not how business gets done! Genocide is what comes of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, and its nowhere famous, "Center for Crisis Management."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's Government would also concede that the "Neville Chamberlain Center for Crisis Management," had actually missed the mark itself--Conservative though it was. To Conservaties like Rush Limbaugh, or Newt Gingrich, even then: Nothing wrong about Hitler's factions could be inferred! They were doing, Conservative normal!)
Kinda reminds me of the $8,000 that people were given to buy homes with.

The cash for clunkers and all the other bail outs and horseshit that have been going on.

This one just applies to small business.

Any difference????

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