
Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
And what happens in Britain soon crawls its way to these shores.

I can certainly understand it, too.

Just look at how oppressive and ugly the ad is.......................



Goodbye: Britain Bans "Are You Beach Body Ready?" Ads, Citing "Sexism"
Ace of Spades HQ
Every day in every way feminism becomes more indistinguishable from Islamism -- which also strenuously objects to the uncovered female form.

Britain has of course gesticulated to the hysterical women and their board of advertising standards has now ruled the Protein World ads-- simply featuring a woman in a bikini, like a million other ads (I guess Caribbean resorts won't be able to advertise anymore, either?) -- unclean.

A feminist wrote an article in (of course) The Guardian that sparked so much hysteria amongthe unmedicated neurotics of the feminist movement.

In that piece, she likened pictures of women in bikinis to rape, and also, capitalism to rape. Because, as Instapundit said, everything feminists don't like is like rape.

Nice mixture of SJW and Marxism here.

— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) April 30, 2015

I'm going to get personal here -- because it's time to get personal.

It is pretty obvious what is driving this. Sexually insecure, unattractive women, who feel under-valued in the sexual market, are using simple and brutish strategies to bring down their Higher-Valued Rivals and thus increase, relatively, their own sexual desirability.

It's Science.

More at the link......
And what happens in Britain soon crawls its way to these shores.

I can certainly understand it, too.

Just look at how oppressive and ugly the ad is.......................



Goodbye: Britain Bans "Are You Beach Body Ready?" Ads, Citing "Sexism"
Ace of Spades HQ
Every day in every way feminism becomes more indistinguishable from Islamism -- which also strenuously objects to the uncovered female form.

Britain has of course gesticulated to the hysterical women and their board of advertising standards has now ruled the Protein World ads-- simply featuring a woman in a bikini, like a million other ads (I guess Caribbean resorts won't be able to advertise anymore, either?) -- unclean.

A feminist wrote an article in (of course) The Guardian that sparked so much hysteria amongthe unmedicated neurotics of the feminist movement.

In that piece, she likened pictures of women in bikinis to rape, and also, capitalism to rape. Because, as Instapundit said, everything feminists don't like is like rape.

Nice mixture of SJW and Marxism here.

— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) April 30, 2015

I'm going to get personal here -- because it's time to get personal.

It is pretty obvious what is driving this. Sexually insecure, unattractive women, who feel under-valued in the sexual market, are using simple and brutish strategies to bring down their Higher-Valued Rivals and thus increase, relatively, their own sexual desirability.

It's Science.

More at the link......

Noticing more 'being obese is cool and okay' type tv shows. From Weather Channel's "Fat Guys in the Woods" to TLC's "My 600 pound life" to another new one, forget which channel called like "My Big Fat Fabulous Life."

Ironic how we banned tobacco ads on tv, can't show use of the product in alcohol ones, yet are now glamourizing obesity when every medical professional says it's unhealthy and dangerous.
It's probably more about not wanting too offend the moose-limbs.

Noticing more 'being obese is cool and okay' type tv shows. From Weather Channel's "Fat Guys in the Woods" to TLC's "My 600 pound life" to another new one, forget which channel called like "My Big Fat Fabulous Life."

Ironic how we banned tobacco ads on tv, can't show use of the product in alcohol ones, yet are now glamourizing obesity when every medical professional says it's unhealthy and dangerous.

Good point. How many old fat people have you ever seen?

Try -- None. Zero.

My Grandmother smoked a cigar and drank a glass of whiskey, neat, every night before she went to bed.

The Doctor told her to stop or it would kill her.

It did. She finally passed away at 96
Noticing more 'being obese is cool and okay' type tv shows. From Weather Channel's "Fat Guys in the Woods" to TLC's "My 600 pound life" to another new one, forget which channel called like "My Big Fat Fabulous Life."

Ironic how we banned tobacco ads on tv, can't show use of the product in alcohol ones, yet are now glamourizing obesity when every medical professional says it's unhealthy and dangerous.

Good point. How many old fat people have you ever seen?

Try -- None. Zero.

My Grandmother smoked a cigar and drank a glass of whiskey, neat, every night before she went to bed.

The Doctor told her to stop or it would kill her.

It did. She finally passed away at 96

Longevity is based on our genes. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, smoking, etc. have little if anything to do with it.
Aye carumba uh er what was this thread about?

The vag mafia hating on beautiful women that actually enjoy being beautiful women.

Makes the ugly fat ones feel left out

Typical of the bed wetters...

It's always something wrong with someone else. They never consider just taking a shower and putting on a little make-up.


The hags hate the men who are repulsed by them, and hate the women who make them realize they're repulsive.

Liberalism is the politics of hate and envy.

And what happens in Britain soon crawls its way to these shores.

I can certainly understand it, too.

Just look at how oppressive and ugly the ad is.......................



Goodbye: Britain Bans "Are You Beach Body Ready?" Ads, Citing "Sexism"
Ace of Spades HQ
Every day in every way feminism becomes more indistinguishable from Islamism -- which also strenuously objects to the uncovered female form.

Britain has of course gesticulated to the hysterical women and their board of advertising standards has now ruled the Protein World ads-- simply featuring a woman in a bikini, like a million other ads (I guess Caribbean resorts won't be able to advertise anymore, either?) -- unclean.

A feminist wrote an article in (of course) The Guardian that sparked so much hysteria amongthe unmedicated neurotics of the feminist movement.

In that piece, she likened pictures of women in bikinis to rape, and also, capitalism to rape. Because, as Instapundit said, everything feminists don't like is like rape.

Nice mixture of SJW and Marxism here.

— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) April 30, 2015

I'm going to get personal here -- because it's time to get personal.

It is pretty obvious what is driving this. Sexually insecure, unattractive women, who feel under-valued in the sexual market, are using simple and brutish strategies to bring down their Higher-Valued Rivals and thus increase, relatively, their own sexual desirability.

It's Science.

More at the link......

I see nothing wrong with the ad. Everybody, man and woman, should learn what fitness and exercise is all about and be encouraged to maintain or achieve the beautiful figure they love ^_^

Typical of the bed wetters...

It's always something wrong with someone else. They never consider just taking a shower and putting on a little make-up.


The hags hate the men who are repulsed by them, and hate the women who make them realize they're repulsive.

Liberalism is the politics of hate and envy.

Or stop being a fat pig and work out a little bit.

Since virtually NONE of our resident dimocraps will go to the link, I want to post this......

This not only applies to femi-nazis but to dimocraps in general --

Ace of Spades HQ

"About a year ago I read an alleged feminist "thinker" writing at, I think, Salon, who actually wondered -- and just wondered; she had no conclusions about the matter -- why she felt hostile towards the Sexualization of Scarlett Johanson in the Avengers move, but, get this,actually enjoyed seeing Chris Evans sexualized.

She didn't know why.

If she weren't a narcissistic lunatic incapable of probing her own biases and insecurities, she would have realized that Chris Evans is, for her, a sexual object, and thus she enjoys seeing him shirtless and looking sexy, whereas Scarlett Johanson is a sexual rival, and she is thus programmed to feel jealousy towards her, and further programmed to want to bring her down, to hobble her, to put her on the sexual sidelines, so that she can woo Chris Evans without the ridiculously hot Scarlett Johanson stealing him away.

This was obvious. Evans is the prize; Johanson is the competition.

But she was such a childlike, insecure, untutored, uncultured mind the simple explanation never occurred to her. The explanations she was looking for were the ones that flattered her further, that told her that she was Objectively Right to enjoy a shirtless Chris Evans, whereas Men were Objectively Wrong to enjoy a shot of ScarJo's butt.

We are increasingly surrounded by bitter, tantrum-prone, unsocialized sociopathic childrenfor whom every hurt and ever failure is cause for spitting and biting.

Now here's where I get personal. If these monsters are determined to attack everyone else, they invite such behavior in return. I think society is much better when things are not personal, and in which people are given a little latitude to pursue their own desires, whether you approve or not.

But the shrieking harpies are unattractive and bitter women, who are also stupid and lacking in all self-reflection and thus incapable in understanding why they feel the volcanic torrents of black emotion they feel, and they've pretty much forced us to stop being nice and start being real.

So my point is: Google images for the author of the Guardian piece, a Ms. Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, and tell me the sexual behavioral evolution explanation for her embarrassing behavior is wrong.

Let Me Make This Clear: I am not one of those idiot men who worship hot women who are obviously out of their league.

I am an average-looking guy. I like average-looking women. Very attractive women completely ignore me, which isn't a fun feeling.

So I am predipsosed to liking medium-attractive women, and sort of resenting very attractive women, to the extent I think about them at all.

But being the underdog -- being the one who is not overly gifted with advantages-- does not give one the right to indulge her Inner Asshole, her Inner Bully, her Inner Narcissistic Monster.

And that is what is going on with these Piranha Princesses. They've felt left-out and wallflowerish their whole lives, and now it's time, they think, for some payback.

I have sympathy for wallflowers (being one myself, especially so).

But I do not have sympathy for narcissistic lunatics and vindictive bitches."
PC is a disease but don't have kittens. Britain, like Canada, does not have US-style free speech.
Aye carumba uh er what was this thread about?

The vag mafia hating on beautiful women that actually enjoy being beautiful women.

Makes the ugly fat ones feel left out

Typical of the bed wetters...

It's always something wrong with someone else. They never consider just taking a shower and putting on a little make-up.


The hags hate the men who are repulsed by them, and hate the women who make them realize they're repulsive.

Liberalism is the politics of hate and envy.

This is not Liberalism.

This is not Liberalism.

Up until 47 years ago, the Democrat Party of the United States represented liberalism to a large extent in this Country.

After the 1968 democrat national convention, it became less important.

After Bill the rapist Clinton, it disappeared in the dimocrap party.

There is NO liberalism in the dimocrap party anymore. There just isn't.

Not the American Variety, anyway..... In fact, not ANY variety.

Being a part of the party, you can't see it.

I can. I walked away after I voted for Jimmy the peanut. Which was a HUGE mistake. But I own up to it...... 40 years ago. I get a pass.

Besides that, Gerald Ford was the worst Republican to ever live, much less disgrace the office of president.

But Jimmy the peanut was worse.

This is not Liberalism.

Up until 47 years ago, the Democrat Party of the United States represented liberalism to a large extent in this Country.

After the 1968 democrat national convention, it became less important.

After Bill the rapist Clinton, it disappeared in the dimocrap party.

There is NO liberalism in the dimocrap party anymore. There just isn't.

Not the American Variety, anyway..... In fact, not ANY variety.

Being a part of the party, you can't see it.

I can. I walked away after I voted for Jimmy the peanut. Which was a HUGE mistake. But I own up to it...... 40 years ago. I get a pass.

Besides that, Gerald Ford was the worst Republican to ever live, much less disgrace the office of president.

But Jimmy the peanut was worse.

The democrooks were well known for their opposition to communism.

Now their volunteers wear Che shirts.

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