Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Why he was in Benghazi:

He was in town for the inauguration of a cultural center that was part of his effort to build closer ties between the U.S. and Libya. In an email to friends and family in July, he noted that Libyans had become more welcoming to Americans and other Westerners since Gadhafi fell, saying, "Let's hope it lasts." According to some reports, he went to the Consulate on Tuesday night, along with members of the embassy staff, to help evacuate the compound after protesters started to attack it.

We can all see how great those ties were.

Apparantly there were as many as 13 threats and or attacks at the consulate in Benghazi prior to the Attack on 11 Sept. There were repeated requests for additional security which the State Department denied.

The damed place should have been closed and our folks brought home. Benghazi should have been a non event.

The ambassador felt it was safe enough to stay overnight.
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February 13, 2013
By Bosch Faw

Since Obama and his media want to wipe the word “Benghazi” out of existence, it’s the one word they need to hear again and again and again. Obama needs to answer for what he didn’t do. Four Americans -J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods- might be alive today if he did his actual job, which is to protect Americans. Instead, he did nothing and has been engaging in a cover up ever since.

We can’t let him get away with it.

We need to make Benghazi stick to him in a way that his media can’t control. I think one way to keep the issue of his dereliction of duty alive is to make Benghazi his middle name.



What a stupid idea.

All this does is remind voters of the FOX?GOP sponsored witch hunt before the election.

Damn, do republicans never want to win elections?

That's American Jihad for you, extremists are going to be the death of the Republican party. Keyboard commandos.

Sarah Ohio G-string, every time a party takes control the people get fed up and change it, pendulum effect...
Bill Nairobi-Dar es Salaam-Tanzania Clinton launched 30 cruse missiles all over and destroying a pharmaceutical plant to divert his cigar escapades with Monica Lewinsky...:eek:

Yeah those bombings at our embassies in Africa had nothing to do with the missile strikes on Afghanistan and the Sudan. Shit if he had kill OBL your ilk would likely have been clammering like the pseudo-cons are about the killing of Awlaki.
American Military Casualties in Iraq

American Deaths since the war began (3/19/03)
- In Combat 3 532
- Total 4 488

American Wounded
- Official 33 184
Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Once "American_Jihad" dispenses with his politically motivated "crocodile tears" over the deaths of 4 Americans at Benghazi, perhaps he could spare a few for the 4 488 US citizens killed and 33 184 wounded to apprehend WMD in Iraq - a war and a sacrifice that were totally needless!

While we're at it, let's also not forget the 22 American military veterans who commit suicide every day, largely in response to serving in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars - approximately 1 death every 65 minutes!
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American Military Casualties in Iraq

American Deaths since the war began (3/19/03)
- In Combat 3 532
- Total 4 488

American Wounded
- Official 33 184

Casualties in Iraq -
Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Once "American_Jihad" dispenses with his "crocodile tears" over the 4 Americans killed at Benghazi, perhaps he could spare a few for the 4 488 US citizens killed and 33 184 wounded in a totally needless war to apprehend WMD in Iraq!

JFK/LBJ Vietnam War Statistics = Vietnam War Statistics

What EXACTLY do you think Obama is "getting away with"?

Do you believe he planned to murder the diplomates or something?

No, Obama did not plan to murder the diplomats or the Seals. What Obama did was put his political ambitions ahead of the lives of our people in Libya. The scenerio is clear to any one who puts the evidence together and connects the dots.

Obama was so afraid of what a failed rescue attempt could mean to his desire for reelection, that he did nothing to save any of the people at Benghazi. Just the possibility of a "Blackhawk Down" type failure was enough to keep him from acting.

His political future was more important to him than the lives of Americans in danger were.
Why he was in Benghazi:

He was in town for the inauguration of a cultural center that was part of his effort to build closer ties between the U.S. and Libya. In an email to friends and family in July, he noted that Libyans had become more welcoming to Americans and other Westerners since Gadhafi fell, saying, "Let's hope it lasts." According to some reports, he went to the Consulate on Tuesday night, along with members of the embassy staff, to help evacuate the compound after protesters started to attack it.

We can all see how great those ties were.

Apparantly there were as many as 13 threats and or attacks at the consulate in Benghazi prior to the Attack on 11 Sept. There were repeated requests for additional security which the State Department denied.

The damed place should have been closed and our folks brought home. Benghazi should have been a non event.

The ambassador felt it was safe enough to stay overnight.

Oh I'm sure he was worried about the threats, hence the request for additional security. But I also think he thought he would be doing a good thing to appear at the inauguration. He was after all the Ambassador and was trying to improve relations with the Libyan people.

It just didn't work out that way. He and three others got killed despite his appearance and good wishs.

The damned embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. No good deed goes unpunished. He payed for his good wishs with his life.
Who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million Americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 Americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

A MILLION American's died in Iraq? Please....prove this to me! Lol!
But you go ahead and put all the blame on Bush, as usual, even tho your dems had said for years that Saddam needed to go and they agreed on the war. Bush isn't like Obama, if Congress had told him no, it wouldn't have happened.
When Obama is told no, he just does it anyway.

Obama is responsible for more that 4 deaths.
And i suppose this is ok with you too...since it's Obama ordering this!
( got this from Huffpost so maybe you wouldn't call it a LIE) :)

The impact of America’s drone war in the likes of Pakistan and Yemen will linger on, especially for the loved ones of the 178 children killed in those countries by U.S. drone strikes.
Robert Greenwald: U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties: Video and Report
Who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million Americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 Americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

Shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

Your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If State wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no Benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If Bush were POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on Benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about Barrys State Department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

Your a fucking idiot.

No....if Bush were POTUS, this wouldn't have happened. He would have either sent the security needed or brought them home. :)
who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the red cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If state wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If bush were potus you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about barrys state department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

your a fucking idiot.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your ass in a room full of bass drums.
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What EXACTLY do you think Obama is "getting away with"?

Do you believe he planned to murder the diplomates or something?

No, Obama did not plan to murder the diplomats or the Seals. What Obama did was put his political ambitions ahead of the lives of our people in Libya. The scenerio is clear to any one who puts the evidence together and connects the dots.

Obama was so afraid of what a failed rescue attempt could mean to his desire for reelection, that he did nothing to save any of the people at Benghazi. Just the possibility of a "Blackhawk Down" type failure was enough to keep him from acting.

His political future was more important to him than the lives of Americans in danger were.

Obongo didn't want to get CARTERIZED...

What EXACTLY do you think Obama is "getting away with"?

Do you believe he planned to murder the diplomates or something?

No, Obama did not plan to murder the diplomats or the Seals. What Obama did was put his political ambitions ahead of the lives of our people in Libya. The scenerio is clear to any one who puts the evidence together and connects the dots.

Obama was so afraid of what a failed rescue attempt could mean to his desire for reelection, that he did nothing to save any of the people at Benghazi. Just the possibility of a "Blackhawk Down" type failure was enough to keep him from acting.

His political future was more important to him than the lives of Americans in danger were.

Obongo didn't want to get CARTERIZED...


Whatever he did it must have worked.
Why he was in Benghazi:

He was in town for the inauguration of a cultural center that was part of his effort to build closer ties between the U.S. and Libya. In an email to friends and family in July, he noted that Libyans had become more welcoming to Americans and other Westerners since Gadhafi fell, saying, "Let's hope it lasts." According to some reports, he went to the Consulate on Tuesday night, along with members of the embassy staff, to help evacuate the compound after protesters started to attack it.

We can all see how great those ties were.

Apparantly there were as many as 13 threats and or attacks at the consulate in Benghazi prior to the Attack on 11 Sept. There were repeated requests for additional security which the State Department denied.

The damed place should have been closed and our folks brought home. Benghazi should have been a non event.

How many threats or attacks were made at all of our other overseas missions in the same period?

Isn't it interesting you have no fucking idea?
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