Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.


"what difference does it make, my brain is damaged"

You will have to make up your mind on Obama, you know.

Let's name him Barack Fast and Furious Obama
More total BS from dupes of Pubs and their Propaganda machine....The ATF chief in charge said neither the Bush nor Obama administrations knew about any gun walking- btw a tiny # of all the guns that strawmen bought to sell in Mexico- thanks to Pub laws.

NO warning on Bengazi, no lies, no coverup- just a pile of lies from Pubs. Issa btw is a pure lying scumbag, even worse than the rest.

I see Faux Noise is making a big deal about AP misquoting Rand Paul even after they killedimmediately. Pubs NEVER retract even their most outrageous lies and character assassination. That's why it's called propaganda and an alternate universe.
Yes, WHAT difference does all the Pubcrappe about the motives of the attackers make, until they're caught and asked the question? What Hillary said- DUH

BTW, onlookers said they told them they were protesting that STUPID RW video you people can't run away from fast enough...
Yes, WHAT difference does all the Pubcrappe about the motives of the attackers make, until they're caught and asked the question? What Hillary said- DUH

BTW, onlookers said they told them they were protesting that STUPID RW video you people can't run away from fast enough...

Pranco, You watch to much msnbc and left-wing media
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Behind the Benghazi Cover-up

Patrick J. Buchanan

Thus either administration higher-ups were ignorant for more than a week of what their own agents knew, and are thus manifestly incompetent, or they colluded in a cover-up and orchestrated deception.

As the facts are revealed, the weight of evidence tilts toward the latter conclusion.

Why? Because we now know there never was any protest at the Benghazi compound — not against an anti-Muslim video or anything else.

And if there was no protest, who sent Carney out to blame the attack on the protest? And if there was no protest, who programmed Rice and put her on five separate Sunday talk shows to attribute the massacre to a protest that never happened?

If real-time intelligence and U.S. agents at the scene knew it was premeditated, preplanned terrorism by Sept. 12, who told Rice to deny specifically on Sept. 16 that the attack was premeditated or preplanned?

Indeed, why was Rice sent out at all? She is not in the chain of command. Why she accepted the assignment is obvious. She wants to be Hillary Clinton's successor as secretary of state. But who put her up to this? Who pushed her out front to mislead us?

The CIA's David Petraeus or Director of National Intelligence James Clapper should have been sent out to say what we knew, five days after the massacre.

As Chris Stevens reported to the secretary of state and President Obama, why was Hillary or National Security Adviser Tom Donilon not sent out to explain what had happened to Stevens and the others?

Looking back, Carney and Rice appear to have been used by their superiors.

Carney would never have gone out to speculate on his own about what happened in Benghazi. His line on Sept. 14 had to have been fed to him by the White House chief of staff, Donilon, Obama or all of them.


Behind the Benghazi Cover-up by Pat Buchanan on - A Syndicate Of Talent
who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the red cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If state wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If bush were potus you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about barrys state department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

your a fucking idiot.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your ass in a room full of bass drums.

Speaking of fucking idiots..

Your certainly one old fuck who fits that bill to a tee.

Hell. Your not even worth laughing about.
Ben Ghazzi and his brothers Ben Gay and Ben Dover thank you AJ.

PanteWaste watch out, uncle Ben is sneaking up behind you and it looks like he's going to stick some wild rice up yo (_o_)...:eek:
The OP sounds a bit like back in the nineties when Newt Gingrich arrogantly proclaimed that he would never again mention Bill Clinton in a speech without also mentioning Monica Lewinsky.

How'd that work out, Newt?

When you rightwing inmates have convinced normal America that Barack Obama is a bad president,

you'll be relevant. Until then,

keep yanking it.
Who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million Americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 Americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

Where do you get this 30,000 disabled crap? 30,000 were wounded. That doesn't mean they were all disabled. Most of them weren't.

Do libturds ever tell the truth about anything?

Seems to me the GOP is trying to get its shit together and present a more sane approach in general. There have been a few flubs, of course, but the party does appear to be gathering some momentum in the sanity department.

So maybe it would be a good idea for them to stop this silly bullshit and concentrate on reparing their own standing and reputation with the public. Put all this energy into convincing the electorate on your ideas rather than giving the President a new middle name, one which many folks don't give a flying fuck about.

Maybe stop trying to drag the other guys down, and try to bring yourselves up.

Seems to me most of the people who are pushing this are the same people who need to marginalized by the party.

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Benghazi Barack is out the door.. Between Benghazi and now the IRS, this corrupt Chicagoland THUG is toast!

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