Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million Americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 Americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

Shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

Your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If State wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no Benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If Bush were POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on Benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about Barrys State Department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

Your a fucking idiot.

No....if Bush were POTUS, this wouldn't have happened. He would have either sent the security needed or brought them home. :)

Really? Then how do you explain all the deaths and attacks at our overseas missions at Karachi, Tashkent, Jeddah, Damascus, Athens, Vienna, Belgrade, Istanbul, and San‘a’ while Bush was President?
Shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

Your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If State wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no Benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If Bush were POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on Benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about Barrys State Department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

Your a fucking idiot.

No....if Bush were POTUS, this wouldn't have happened. He would have either sent the security needed or brought them home. :)

Really? Then how do you explain all the deaths and attacks at our overseas missions at Karachi, Tashkent, Jeddah, Damascus, Athens, Vienna, Belgrade, Istanbul, and San‘a’ while Bush was President?

Did they ask for help before it happened? I didn't think so..................
Imbecilic Red, you need to tell him other wise your wasting yo time...

Nah, I've wasted enough time telling one of his fans. It won't work regardless.

4 more years, dumbass.


Kinda like the last 4, Progressive/Imbecile...

Get used to it! Hillary's next.
No....if Bush were POTUS, this wouldn't have happened. He would have either sent the security needed or brought them home. :)

Really? Then how do you explain all the deaths and attacks at our overseas missions at Karachi, Tashkent, Jeddah, Damascus, Athens, Vienna, Belgrade, Istanbul, and San‘a’ while Bush was President?

Did they ask for help before it happened? I didn't think so..................

How come you don't know if they did?

Who gives a fuck what you call him. Bush lied and a million Americans died and 30,000 disabled for ever. Obama get blamed for the death of 4 Americans who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens.

Hey OldBag, four in the state dept plus all the others like drone, fast n furious, Afghanistan and on & on...

McCain accuses Obama administration of 'massive' Benghazi cover-up


With information about the deaths of four Americans still forthcoming nearly half-a-year after a terrorist attack in Benghazi claimed their lives, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) is suggesting that the truth is being concealed by a “massive cover-up."
Sen. McCain, a ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and a former presidential hopeful, made his remarks during Sunday’s edition of the CBS television program Meet the Press. Sen. McCain was asked about the confirmation hearings for defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel on the show when he opened up about the September 11, 2012 incident in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens. Sen. McCain has expressed contention in confirming the Obama nominee because in part of Mr. Hagel’s lack of explanation regarding the attack. When asked by Meet the Press host David Gregory to divulge more into what exactly he wanted to know about the incident, Sen. McCain fired back with skepticism about how the attack has been handled.

“At the end of the day here on Benghazi, if the worst thing is true, what is that truth about how the president handled this crisis?” asked Gregory.

“Well I don’t know the answer to that question,” responded the senator. “I do that there are so many answers we don’t know.”


McCain accuses Obama administration of 'massive' Benghazi cover-up ? RT
Ronald Beirut Reagan


The Beirut Barracks Bombing (October 23, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon)

In the attack on the American Marines barracks, the death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured, representing the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima of World War II, the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States military since the first day of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, and the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush toured the Marine bombed-site on October 26 and said the U.S. "would not be cowed by terrorists."

There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans, besides a few shellings.

The U.S. Marines were moved offshore where they could not be targeted. On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the marines to begin withdrawing from Lebanon. Their withdrawal was completed on February 26, four months after the barracks bombing; the rest of the multinational force was withdrawn by April 1984.

In Memoriam - Beirut, Lebanon Oct. 23, 1983

Cpl. Terry W Abbott, USMC
Lance Cpl. Clemon S Alexander, USMC
Private 1st Class John R Allman, USMC
Cpl. Moses J Arnold Jr, USMC
Private 1st Class Charles K Bailey, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas Baker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johansen Banks, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard E Barrett, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 1 Ronny K Bates, USN
1st Sgt. David L Battle, USMC
Lance Cpl. James R Baynard, USMC
Hospitalman Jesse W Beamon, USN
Gunnery Sgt. Alvin Belmer, USMC
Private 1st Class Stephen Bland, USMC
Sgt. Richard L Blankenship, USMC
Lance Cpl. John W Blocker, USMC
Capt. Joseph J Boccia Jr, USMC
Cpl. Leon Bohannon Jr, USMC
Staff Sgt. John R Bohnet Jr, USMC
Cpl. John J Bonk Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey L Boulos, USMC
Cpl. David R Bousum, USMC
1st Lt. John N Boyett, USMC
Cpl. Anthony Brown, USMC
Lance Cpl. David W Brown, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bobby S Buchanan Jr, USMC
Cpl. John B Buckmaster, USMC
Private 1st Class William F Burley, USMC
Hospitalman Jimmy R Cain, USN
Cpl. Paul L Callahan, USMC
Sgt. Mecot E Camara, USMC
Private 1st Class Bradley J Campus, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnnie D Ceasar, USMC
Private 1st Class Marc L Cole, USMC
Spec. 4 Marcus A Coleman, USA
Private 1st Class Juan M Comas, USMC
Sgt. Robert A Conley, USMC
Cpl. Charles D Cook, USMC
Lance Cpl. Curtis J Cooper, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnny L Copeland, USMC
Cpl. Bert D Corcoran, USMC
Lance Cpl. David L Cosner, USMC
Sgt. Kevin P Coulman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brett A Croft, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rick R Crudale, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin P Custard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Russell E Cyzick, USMC
Maj. Andrew L Davis, USMC
Private 1st Class Sidney James Decker, USMC
Private 1st Class Michael J Devlin, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas A Dibenedetto, USMC
Pvt. Nathaniel G Dorsey, USMC
Sgt. Maj. Frederick B Douglass, USMC
Cpl. Timothy J Dunnigan, USMC
Hospitalman Bryan L Earle, USN
Master Sgt. Roy L Edwards, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 William D Elliot Jr, USN
Lance Cpl. Jesse Ellison, USMC
Private 1st Class Danny R Estes, USMC
Private 1st Class Sean F Estler, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 James E Faulk, USN
Private 1st Class Richard A Fluegel, USMC
Cpl. Steven M Forrester, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 William B Foster Jr, USN
Cpl. Michael D Fulcher, USMC
Lance Cpl. Benjamin E Fuller, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael S Fulton, USMC
Cpl. William Gaines Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Sean R Gallagher, USMC
Lance Cpl. David B Gander, USMC
Lance Cpl. George M Gangur, USMC
Staff Sgt. Leland E Gann, USMC
Lance Cpl. Randall J Garcia, USMC
Staff Sgt. Ronald J Garcia, USMC
Lance Cpl. David D Gay, USMC
Staff Sgt. Harold D Ghumm, USMC
Lance Cpl. Warner Gibbs Jr, USMC
Cpl. Timothy R Giblin, USMC
ETC Michael W Gorchinski, USN
Lance Cpl. Richard J Gordon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Harold F Gratton, USMC
Sgt. Robert B Greaser, USMC
Lance Cpl. Davin M Green, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas A Hairston, USMC
Sgt. Freddie Haltiwanger Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Virgil D Hamilton, USMC
Sgt. Gilbert Hanton, USMC
Lance Cpl. William Hart, USMC
Capt. Michael S Haskell, USMC
Private 1st Class Michael A Hastings, USMC
Capt. Paul A Hein, USMC
Lance Cpl. Douglas E Held, USMC
Private 1st Class Mark A Helms, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ferrandy D Henderson, USMC
Master Sgt. Matilde Hernandez Jr, USMC
Cpl. Stanley G Hester, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Donald W Hildreth, USMC
Staff Sgt. Richard H Holberton, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Robert S Holland, USN
Lance Cpl. Bruce A Hollingshead, USMC
Private 1st Class Melvin D Holmes, USMC
Cpl. Bruce L Howard, USMC
Lt. John R Hudson, USN
Cpl. Terry L Hudson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Lyndon J Hue, USMC
2nd Lt. Maurice E Hukill, USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward F Iacovino Jr, USMC
Private 1st Class John J Ingalls, USMC
Warrant Offficer 1 Paul G Innocenzi III, USMC
Cpl. James J Jackowski, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey W James, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nathaniel W Jenkins, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 Michael H Johnson, USN
Cpl. Edward A Johnston, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven Jones, USMC
Private 1st Class Thomas A Julian, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 Marion E Kees, USN
Sgt. Thomas C Keown, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Edward E Kimm, USMC
Lance Cpl. Walter V Kingsley, USMC
Sgt. Daniel S Kluck, USA
Lance Cpl. James C Knipple, USMC
Lance Cpl. Freas H Kreischer III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Keith J Laise, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas G Lamb, USMC
Lance Cpl. James J Langon IV, USMC
Sgt. Michael S Lariviere, USMC
Cpl. Steven B Lariviere, USMC
Master Sgt. Richard L Lemnah, USMC
Cpl. David A Lewis, USMC
Sgt. Val S Lewis, USMC
Cpl. Joseph R Livingston, USMC
Lance Cpl. Paul D Lyon Jr, USMC
Maj. John W Macroglou, USMC
Cpl. Samuel Maitland, USMC
Staff Sgt. Charlie R Martin, USMC
Private 1st Class Jack L Martin, USMC
Cpl. David S Massa, USMC
Sgt. Michael R Massman, USMC
Pvt. Joseph J Mattacchione, USMC
Lance Cpl. John Mccall, USMC
Sgt. James E McDonough, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy R McMahon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy D McNeely, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 George N McVicker II, USN
Private 1st Class Louis Melendez, USMC
Sgt. Menkins, Richard H II, USMC
Cpl. Michael D Mercer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ronald W Meurer, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Joseph P Milano, USN
Cpl. Joseph P Moore, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard A Morrow, USMC
Lance Cpl. John F Muffler, USMC
Cpl. Alex Munoz, USMC
Cpl. Harry D Myers, USMC
1st Lt. David J Nairn, USMC
Lance Cpl. Luis A Nava, USMC
Cpl. John A Olson, USMC
Private 1st Class Robert P Olson, USMC
CWO3 Richard C Ortiz, USMC
Private 1st Class Jeffrey B Owen, USMC
Cpl. Joseph A Owens, USMC
Cpl. Connie Ray Page, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ulysses Parker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Mark W Payne, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. John L Pearson, USMC
Private 1st Class Thomas S Perron, USMC
Sgt. John A Phillips Jr, USMC
Chief Hospital Corpsman George W Piercy, USN
1st Lt. Clyde W Plymel, USMC
Sgt. William H Pollard, USMC
Sgt. Rafael I Pomalestorres, USMC
Cpl. Victor M Prevatt, USMC
Private 1st Class James C Price, USMC
Staff Sgt. Patrick K Prindeville, USMC
Private 1st Class Eric A Pulliam, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Diomedes J Quirante, USN
Lance Cpl. David M Randolph, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Charles R Ray, USMC
Private 1st Class Rui A Relvas, USMC
Private 1st Class Terrence L Rich, USMC
Lance Cpl. Warren Richardson, USMC
Sgt. Juan C Rodriguez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Louis J Rotondo, USMC
Lance Cpl. Guillermo Sanpedro Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael C Sauls, USMC
1st Lt. Charles J Schnorf, USMC
Private 1st Class Scott L Schultz, USMC
Capt. Peter J Scialabba, USMC
Cpl. Gary R Scott, USMC
Cpl. Ronald L Shallo, USMC
Cpl. Thomas A Shipp, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jerryl D Shropshire, USMC
Lance Cpl. James F Silvia, USMC
Lance Cpl. Stanley J Sliwinski, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kirk H Smith, USMC
Staff Sgt. Thomas G Smith, USMC
Capt. Vincent L Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward Soares, USMC
1st Lt. William S Sommerhof, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael C Spaulding, USMC
Lance Cpl. John W Spearing, USMC
Lance Cpl. Stephen E Spencer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bill J Stelpflug, USMC
Lance Cpl. Horace R Stephens, USMC
Private 1st Class Craig S Stockton, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey G Stokes, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas D Stowe, USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric D Sturghill, USMC
Lance Cpl. Devon L Sundar, USMC
Lt. James F Surch Jr, USN
Cpl. Dennis A Thompson, USMC
Staff Sgt. Thomas P Thorstad, USMC
Private 1st Class Stephen D Tingley, USMC
Lance Cpl. John J Tishmack, USMC
Pvt. Lex D Trahan, USMC
Private 1st Class Donald H Vallone Jr, USMC
Cpl. Eric R Walker, USMC
Cpl. Leonard W Walker, USMC
Cpl. Eric G Washington, USMC
Cpl. Obrian Weekes, USMC
1st Sgt. Tandy W Wells, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven B Wentworth, USMC
Sgt. Allen D Wesley, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Lloyd D West, USMC
Staff Sgt. John R Weyl, USMC
Cpl. Burton D Wherland Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dwayne W Wigglesworth, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rodney J Williams, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Scipio Williams Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnny A Williamson, USMC
Capt. Walter E Wint Jr, USMC
Capt. William E Winter, USMC
Cpl. John E Wolfe, USMC
1st Lt. Donald E Woollett, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 David E Worley, USN
Private 1st Class Craig L Wyche, USMC
Sgt. 1st Class James G Yarber, USA
Sgt. Jeffrey D Young, USMC
1st Lt. William A Zimmerman, USMC


McCain accuses Obama administration of 'massive' Benghazi cover-up


With information about the deaths of four Americans still forthcoming nearly half-a-year after a terrorist attack in Benghazi claimed their lives, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) is suggesting that the truth is being concealed by a “massive cover-up."
Sen. McCain, a ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and a former presidential hopeful, made his remarks during Sunday’s edition of the CBS television program Meet the Press. Sen. McCain was asked about the confirmation hearings for defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel on the show when he opened up about the September 11, 2012 incident in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens. Sen. McCain has expressed contention in confirming the Obama nominee because in part of Mr. Hagel’s lack of explanation regarding the attack. When asked by Meet the Press host David Gregory to divulge more into what exactly he wanted to know about the incident, Sen. McCain fired back with skepticism about how the attack has been handled.

“At the end of the day here on Benghazi, if the worst thing is true, what is that truth about how the president handled this crisis?” asked Gregory.

“Well I don’t know the answer to that question,” responded the senator. “I do that there are so many answers we don’t know.”


McCain accuses Obama administration of 'massive' Benghazi cover-up ? RT

What is the cover-up exactly? We know Benghazi happened, right?
Ronald Beirut Reagan


The Beirut Barracks Bombing (October 23, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon)

In the attack on the American Marines barracks, the death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured, representing the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima of World War II, the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States military since the first day of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, and the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush toured the Marine bombed-site on October 26 and said the U.S. "would not be cowed by terrorists."

There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans, besides a few shellings.

The U.S. Marines were moved offshore where they could not be targeted. On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the marines to begin withdrawing from Lebanon. Their withdrawal was completed on February 26, four months after the barracks bombing; the rest of the multinational force was withdrawn by April 1984.

In Memoriam - Beirut, Lebanon Oct. 23, 1983

Cpl. Terry W Abbott, USMC
Lance Cpl. Clemon S Alexander, USMC
Private 1st Class John R Allman, USMC
Cpl. Moses J Arnold Jr, USMC
Private 1st Class Charles K Bailey, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas Baker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johansen Banks, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard E Barrett, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 1 Ronny K Bates, USN
1st Sgt. David L Battle, USMC
Lance Cpl. James R Baynard, USMC
Hospitalman Jesse W Beamon, USN
Gunnery Sgt. Alvin Belmer, USMC
Private 1st Class Stephen Bland, USMC
Sgt. Richard L Blankenship, USMC
Lance Cpl. John W Blocker, USMC
Capt. Joseph J Boccia Jr, USMC
Cpl. Leon Bohannon Jr, USMC
Staff Sgt. John R Bohnet Jr, USMC
Cpl. John J Bonk Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey L Boulos, USMC
Cpl. David R Bousum, USMC
1st Lt. John N Boyett, USMC
Cpl. Anthony Brown, USMC
Lance Cpl. David W Brown, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bobby S Buchanan Jr, USMC
Cpl. John B Buckmaster, USMC
Private 1st Class William F Burley, USMC
Hospitalman Jimmy R Cain, USN
Cpl. Paul L Callahan, USMC
Sgt. Mecot E Camara, USMC
Private 1st Class Bradley J Campus, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnnie D Ceasar, USMC
Private 1st Class Marc L Cole, USMC
Spec. 4 Marcus A Coleman, USA
Private 1st Class Juan M Comas, USMC
Sgt. Robert A Conley, USMC
Cpl. Charles D Cook, USMC
Lance Cpl. Curtis J Cooper, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnny L Copeland, USMC
Cpl. Bert D Corcoran, USMC
Lance Cpl. David L Cosner, USMC
Sgt. Kevin P Coulman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brett A Croft, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rick R Crudale, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin P Custard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Russell E Cyzick, USMC
Maj. Andrew L Davis, USMC
Private 1st Class Sidney James Decker, USMC
Private 1st Class Michael J Devlin, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas A Dibenedetto, USMC
Pvt. Nathaniel G Dorsey, USMC
Sgt. Maj. Frederick B Douglass, USMC
Cpl. Timothy J Dunnigan, USMC
Hospitalman Bryan L Earle, USN
Master Sgt. Roy L Edwards, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 William D Elliot Jr, USN
Lance Cpl. Jesse Ellison, USMC
Private 1st Class Danny R Estes, USMC
Private 1st Class Sean F Estler, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 James E Faulk, USN
Private 1st Class Richard A Fluegel, USMC
Cpl. Steven M Forrester, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 William B Foster Jr, USN
Cpl. Michael D Fulcher, USMC
Lance Cpl. Benjamin E Fuller, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael S Fulton, USMC
Cpl. William Gaines Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Sean R Gallagher, USMC
Lance Cpl. David B Gander, USMC
Lance Cpl. George M Gangur, USMC
Staff Sgt. Leland E Gann, USMC
Lance Cpl. Randall J Garcia, USMC
Staff Sgt. Ronald J Garcia, USMC
Lance Cpl. David D Gay, USMC
Staff Sgt. Harold D Ghumm, USMC
Lance Cpl. Warner Gibbs Jr, USMC
Cpl. Timothy R Giblin, USMC
ETC Michael W Gorchinski, USN
Lance Cpl. Richard J Gordon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Harold F Gratton, USMC
Sgt. Robert B Greaser, USMC
Lance Cpl. Davin M Green, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas A Hairston, USMC
Sgt. Freddie Haltiwanger Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Virgil D Hamilton, USMC
Sgt. Gilbert Hanton, USMC
Lance Cpl. William Hart, USMC
Capt. Michael S Haskell, USMC
Private 1st Class Michael A Hastings, USMC
Capt. Paul A Hein, USMC
Lance Cpl. Douglas E Held, USMC
Private 1st Class Mark A Helms, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ferrandy D Henderson, USMC
Master Sgt. Matilde Hernandez Jr, USMC
Cpl. Stanley G Hester, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Donald W Hildreth, USMC
Staff Sgt. Richard H Holberton, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Robert S Holland, USN
Lance Cpl. Bruce A Hollingshead, USMC
Private 1st Class Melvin D Holmes, USMC
Cpl. Bruce L Howard, USMC
Lt. John R Hudson, USN
Cpl. Terry L Hudson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Lyndon J Hue, USMC
2nd Lt. Maurice E Hukill, USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward F Iacovino Jr, USMC
Private 1st Class John J Ingalls, USMC
Warrant Offficer 1 Paul G Innocenzi III, USMC
Cpl. James J Jackowski, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey W James, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nathaniel W Jenkins, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 Michael H Johnson, USN
Cpl. Edward A Johnston, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven Jones, USMC
Private 1st Class Thomas A Julian, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 Marion E Kees, USN
Sgt. Thomas C Keown, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Edward E Kimm, USMC
Lance Cpl. Walter V Kingsley, USMC
Sgt. Daniel S Kluck, USA
Lance Cpl. James C Knipple, USMC
Lance Cpl. Freas H Kreischer III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Keith J Laise, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas G Lamb, USMC
Lance Cpl. James J Langon IV, USMC
Sgt. Michael S Lariviere, USMC
Cpl. Steven B Lariviere, USMC
Master Sgt. Richard L Lemnah, USMC
Cpl. David A Lewis, USMC
Sgt. Val S Lewis, USMC
Cpl. Joseph R Livingston, USMC
Lance Cpl. Paul D Lyon Jr, USMC
Maj. John W Macroglou, USMC
Cpl. Samuel Maitland, USMC
Staff Sgt. Charlie R Martin, USMC
Private 1st Class Jack L Martin, USMC
Cpl. David S Massa, USMC
Sgt. Michael R Massman, USMC
Pvt. Joseph J Mattacchione, USMC
Lance Cpl. John Mccall, USMC
Sgt. James E McDonough, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy R McMahon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy D McNeely, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 2 George N McVicker II, USN
Private 1st Class Louis Melendez, USMC
Sgt. Menkins, Richard H II, USMC
Cpl. Michael D Mercer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ronald W Meurer, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Joseph P Milano, USN
Cpl. Joseph P Moore, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard A Morrow, USMC
Lance Cpl. John F Muffler, USMC
Cpl. Alex Munoz, USMC
Cpl. Harry D Myers, USMC
1st Lt. David J Nairn, USMC
Lance Cpl. Luis A Nava, USMC
Cpl. John A Olson, USMC
Private 1st Class Robert P Olson, USMC
CWO3 Richard C Ortiz, USMC
Private 1st Class Jeffrey B Owen, USMC
Cpl. Joseph A Owens, USMC
Cpl. Connie Ray Page, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ulysses Parker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Mark W Payne, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. John L Pearson, USMC
Private 1st Class Thomas S Perron, USMC
Sgt. John A Phillips Jr, USMC
Chief Hospital Corpsman George W Piercy, USN
1st Lt. Clyde W Plymel, USMC
Sgt. William H Pollard, USMC
Sgt. Rafael I Pomalestorres, USMC
Cpl. Victor M Prevatt, USMC
Private 1st Class James C Price, USMC
Staff Sgt. Patrick K Prindeville, USMC
Private 1st Class Eric A Pulliam, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 Diomedes J Quirante, USN
Lance Cpl. David M Randolph, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Charles R Ray, USMC
Private 1st Class Rui A Relvas, USMC
Private 1st Class Terrence L Rich, USMC
Lance Cpl. Warren Richardson, USMC
Sgt. Juan C Rodriguez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Louis J Rotondo, USMC
Lance Cpl. Guillermo Sanpedro Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael C Sauls, USMC
1st Lt. Charles J Schnorf, USMC
Private 1st Class Scott L Schultz, USMC
Capt. Peter J Scialabba, USMC
Cpl. Gary R Scott, USMC
Cpl. Ronald L Shallo, USMC
Cpl. Thomas A Shipp, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jerryl D Shropshire, USMC
Lance Cpl. James F Silvia, USMC
Lance Cpl. Stanley J Sliwinski, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kirk H Smith, USMC
Staff Sgt. Thomas G Smith, USMC
Capt. Vincent L Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward Soares, USMC
1st Lt. William S Sommerhof, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael C Spaulding, USMC
Lance Cpl. John W Spearing, USMC
Lance Cpl. Stephen E Spencer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bill J Stelpflug, USMC
Lance Cpl. Horace R Stephens, USMC
Private 1st Class Craig S Stockton, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey G Stokes, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas D Stowe, USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric D Sturghill, USMC
Lance Cpl. Devon L Sundar, USMC
Lt. James F Surch Jr, USN
Cpl. Dennis A Thompson, USMC
Staff Sgt. Thomas P Thorstad, USMC
Private 1st Class Stephen D Tingley, USMC
Lance Cpl. John J Tishmack, USMC
Pvt. Lex D Trahan, USMC
Private 1st Class Donald H Vallone Jr, USMC
Cpl. Eric R Walker, USMC
Cpl. Leonard W Walker, USMC
Cpl. Eric G Washington, USMC
Cpl. Obrian Weekes, USMC
1st Sgt. Tandy W Wells, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven B Wentworth, USMC
Sgt. Allen D Wesley, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Lloyd D West, USMC
Staff Sgt. John R Weyl, USMC
Cpl. Burton D Wherland Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dwayne W Wigglesworth, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rodney J Williams, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Scipio Williams Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnny A Williamson, USMC
Capt. Walter E Wint Jr, USMC
Capt. William E Winter, USMC
Cpl. John E Wolfe, USMC
1st Lt. Donald E Woollett, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3 David E Worley, USN
Private 1st Class Craig L Wyche, USMC
Sgt. 1st Class James G Yarber, USA
Sgt. Jeffrey D Young, USMC
1st Lt. William A Zimmerman, USMC

Ain't it grand how none of these folks remember the sacrifice of these brave Americans?

And because of one of the most traitorous American President ever to sit in the oval office?
Shit happens?? Wrong place? Wrong time?

Your a fucking idiot.

The embassy had been requesting extra security. There were warnings an attack was coming. Real time warnings. Other embassies closed and even the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings.

If State wasn't going to beef up security the embassy should have been closed and our people brought home. There would have been no Benghazi if that had been done.

Those four good men would be alive today.

If Bush were POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder about his action on Benghazi. You don't give a rats ass about Barrys State Department fuck ups and the deaths of those four men. Wrong time? Wrong place

Your a fucking idiot.

No....if Bush were POTUS, this wouldn't have happened. He would have either sent the security needed or brought them home. :)

Really? Then how do you explain all the deaths and attacks at our overseas missions at Karachi, Tashkent, Jeddah, Damascus, Athens, Vienna, Belgrade, Istanbul, and San‘a’ while Bush was President?

Not to mention the death of David Foy..American Diplomat..3000 Americans during 9/11 and 4000 troops.
Tell me. Did Reagan's State Department get warnings about a bombing in Beirut??

Didn't think so.

Well Barry's State Department got plenty of warning and still didn't beef up security or better yet, close the embassy and bring our folks home. Once the attack came they did nothing to save those four men.

Barry, of course, had no problem jetting off to his Vegas Fundraiser. What a guy. Glad he ain't my CIC.

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