Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

The Leftist Zombie Corp thinks their messiah is safe to break whatever laws he chooses.. THEY'RE WRONG. This thing is just heating up..

Which laws did he break, LDS? Because only high crimes and misdemeanors can impeach a POTUS.

If that sack of shit couldn't get impeached, what makes you delusional nutjobs think that Obama will be?
The wet dreams of the USMB racist wingnut brigade aren't a good gauge of how the country as a whole feels about this. Sorry, nutjobs, but you'll have to be content with jerking each other off over this. Nobody else is paying that much attention to your smears against the POTUS responsible for ending Bush's illegal war in Iraq and killing Bin Laden.

Actually Nixon was not impeached he did the right thing, unlike what Clinton did not do and Obama will never do.

I still say that Obama committed no crime he only lied to American people for some reason. But lying to the American people is not a crime. Handled everything really poorly, yes. But to say that he willfully committed a crime, I am not sure if that is true.

With that said, does that mean we should not investigate? Hell no we look, we see and then report and let the chips fall where they may. The four dead deserve an honest investigation. But in the end it will turn out that Obama and Hillary were sleazy and incompetent in their actions but not criminal. One would think that both left and right would welcome an open an honest investigation. The left because it will prove Obama's and Hillary's innocent and the Right because they did the right thing. What is being politizied is the reason for the investigation, to that those who just say drop it should be ashamed of themselves.

That said, the beyond doubt guilt of Obama is found in the Drone program. To that he is a war criminal and should be up on charges. Why his killing of Americans is swept under the rug is anyone's guess. I am thinking Benghazi is just a distraction.
Benghazi isn't catching on as a scandal. The whole right wing effort to make it a scandal is flopping badly. Seriously, the GOP managed the failed Iraq Debacle better than their effort at trying to make the Benghazi attack a scandal.

The GOP foreign policy advantage prior to the Iraq Disaster is lost, and Benghazi ain't bringing it back. Get over it, right wing losers.
Wake up Bammy I think I got something to say to you
It's nigh September and you really should be keepin' your cool...

I know you sleep with the Jews, and I feel we're being used
Oh Bammy we couldnt have tried any more...

You lured us away from home just to save you from being alone
You stole our country and that's what really hurt....
I still say that Obama committed no crime he only lied to American people for some reason. But lying to the American people is not a crime.

Yes it is, it's called OBSTRUCTION and COVERING UP, and not only that, SOMEONE told forces to STAND DOWN. Who gave that order? Sounds like the COMMANDER AND CHIEF is the one that would give that order to me.

And now the IRS scandal. The entire political left wing is unraveling, and the leftist bubble heads here at USMB are in FULL FROTHING AT THE MOUTH damage control mode. Only trouble for them is, more and more people are waking up every day, even their own liberal lame stream media. I'd hate to have to be one of these morons here defending such a TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT like obama or clinton.

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