Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

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Obama would be better off with Benghazi as his middle name than Hussein
Benghazi Barack Hussein Obama.. Nice ring, no? The President who can't lick enuff arab azz .. I say it fits him perfectly! Two cheers for AL BARAQI!!!


February 13, 2013
By Bosch Faw

Since Obama and his media want to wipe the word “Benghazi” out of existence, it’s the one word they need to hear again and again and again. Obama needs to answer for what he didn’t do. Four Americans -J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods- might be alive today if he did his actual job, which is to protect Americans. Instead, he did nothing and has been engaging in a cover up ever since.

We can’t let him get away with it.

We need to make Benghazi stick to him in a way that his media can’t control. I think one way to keep the issue of his dereliction of duty alive is to make Benghazi his middle name.



You folks amaze me. You turned your heads while George Bush sent 4500 young Americans 10,000 miles to die unnecessarily and you can't get over four people who volunteered to be in harm's way and were paid hazardous duty pay each month they were there. You accuse Obama's staff of lying to cover things up about Benghazi and you ignore the fact that the Bush crew told 935 lies in order to convince everyone that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Next thing we know you'll be wanting to Bom Bom Bom...Bom Bom Iran.

935 Lies (and Counting): Study Documents Bush Admin?s False Statements Preceding Iraq War | Democracy Now!

Bush sent an all-volunteer team as well......well armed I might add. Perhaps State Department personnel should all be armed as well.
The way the Right has comically latched onto Benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the Monkey Trap:

monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) A cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.
the way the right has comically latched onto benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the monkey trap:

Monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) a cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.

^^^ racist
The way the Right has comically latched onto Benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the Monkey Trap:

monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) A cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.
Unless you haven't noticed, Einstein, the LEFT is "latching onto" it too.

It's only the truly die hard, brain dead, cult followers with their heads buried completely up to their shoulders up obama's ass that are left attempting to defend him against the indefensible... like yourself... hack.
The way the Right has comically latched onto Benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the Monkey Trap:

monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) A cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.
Unless you haven't noticed, Einstein, the LEFT is "latching onto" it too.

It's only the truly die hard, brain dead, cult followers with their heads buried completely up to their shoulders up obama's ass that are left attempting to defend him against the indefensible... like yourself... hack.

I said that Obama was a jackass for ever getting involved in Libya AT ALL in the first place, and that was last year or the year before or whenever the fuck it was.

My hands are clean. What about yours?
the way the right has comically latched onto benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the monkey trap:

Monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) a cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.

^^^ racist

The monkey is you, Grandma. And having seen your picture, it may be the monkey that I've offended.
the way the right has comically latched onto benghazi reminds me of the old story...

...the monkey trap:

Monkey trap (plural monkey traps)

1.(literally, probably folk-lore) a cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for a monkey's fist (clutching a banana) to come out. Used to "catch" monkeys that lack the intellect to let go of the banana and run away.

^^^ racist

The monkey is you, Grandma. And having seen your picture, it may be the monkey that I've offended.

Carbie is jealous.. Personal attack noted liberal.. nothing new.. Whenever you Zombies get caught with your dicks in Obama's bunghole it's typical behavior.. Carry on dummy.
^^^ racist

The monkey is you, Grandma. And having seen your picture, it may be the monkey that I've offended.

Carbie is jealous.. Personal attack noted liberal.. nothing new.. Whenever you Zombies get caught with your dicks in Obama's bunghole it's typical behavior.. Carry on dummy.

I guess the irony of you crying about a personal attack right after you call me a racist was a bit too,

shall we say, ironic?

...for you to notice.

Thanks for that lol.
Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama

By Dan Gainor
Published May 09, 2013

In the real world, when you cover up four murders after the fact, you likely go to jail. In government, you retire with dignity and run for president with full media support.

Up until yesterday, that was the Benghazi scenario following the death of four Americans including our ambassador to Libya.

The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated – the true marks of an open and transparent administration. And, with a few notable exceptions, the American media haven’t just let them get away it. Heck, they’ve helped.


Read more: Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama | Fox News
Pentagon does about-face on key Benghazi witness, makes Marine colonel available to talk to CongressCol. George Bristol was in charge of Special Operations Forces in Northern Africa on the night of the Benghazi, Libya terror attack

The Dept. of Defense had refused to tell Congress where to find him, claiming that he was retired and entitled to protection under privacy laws

After pressure from Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Pentagon has changed its mind - now acknowledging that Bristol is not yet retired

Questions remain about why commandos were not sent to Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, even though a team was standing by to board a plane

By David Martosko In Washington
PUBLISHED: 14:57 EST, 19 July 2013


Read more: Pentagon does about-face on key Benghazi witness, makes Marine colonel available to talk to Congress | Mail Online
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You would be.

It should be called 9-11 Clinton though. His FBI dropped the ball big time. If course your willing to ignore that and drop the blame all on Bush because, after all, he was POTUS for that eight months before 9-11.

Of course you want to forget about Benghazi even though Barry boy was POTUS for four years prior to Benghazi. The buck really does stop at his desk.

Your an Obama asslicker. Of course you dont' want to acknowledge that his State Department dropped the ball big time at Benghazi. People died. Of course that doesn't bother you one little bit. I'm sure his jetting off to his fundraiser in the middle of the attack doesn't bother you one bit either.

You Blame bush for 9-11 even though he was POTUS for eight months but just can't seem to lay the blame for Benghazi at Barrys feet. Hypocrisy much??

Benghazi obama didn't drop the ball. Benghazi went exactly as intended.
Word up, bitches... this is the very shit that is smackin' you down.

The Behghazi boogie... can ya do it?
Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

You realize that his give middle name is "Hussein", right?

For some reason I suspect that changing it to "Benghazi" isn't going to mess with his head all that much. :cool:


February 13, 2013
By Bosch Faw

Since Obama and his media want to wipe the word “Benghazi” out of existence, it’s the one word they need to hear again and again and again. Obama needs to answer for what he didn’t do. Four Americans -J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods- might be alive today if he did his actual job, which is to protect Americans. Instead, he did nothing and has been engaging in a cover up ever since.

We can’t let him get away with it.

We need to make Benghazi stick to him in a way that his media can’t control. I think one way to keep the issue of his dereliction of duty alive is to make Benghazi his middle name.



You folks amaze me. You turned your heads while George Bush sent 4500 young Americans 10,000 miles to die unnecessarily and you can't get over four people who volunteered to be in harm's way and were paid hazardous duty pay each month they were there. You accuse Obama's staff of lying to cover things up about Benghazi and you ignore the fact that the Bush crew told 935 lies in order to convince everyone that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Next thing we know you'll be wanting to Bom Bom Bom...Bom Bom Iran.

935 Lies (and Counting): Study Documents Bush Admin?s False Statements Preceding Iraq War | Democracy Now!

You left out the fact that under Barry the KIA rate has tripled in Afghanistan since he took over because of Barry's insane R.O.E.'s. The KIA rate is almost equal to that of Iraq in less than half the time. But that's okay cause he's going to tuck tail and retreat in 2014. Little by little Obama's foreign policy in the M.E. will create the Muslim Caliphate the Muslim Brotherhood is pining for. Thank Barry for that.

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