Barack Obama Caught Committing Treason


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
BOOM: Look What Barack Obama Gave Hillary During Election - This Is TREASON!

. BHO IS a traitor to the US. We are not saying he should be arrested because he's black at all. It's because he is a subversive criminal with no ethics at all. He has profited by his criminal activity and he will eventually pay for his crimes both against our country and his abuse of mankind.

Obama has created racism, religious hate, and Anarchy all over the world. Only the ignorant believe he was a positive influence.he was not a legal American citizen to be our president he is a fraud and needs to be sent back to Kenya an exile of America.

It was clear to me during his campaign, this man was and still is a radical Muslim, but with a fake smiley face, that could never be a friend of these United States

FACT: Obama is a traitor to America and should hang for his crimes against the American people!
I wonder what else he has been doing during all those long 8 years except for commuting treasure after treasure after treasure...
He already committed treason with the Bergdahl mess: releasing the 5 top-ranking Al-Qaida leaders and giving them 5 BILLION dollars for the life of ONE treasonous American deserter who just HAPPENED to be a fellow muslim! Every aspect of the Obama regime was an exercise in America-scorning treason and you're JUST NOW noticing it?
as usual the OP cant get over his obsession over Obama the fact he NEVER talks about all the treasonous acts all the other presidents since Reagan have commited against americans.:rolleyes:
Why do people not know the Constitution?
Article III, Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Nothing mentioned in this thread constitutes treason.

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