Barack Obama Gaslighting

Tell us Jack, just what describes the LEFT-HAND side of the aisle these days? Care to try to offer any words on that?

Do you think there is still a Democrat/Liberal party?

And what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Again, it is the RIGHT wing that is trying to destroy this county in favor of fealty to a strongman who makes you feel safe.
I don't see anyone on the LEFT wing trying to end our democracy. :)
Again, it is the RIGHT wing that is trying to destroy this county in favor of fealty to a strongman who makes you feel safe.
I don't see anyone on the LEFT wing trying to end our democracy. :)
We will bury Obama and family in the sand on the beach to their heads. And let the global climate change waters in front of one of his 50-million-dollar beachfront houses drown him and them in high tide.
“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough sewage, you just have to raise enough questions spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, the mainstream media and political institutions, in each other, in the possibilities of truth, the game’s won.” – Barack Obama at Stanford Cyber Policy Center, August 2022
It's no coincidence that what he is describing, something Trump is a master at and has fomented since he came down the escalator, is also Putin's goal. That is, to erode the pillars on which democracy stands.
Only about 30% of the GOP are ardent Trump fans. Just maybe there's a problem.
Not a problem for me, I am not a Republican, neither are you, you vote Democrat. If you really believe that Trump is a loser and the GOP can't win, why do you even care? I'd be thrilled that the opposition is weakened.
Not a problem for me, I am not a Republican, neither are you, you vote Democrat. If you really believe that Trump is a loser and the GOP can't win, why do you even care? I'd be thrilled that the opposition is weakened.

I had hoped to vote Republican again, but not Trump. IMO he's a menace.
I had hoped to vote Republican again, but not Trump. IMO he's a menace.
I wished I could vote for a Democrat or a Republican but the clowns on both sides put up crap candidates. Seriously, who the hell would vote for Hillary, Trump, Biden, Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry or Gore? I did vote Bush to 2nd term and we saw how that turned out.

We need quality candidates yet our political system doesn't exactly invite the best to run.
Again, it is the RIGHT wing that is trying to destroy this county
HOW Jack? How is adhering to the Founding principles that made this country and kept it the strongest and best in the world for 250 years going to "destroy" this country?

I don't see anyone on the LEFT wing trying to end our democracy.
Then you better get your head out of the shitter. What did Obumma say? That he wanted to fundamentally CHANGE America? When you CHANGE something, it is no longer what it used to be, you END it. Just tell me what Biden is doing which is preserving our democracy?

I swear Jack, you say insanely stupid bullshit just to eat my heart out.
HOW Jack? How is adhering to the Founding principles that made this country and kept it the strongest and best in the world for 250 years going to "destroy" this country?

Then you better get your head out of the shitter. What did Obumma say? That he wanted to fundamentally CHANGE America? When you CHANGE something, it is no longer what it used to be, you END it. Just tell me what Biden is doing which is preserving our democracy?

I swear Jack, you say insanely stupid bullshit just to eat my heart out.
January 6th. Stolen Election. No evidence. Nuff said.

Obama got elected and people like you lost their fucking minds (not that you must have had much of one to begin with).
It's the right wing that's doing it.

Own it.
Again, it is the RIGHT wing that is trying to destroy this county in favor of fealty to a strongman who makes you feel safe.
I don't see anyone on the LEFT wing trying to end our democracy. :)

Dang you couldn't be more wrong. So many Pubs so little time eh?
January 6th. Stolen Election. No evidence. Nuff said.
You mean NOTHING said. Total deflection from the question asked as usual for you. Just more bloviating out of your ass.

Obama got elected and people like you lost their fucking minds
Really? Were you there Jack to witness it?

It's the right wing that's doing it. Own it.
Shove it up your fat ass, douchebag. I own nothing you idiots are doing wrecking the United States. NOTHING the left is doing has a thing to do with "democracy."

I asked you for factual, reasoned dialog and as usual, I got back nothing but radical, dangerous, leftwing propaganda. Does Soros pay you well to be an idiot seditionist, Jack?
You mean NOTHING said. Total deflection from the question asked as usual for you. Just more bloviating out of your ass.

Really? Were you there Jack to witness it?

Shove it up your fat ass, douchebag. I own nothing you idiots are doing wrecking the United States. NOTHING the left is doing has a thing to do with "democracy."

I asked you for factual, reasoned dialog and as usual, I got back nothing but radical, dangerous, leftwing propaganda. Does Soros pay you well to be an idiot seditionist, Jack?
You just don't like the fact that it is your side doing all the damage. I just have no respect for you because you won't stand up and take ownership of it.
You've decided to be cancers. So I won't cry when you get treated like them. :) Your boy lost the election. And he's about to cost you the next two as well.
All you can do is bitch. You want nothing to do with any dialog that doesn't back your fascist, alt-right beliefs.

#sand. :)
You just don't like the fact that it is your side doing all the damage.
FUCK YOU Jack. You can't defend a single claim you ever make then when pinned down to defend any claim you make, you just fall back on more baseless garbage. Funny how "our side" is doing all this "damage" when it is YOUR side in control of everything right now doing all of the rioting, doxxing, swatting, protesting, threatening, oppression, and egregious damage to our military, economy, media and education.

I just have no respect for you because you won't stand up and take ownership of it.
So you only have respect for those who agree with your rubbish. Spoken like a true fascist.

You've decided to be cancers. So I won't cry when you get treated like them.
That's right Jack, we are the cancer yet all the disease in this country rests with the actions of the radical far left.

Your boy lost the election.
Still waiting for the proof that it was the most upstanding election ever when just the state of PA alone had over 120,000 more ballots counted in 2020 than they do registered voters! Any theories on that Jack?

All you can do is bitch. You want nothing to do with any dialog that doesn't back your fascist, alt-right beliefs.
FUCK YOU, Jack. You do nothing but bitch and threaten, then even when offered a chance to support your claims, you still fall back on your standard BULLSHIT. I actually gave you a chance to prove your claims for once and you won't even try because everything you say is a fucking baseless LIE.

See ya in November, Jack!
FUCK YOU Jack. You can't defend a single claim you ever make then when pinned down to defend any claim you make, you just fall back on more baseless garbage. Funny how "our side" is doing all this "damage" when it is YOUR side in control of everything right now doing all of the rioting, doxxing, swatting, protesting, threatening, oppression, and egregious damage to our military, economy, media and education.

So you only have respect for those who agree with your rubbish. Spoken like a true fascist.

That's right Jack, we are the cancer yet all the disease in this country rests with the actions of the radical far left.

Still waiting for the proof that it was the most upstanding election ever when just the state of PA alone had over 120,000 more ballots counted in 2020 than they do registered voters! Any theories on that Jack?

FUCK YOU, Jack. You do nothing but bitch and threaten, then even when offered a chance to support your claims, you still fall back on your standard BULLSHIT. I actually gave you a chance to prove your claims for once and you won't even try because everything you say is a fucking baseless LIE.

See ya in November, Jack!
LOL. Still dealing reverses, eh? Sorry sad sack, it doesn't work that way. You've been given every opportunity to back your claims up with actual FACTS but you fall back to the same BS every time. THERE..WAS..NO..WIDESPREAD..FRAUD!! Period. All of your BS conspiracy theories have been debunked. Move on.

You've failed to get under my skin with your personal insults so now you're resorting to yelling and browbeating. How very Trump of you. :auiqs.jpg:

I wouldn't wish for November too much. Tide is turning slowly but surely.
But I'm sure if Republicans piss away their "red wave", you'll have your FRAUD!! excuses all lined up. :)
LOL. Still dealing reverses, eh? Sorry sad sack, it doesn't work that way.
Whatever the hell that gibberish means.

You've been given every opportunity to back your claims up with actual FACTS but you fall back to the same BS every time.
Not back to this old tired crap again. You keep saying that and I keep proving you wrong, meantime, that has nothing to do with me asking you to supply proof of your earlier statements!

Then prove it! You must have some proof to be so sure of yourself. Out with it! I'm waiting, Jack. :th_waiting:

All of your BS conspiracy theories have been debunked. Move on.
Sorry, asshole, go fuck yourself with a saguaro cactus. I'm not moving anywhere until you back up your claims.

You've failed to get under my skin
I didn't know that lizards had skin.

I wouldn't wish for November too much. Tide is turning slowly but surely.
Funny, just the other day, someone pointed out a survey here recently done over a 5-year trend which calls you a fucking liar. People in this country have HAD IT with your psycho bullshit. You idiots have run this great country into the dirt. The very fact that you lie then dance around backing them up with ANY supporting proof makes clear you are a demented Chinese-paid seditionist infecting this country worse than any virus ever could. The really sad thing Jack is that you probably don't even realize how wrong you are and actually think you are somehow on the side of right and good.


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