Barack Obama Gaslighting

Whatever the hell that gibberish means.

Not back to this old tired crap again. You keep saying that and I keep proving you wrong, meantime, that has nothing to do with me asking you to supply proof of your earlier statements!

Then prove it! You must have some proof to be so sure of yourself. Out with it! I'm waiting, Jack. :th_waiting:

Sorry, asshole, go fuck yourself with a saguaro cactus. I'm not moving anywhere until you back up your claims.

I didn't know that lizards had skin.

Funny, just the other day, someone pointed out a survey here recently done over a 5-year trend which calls you a fucking liar. People in this country have HAD IT with your psycho bullshit. You idiots have run this great country into the dirt. The very fact that you lie then dance around backing them up with ANY supporting proof makes clear you are a demented Chinese-paid seditionist infecting this country worse than any virus ever could. The really sad thing Jack is that you probably don't even realize how wrong you are and actually think you are somehow on the side of right and good.

If you don't have anything useful or productive to type, don't bother responding and taking up board storage space.

Not up to me to prove anything. You're the one making the accusations, chucklenutz. :)
So be a man, present your evidence...or sit down and shut up.

I for one, will be glad to see the time of the right wing in this country come to an end.
You idiots have lost your minds.
If you don't have anything useful or productive to type, don't bother responding and taking up board storage space.

Jack, unless you are willing to have an actual discussion of FACTS, and able to produce any evidence in support of your rash claims, just STFU while you are ahead.

Everyone here gets it that you are nothing but a talking head bullshitter for the Extreme Radical Left working for Soros and China.
LMAO go ahead list his career milestones before mooching off taxpayers...there are none. They guy was a loser in a suit. :auiqs.jpg:

Better than than the Trump history of bankruptcy, incompetence, and criminal behaviour. 7 bankrupcies and counting. I used to wonder why he never learned anything from these bankrupcies, and why they kept happening, but having watching his Presidency for 4 years, it's easy to see how it happened. What I don't understand is why anyone still did business with him.

Then there were two charges for federal racial discrimination, fraud trials, and more lawsuits than anyone in American history.

He sure doesn't seem like a "winner" to me. LOSER. Bigtime!!! And his record as President is worse, because a lot of people died who didn't have to, and shouldn't have.
Jack, unless you are willing to have an actual discussion of FACTS, and able to produce any evidence in support of your rash claims, just STFU while you are ahead.

Everyone here gets it that you are nothing but a talking head bullshitter for the Extreme Radical Left working for Soros and China.
You are the one that needs to present facts. You are making the allegations. What about that do you NOT get?
So stop being a complete candy ass and state your case. With each of your juvenile responses, you look more and more like a whiny cuck. :)
They know they can't excuse the criminality and incompetence, so they settle for ad hominem attacks.
Kill the messenger when you don't like the message. That's the Leftist way.
Always recognize it and point it out to the scumbags, aka Democrats.
The team trump ^^^^^^^ game plan.
You are the one that needs to present facts.
Facts to you Jack are like presenting a tricorder to a Zulu. YOU are the one who made claims you cannot defend.

You are making the allegations. What about that do you NOT get?
Jack, I think we need to submit you for a lobotomy. This all started because I simply asked you to give us any evidence or proof of the allegations you just made!

So stop being a complete candy ass and state your case.
My case is that you are a complete gaslighting idiot. You prove it every day, just as you keep deflecting now from my original simple question asking you to tell us your reasons for thinking what you claimed, but you simply CANNOT.

With each of your juvenile responses, you look more and more like a whiny cuck.
Sorry Jack, there you go deflecting again trying to accuse others of what you yourself do. Answer the questions or STFU. Simple as that.
I wished I could vote for a Democrat or a Republican but the clowns on both sides put up crap candidates. Seriously, who the hell would vote for Hillary, Trump, Biden, Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry or Gore? I did vote Bush to 2nd term and we saw how that turned out.

We need quality candidates yet our political system doesn't exactly invite the best to run.

How difficult it must be for you to be so perfect and better than anyone and everyone else.
YOU should run for president with your perfect ways. How could you lose?
When you don't vote for a Republican, however imperfect, you get more socialism, more illegals, more crime, more welfare, more criminals on the streets, let out of jail early or not put in at all, higher taxes, higher inflation.
The politician's dirt may be unpleasant to us, but what he does in office is what really matters. Trump delivered. So does Desantis.
How difficult it must be for you to be so perfect and better than anyone and everyone else.
YOU should run for president with your perfect ways. How could you lose?
When you don't vote for a Republican, however imperfect, you get more socialism, more illegals, more crime, more welfare, more criminals on the streets, let out of jail early or not put in at all, higher taxes, higher inflation.
The politician's dirt may be unpleasant to us, but what he does in office is what really matters. Trump delivered. So does Desantis.
Then run a better candidate, and I'll vote for them, I know how about you nominate a real fiscal conservative.
Your statement is ignorant, and a deflection. What's the matter can't list any Obama career accomplishments prior to becoming a taxpayer mooch? :itsok:

In the 90's, he was a civil rights attorney.
We will bury Obama and family in the sand on the beach to their heads. And let the global climate change waters in front of one of his 50-million-dollar beachfront houses drown him and them in high tide.

My God, you reek of class envy and failure.
“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough sewage, you just have to raise enough questions spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, the mainstream media and political institutions, in each other, in the possibilities of truth, the game’s won.” – Barack Obama at Stanford Cyber Policy Center, August 2022

Gaslighting 101

He accuses others of doing this when he and his cronies have been doing it for years.

Russia files validated by 51 high-ranking FBI and CIA agents, reprinted by the mainstream media endlessly.

Hunter Biden’s criminality overlooked by mainstream media.

Hunter Biden’s laptop, linking his father, then vice president, to bribery, discredited by mainstream media.

Hillary Clinton’s bleaching and deleting of incriminating evidence on her computer discredited by mainstream media.

It goes back to New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty lionizing the USSR:
"I've seen the future and it works!" For his heinous lies, he got the Pulitzer Prize which was never rescinded after his lies were proven. Same for the Pulitzer Prize New York Times received for the Russian Conspiracy Lie.
Never rescinded.

"If you want to know the future, it's the government boot in your face, forever." - George Orwell

“You better fix this effing shit because if that bastard wins we’ll all hang from nooses.” – Hillary Clinton to Donna Brazile
How Irony cannot work in this political climate.
Where in 2008 you had Joe Biden actin' just like Elmer Fudd.
With his trusty shotgun and some rascally rabbit.
Tellin Obama ... the recent Nominee { Sept.2008 }
" I guarantee ya' Barack Obama ain't takin' my shotgun,so
don't but that malarkey. " We're back to square one or merely
Squaresville on Steroids.
Your statement is ignorant, and a deflection. What's the matter can't list any Obama career accomplishments prior to becoming a taxpayer mooch? :itsok:

Head of the Harvard Law Review when he was a student there.

He ran a community organization Chicago, Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.And he taught Constitutional Law at Chicago University, before being elected to the Senate.

A much better record in the community than losing $1 billion of his father's money in failed business deals, filing more than 3000 law suits, and going bankrupt 7 times before becoming President.
Obama is a stand up guy. The right stuff... and I didn't vote for him the first time.
Why the 2nd time around.I bet you had no clue that in 2012
with an entire Summer of Suppression { Mitt Romney suppressing the
Black vote } repeated ad nauseam on MSNBC where Facebook actually
was a player for the Democrats.Facebook helped Obama win.
As did the AP { Associated Press }.
I got banned at Political Forums in august of 2020 for explaining
in depth how Facebook managed to help Obama Win in 2012.
I never cursed but was banned with no specifics.That is how the
left operates.It's blatently known now.Thanks in no small measure
to Tucker Carlson and his 8 PM primetime hour.
Carlson just had on Andrew Tate with a full throated
analysis of how the Left goes about the Banning process.
I wished I could vote for a Democrat or a Republican but the clowns on both sides put up crap candidates. Seriously, who the hell would vote for Hillary, Trump, Biden, Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry or Gore? I did vote Bush to 2nd term and we saw how that turned out.

We need quality candidates yet our political system doesn't exactly invite the best to run.

You want clowns. They're the only people the right is voting for these days. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, Bush 41, Biden, Obama, or McCain, and you wouldn't have had one million dead of covid and a crashed economy if HIllary had been elected.
Head of the Harvard Law Review when he was a student there.

He ran a community organization Chicago, Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.And he taught Constitutional Law at Chicago University, before being elected to the Senate.

A much better record in the community than losing $1 billion of his father's money in failed business deals, filing more than 3000 law suits, and going bankrupt 7 times before becoming President.
Yeah right.Obama even admitted he was too busy when asked how come
not a single Harvard Law Review was written by him.Not one.He was
too busy Editing others law reviews.Supposedly there was an Obama
law review but it got suppressed.I can't remember what the thrust of it was.
Michelle Obama explained when Obama decided to run for President in
2007 that he was Actually a Community Activist not a Community Organizer.
Obama helped train ACORN members in chicago with legal expertise
in order to Protest Big banks.Obama worked with Bill Ayers at both
Annenberg Challenge and also The Woods Fund.
The Obama's got their start in Chicago Politics at Bill Ayers
and Bernardine Dohrns Brownstone Living room.A month before
Andrew Breitbart fell over dead he explained at CPAC what a marvellous
cook the two were { Ayers and Dohrn }.Having won some raffle for a
dinner at the Ayers.
Ayers and Dohrn are extremely committed in making sure they
get their hands { more like minds } on our kids at the earliest age
possible.I believe age 3 is not out of the question with them 2.
As we are starting to learn more each week.
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And looked like a girly man working out...and as. POTUS . What a queen

You sound both jealous and bitter. I have a friend who moves in political circles in Washington, and she got invited to the Obama White House for events a few times when he was in office. She said he's is very charismatic and sexy in person, and she wasn't prepared for that.

Not everyone like a fat old man who thinks he can "grab em by the pussy" whenever he feels like it.

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