Barack Obama votes "Present" on the AIG bailout

When the going gets tough, the tough go to $28,000/plate dinners with fawning movie stars and other drug-addled retards.
It's so nice to know that he has a plan and seems to know what he's doing.
Aside from that, what a pathetic dweeb. Sort of like his cult of followers. I'm sure that once he figures out exactly what's going on he'll make some definitish sorts of moves, and sort of commit himself to a partial plan of action.
It's the story of his political career. He NEVER takes a stance until the public makes a uninamous decision.

i wish he voted against it, but isnt it the job of politicians to follow public opinion? thats why we vote isnt it?
Thankfully he says he was there to create the Stimulus Package that--

No, wait, he didn't actually do that; it's just an election lie--er, uhm--stunt. In fact he wasn't even present to vote "present".
When the going gets tough, the tough go to $28,000/plate dinners with fawning movie stars and other drug-addled retards.

fyi, mccain charged $50,000 a plate for his campaign dinner in late july....


BOTH are just shameful imo!
The wording of a non-vote is irrelevant.. it's a non-vote

Another great example of this person running for an executive office position (the most important one) who has a habit of not wanting to make a decision
there was no vote in the senate on the AIG Bailout, not that i could find, so what is this crap about?
First, there is no "present" vote in Congress so that's bullshit right there..... it's yes, no or NV....I don't even see where there was a vote on this issue...the last vote took place on 9/17/08 and both Obama AND McCain were counted as NV....

Second, I'd rather he take no position at all than do what McCain did which is first come out against it then realize how stupid that looks and then support it.

and third, what the fuck is wizbang? the sites you people use are jokes.

all the back slapping self-congratulations are pathetic.
and people wonder why the Republicans are called stupid :lol:

did you know, if you're educated you're much more likely to vote for Obama? now that shouldn't be surprising to anyone who posts on this message board and sees the dumbfuck cons in action.
this from folling the link above to the politico blog link

“Considering the fact that John McCain flatly opposed the bailout of AIG a day before he changed course and supported it, we’re not sure why on earth the McCain campaign wants to have a debate about economic indecision. Barack Obama does not second guess the Fed’s decision to take unprecedented action to prevent the failure of one of the largest insurance companies in the world from creating an even larger crisis, and he believes it must protect families who count on insurance."

THERE WAS NO VOTE in the senate....

if there had been one and obama passed on it, then he would have been a coward, i agree....

but this whole thread is just a falsehood MADE UP, by the mccain camp, it appears.....

my oh my, isn't politics forever fun!!!! i've seen some doozies from both sides of the aisle! :(
and people wonder why the Republicans are called stupid :lol:

did you know, if you're educated you're much more likely to vote for Obama? now that shouldn't be surprising to anyone who posts on this message board and sees the dumbfuck cons in action.

They are stupid. And what do you bet every last one of them on this thread believes that a vote was held on this issue. They'll go to their graves thinking Obama did this because of what they read on this message board.

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