Barack Obama's Legacy

Obama will be able to fit his 'legacy' into a fucking shoe box.
Are you kidding me? It will take a semi to fit his legacy of corruption, waste, and abuse...
You're right!
I ought to have used: "legacy of positive things Obama accomplished for the betterment of America". LOL
The fucker almost destroyed the country. Hillary would have been Obama's third term.
There really is a GOD watching over the country.
Daniel Hannan was a supporter of Barack Obama when he ran for president in 2008. Eight years later, the British member of the European Parliament sees Obama’s presidency as a failure.

“He approached the economy like he approached everything else: He wanted to spend more. And he, therefore, exacerbated the problem instead of soothing it,”

The world’s security and prosperity depends more than anyone likes to admit on the strength of the English-speaking democracies, and we’ve had a very strong alliance for 120 years at least, which has only been neglected twice.

Once was over Suez … and the other was, of course, during the last eight years, when a number of traditional American allies—Israel, Poland, Britain, and the newer ally of India—all felt neglected and overlooked, and yet the new friends after whom the Obama administration chased have not reciprocated.

British Politician: Obama’s 8 Years Were 'Wasted Opportunity'
I think he has done a great job on stopping nulear weapons myself.
I will agree with that. His hands are tied for the most part but he's done what he can do prevent nuclear proliferation...

Seriously? Have you been paying attention to what the Russians have been saying? They were threatening to abandon the nuclear weapons treaty.
1. ACA / Obamacare Disaster: Lewd the effort to ram a minority-supported piece of Socialist agenda into law against the majority opposition of Americans; based on horrific lies, one which earned him 'Lie of the Year'; Federal Govt forced Americans to purchase a product from a 3rd party under punishment of a 'tax' for non-compliance; TOTAL COLLAPSE before he leaves / left office.

2. Allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned Wars to help them take over their own countries.

3. Most Lawless Administration in US History: Refused to enforce existing law, refused to comply with court orders, found in Contempt of Court twice, violated both Constitution and Law, protected Criminal Cabinet Members / Dems from Prosecution (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, John Koskinen), 70% Criminal non-compliance with the FOIA, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, etc...

4.LIAR / LEAST Transparent Administration Evuh: Sealed all of his permanent records; 70% Non-Compliance with the FOIA, Lied about the ACA, Lied about 'Zika' when he stole $500 Million in tax dollars and gave it to the UN instead; lied about knowing about Hillary's e-mail server, etc...

5. Syrian Red Line Disaster: Barry bluffed Assad, declared a 'Red Line', backed down when his bluff was called, tried to blame the 'WORLD', became obsessed with redemption which led to his allying himself with ISIS, resulting in 2 UN-Sanctioned wars to HELP terrorists who killed scores of innocent people, terrorists that include Al Qaeida who killed over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01

6. Aiding, abetting, facilitating the illegal 'invasion': Open borders, refusing to enforce law, protecting human traffickers, engaging in human trafficking, protecting Sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegals back into the populace, making illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority in THIS country than Americans

7. Aiding and abetting our enemies: Armed Mexican Drug Cartels that murdered over 500 people, to include 4 Americans. Armed / aided The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS. MOCKED Americans and their concern for our national security and their safety...right before a terrorist his administration had failed to vette properly and had given a visa to murdered 12 Americans in a terrorist attack; refused to air on the side of caution to protect Americans by refusing to even slow down his rushed process of bringing thousands of 'refugees' to America despite his security advisors telling him they had been infiltrated by ISIS; sending out his Atty General after a terrorist attack in the US on Americans to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right of free speech

8. Despot: By-Passing Congress again and again after declaring to them if they did not give him what he wanted in a timely manner he would go around them, if he communicated with them at all; Making law with czars (EPA and other agencies MADE law), refusing to enforce laws, making his own treaties and by-passing Congress to get them ratified at the UN before allowing congress to see it; stealing $500 million and giving it to the UN; Modifying the ACA by exempting companies; Paying a ransom to Iran for US hostages, dragging the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned, UN-Authorized wars

9. His hatred for the American People / Attacking-Targeting them: Spied on Congress/reporters/the American people; lied to the American people; used the IRS to target citizens he called his 'political enemies'; met with the organizer of violent attacks and acts against American citizens who supported the opposing party to help Hillary Clinton's campaign, stirred up racial animosity in this country (as his teacher Saul Alynski taught him), mocked American citizens at home and abroad; went on US apology tours

10. Added nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years - added more debt than every other President before him; responsible for the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade; his 1st economic bill (the failed Stimulus Bill) cost nearly $1 trillion, contained over 7,000 pieced of DNC-ONLY pork, and ended up costing over $774,000 PER JOB he CLAIMED to have created / saved. (Some companies revealed Barry claimed to have saved more jobs at their company than they had employees)

Truly Impressive.

All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .

The Gubmint shut down during Reagan's term and there were no credit downgrades.
All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .

Actually, Timmy, the bank warned Obama - after he began his massive debt addition - that he needed to accept more budget cuts to prove he was serious about reducing the debt or it would downgrade our credit rating.

Obama refused, the Democrats pushed another $1+ trillion deficit budget through (he averaged a $1.3 trillion deficit budget his 1st 4 years), & the bank kept it's word by downgrading the credit rating.

You are equally wrong on the other information, as well.
1. ACA / Obamacare Disaster: Lewd the effort to ram a minority-supported piece of Socialist agenda into law against the majority opposition of Americans; based on horrific lies, one which earned him 'Lie of the Year'; Federal Govt forced Americans to purchase a product from a 3rd party under punishment of a 'tax' for non-compliance; TOTAL COLLAPSE before he leaves / left office.

2. Allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned Wars to help them take over their own countries.

3. Most Lawless Administration in US History: Refused to enforce existing law, refused to comply with court orders, found in Contempt of Court twice, violated both Constitution and Law, protected Criminal Cabinet Members / Dems from Prosecution (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, John Koskinen), 70% Criminal non-compliance with the FOIA, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, etc...

4.LIAR / LEAST Transparent Administration Evuh: Sealed all of his permanent records; 70% Non-Compliance with the FOIA, Lied about the ACA, Lied about 'Zika' when he stole $500 Million in tax dollars and gave it to the UN instead; lied about knowing about Hillary's e-mail server, etc...

5. Syrian Red Line Disaster: Barry bluffed Assad, declared a 'Red Line', backed down when his bluff was called, tried to blame the 'WORLD', became obsessed with redemption which led to his allying himself with ISIS, resulting in 2 UN-Sanctioned wars to HELP terrorists who killed scores of innocent people, terrorists that include Al Qaeida who killed over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01

6. Aiding, abetting, facilitating the illegal 'invasion': Open borders, refusing to enforce law, protecting human traffickers, engaging in human trafficking, protecting Sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegals back into the populace, making illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority in THIS country than Americans

7. Aiding and abetting our enemies: Armed Mexican Drug Cartels that murdered over 500 people, to include 4 Americans. Armed / aided The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS. MOCKED Americans and their concern for our national security and their safety...right before a terrorist his administration had failed to vette properly and had given a visa to murdered 12 Americans in a terrorist attack; refused to air on the side of caution to protect Americans by refusing to even slow down his rushed process of bringing thousands of 'refugees' to America despite his security advisors telling him they had been infiltrated by ISIS; sending out his Atty General after a terrorist attack in the US on Americans to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right of free speech

8. Despot: By-Passing Congress again and again after declaring to them if they did not give him what he wanted in a timely manner he would go around them, if he communicated with them at all; Making law with czars (EPA and other agencies MADE law), refusing to enforce laws, making his own treaties and by-passing Congress to get them ratified at the UN before allowing congress to see it; stealing $500 million and giving it to the UN; Modifying the ACA by exempting companies; Paying a ransom to Iran for US hostages, dragging the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned, UN-Authorized wars

9. His hatred for the American People / Attacking-Targeting them: Spied on Congress/reporters/the American people; lied to the American people; used the IRS to target citizens he called his 'political enemies'; met with the organizer of violent attacks and acts against American citizens who supported the opposing party to help Hillary Clinton's campaign, stirred up racial animosity in this country (as his teacher Saul Alynski taught him), mocked American citizens at home and abroad; went on US apology tours

10. Added nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years - added more debt than every other President before him; responsible for the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade; his 1st economic bill (the failed Stimulus Bill) cost nearly $1 trillion, contained over 7,000 pieced of DNC-ONLY pork, and ended up costing over $774,000 PER JOB he CLAIMED to have created / saved. (Some companies revealed Barry claimed to have saved more jobs at their company than they had employees)

Truly Impressive.

All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .

The Gubmint shut down during Reagan's term and there were no credit downgrades.
The Left likes to condemn Reagan for the debt he piled up, while simultaneously claiming Obama had to double the national debt, because of the shit left by W.

It is nonsense as usual.
I think he has done a great job on stopping nulear weapons myself.
I will agree with that. His hands are tied for the most part but he's done what he can do prevent nuclear proliferation...

Seriously? Have you been paying attention to what the Russians have been saying? They were threatening to abandon the nuclear weapons treaty.
Yeah - but early on in his presidency he did hold a summit and did everything in his power to get nations to protect their nuclear arsenal and to do their part to prevent nuclear arms from being sold on the black market. That was one thing that I did respect him for early on.

As far as the Russians, they've been provoking him because they see weakness. Once Trump is in, talk of backing out of the treaty will end. But if it doesn't, so be it. We attained "Mutually Assured Destruction" decades ago. It's irrelevant what any nation state does with their nuclear arsenal at this point. Our only concern is terrorists getting their hands on one. Hence the summit that Obama held early on in his presidency.
1. ACA / Obamacare Disaster: Lewd the effort to ram a minority-supported piece of Socialist agenda into law against the majority opposition of Americans; based on horrific lies, one which earned him 'Lie of the Year'; Federal Govt forced Americans to purchase a product from a 3rd party under punishment of a 'tax' for non-compliance; TOTAL COLLAPSE before he leaves / left office.

2. Allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned Wars to help them take over their own countries.

3. Most Lawless Administration in US History: Refused to enforce existing law, refused to comply with court orders, found in Contempt of Court twice, violated both Constitution and Law, protected Criminal Cabinet Members / Dems from Prosecution (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, John Koskinen), 70% Criminal non-compliance with the FOIA, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, etc...

4.LIAR / LEAST Transparent Administration Evuh: Sealed all of his permanent records; 70% Non-Compliance with the FOIA, Lied about the ACA, Lied about 'Zika' when he stole $500 Million in tax dollars and gave it to the UN instead; lied about knowing about Hillary's e-mail server, etc...

5. Syrian Red Line Disaster: Barry bluffed Assad, declared a 'Red Line', backed down when his bluff was called, tried to blame the 'WORLD', became obsessed with redemption which led to his allying himself with ISIS, resulting in 2 UN-Sanctioned wars to HELP terrorists who killed scores of innocent people, terrorists that include Al Qaeida who killed over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01

6. Aiding, abetting, facilitating the illegal 'invasion': Open borders, refusing to enforce law, protecting human traffickers, engaging in human trafficking, protecting Sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegals back into the populace, making illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority in THIS country than Americans

7. Aiding and abetting our enemies: Armed Mexican Drug Cartels that murdered over 500 people, to include 4 Americans. Armed / aided The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS. MOCKED Americans and their concern for our national security and their safety...right before a terrorist his administration had failed to vette properly and had given a visa to murdered 12 Americans in a terrorist attack; refused to air on the side of caution to protect Americans by refusing to even slow down his rushed process of bringing thousands of 'refugees' to America despite his security advisors telling him they had been infiltrated by ISIS; sending out his Atty General after a terrorist attack in the US on Americans to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right of free speech

8. Despot: By-Passing Congress again and again after declaring to them if they did not give him what he wanted in a timely manner he would go around them, if he communicated with them at all; Making law with czars (EPA and other agencies MADE law), refusing to enforce laws, making his own treaties and by-passing Congress to get them ratified at the UN before allowing congress to see it; stealing $500 million and giving it to the UN; Modifying the ACA by exempting companies; Paying a ransom to Iran for US hostages, dragging the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned, UN-Authorized wars

9. His hatred for the American People / Attacking-Targeting them: Spied on Congress/reporters/the American people; lied to the American people; used the IRS to target citizens he called his 'political enemies'; met with the organizer of violent attacks and acts against American citizens who supported the opposing party to help Hillary Clinton's campaign, stirred up racial animosity in this country (as his teacher Saul Alynski taught him), mocked American citizens at home and abroad; went on US apology tours

10. Added nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years - added more debt than every other President before him; responsible for the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade; his 1st economic bill (the failed Stimulus Bill) cost nearly $1 trillion, contained over 7,000 pieced of DNC-ONLY pork, and ended up costing over $774,000 PER JOB he CLAIMED to have created / saved. (Some companies revealed Barry claimed to have saved more jobs at their company than they had employees)

Truly Impressive.

All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .

The Gubmint shut down during Reagan's term and there were no credit downgrades.
The Left likes to condemn Reagan for the debt he piled up, while simultaneously claiming Obama had to double the national debt, because of the shit left by W.

It is nonsense as usual.
And Obama added 5x's the national debt with absolutely nothing to show for it. Reagan rebuilt our military - restoring it to the elite superpower that it was. Obama cut our military, our infrastructure is the same as when he took office, and he raised taxes (while Reagan cut taxes). So where did all of that money go? To all of Obama's failed pals like Solyndra.

OBL GM is dead
GM ISIS is alive
The market is up a mess
Unemployment is down Record number of people on food stamps
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in the ME Spilling more blood than ever and destabilized the entire region (Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.)
Gas is around 2 bucks a gallon. When it was $1.49 when he took office
Thank you Mr. President.
I know how easily you get confused candycorn so I made the proper edits for you above. In addition, you left out some key points which I have added below for you. No need to thank me - I'm always here for you.
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record national debt
  • The only president in U.S. history to not see at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth (and that includes one term presidents like Jimmy Carter)

You know he did a good job when conservatives have to make up obscure stats in order to bash him. Can't come up with traditional indicators can you ?
You call the national debt and the number of people on food stamps "obscure stats"? :lmao:

He invented the debt ?
No he mastered raising it.
1. ACA / Obamacare Disaster: Lewd the effort to ram a minority-supported piece of Socialist agenda into law against the majority opposition of Americans; based on horrific lies, one which earned him 'Lie of the Year'; Federal Govt forced Americans to purchase a product from a 3rd party under punishment of a 'tax' for non-compliance; TOTAL COLLAPSE before he leaves / left office.

2. Allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS - financed, supplied, armed, protected, trained, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned Wars to help them take over their own countries.

3. Most Lawless Administration in US History: Refused to enforce existing law, refused to comply with court orders, found in Contempt of Court twice, violated both Constitution and Law, protected Criminal Cabinet Members / Dems from Prosecution (Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, John Koskinen), 70% Criminal non-compliance with the FOIA, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, etc...

4.LIAR / LEAST Transparent Administration Evuh: Sealed all of his permanent records; 70% Non-Compliance with the FOIA, Lied about the ACA, Lied about 'Zika' when he stole $500 Million in tax dollars and gave it to the UN instead; lied about knowing about Hillary's e-mail server, etc...

5. Syrian Red Line Disaster: Barry bluffed Assad, declared a 'Red Line', backed down when his bluff was called, tried to blame the 'WORLD', became obsessed with redemption which led to his allying himself with ISIS, resulting in 2 UN-Sanctioned wars to HELP terrorists who killed scores of innocent people, terrorists that include Al Qaeida who killed over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01

6. Aiding, abetting, facilitating the illegal 'invasion': Open borders, refusing to enforce law, protecting human traffickers, engaging in human trafficking, protecting Sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegals back into the populace, making illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority in THIS country than Americans

7. Aiding and abetting our enemies: Armed Mexican Drug Cartels that murdered over 500 people, to include 4 Americans. Armed / aided The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS. MOCKED Americans and their concern for our national security and their safety...right before a terrorist his administration had failed to vette properly and had given a visa to murdered 12 Americans in a terrorist attack; refused to air on the side of caution to protect Americans by refusing to even slow down his rushed process of bringing thousands of 'refugees' to America despite his security advisors telling him they had been infiltrated by ISIS; sending out his Atty General after a terrorist attack in the US on Americans to threaten Americans for exercising their Constitutional Right of free speech

8. Despot: By-Passing Congress again and again after declaring to them if they did not give him what he wanted in a timely manner he would go around them, if he communicated with them at all; Making law with czars (EPA and other agencies MADE law), refusing to enforce laws, making his own treaties and by-passing Congress to get them ratified at the UN before allowing congress to see it; stealing $500 million and giving it to the UN; Modifying the ACA by exempting companies; Paying a ransom to Iran for US hostages, dragging the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned, UN-Authorized wars

9. His hatred for the American People / Attacking-Targeting them: Spied on Congress/reporters/the American people; lied to the American people; used the IRS to target citizens he called his 'political enemies'; met with the organizer of violent attacks and acts against American citizens who supported the opposing party to help Hillary Clinton's campaign, stirred up racial animosity in this country (as his teacher Saul Alynski taught him), mocked American citizens at home and abroad; went on US apology tours

10. Added nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years - added more debt than every other President before him; responsible for the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade; his 1st economic bill (the failed Stimulus Bill) cost nearly $1 trillion, contained over 7,000 pieced of DNC-ONLY pork, and ended up costing over $774,000 PER JOB he CLAIMED to have created / saved. (Some companies revealed Barry claimed to have saved more jobs at their company than they had employees)

Truly Impressive.

All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .
April 9,2011 both parties reach an agreement to avoid a government shutdown. Lol, you need to get out of the basement more.
All that shit is right wing whack job opinions and mistruths .

For example, you blame him for credit downgrade when that was specifically caused by right wing congressmen who shut down the government .
More lies from progressive nitwits. The downgrade in credit rating occurred on
August 5, 2011. The government shutdown occurred October 1, 2013 Timmy.

Any other lies you'd like to tell?
April 9,2011 both parties reach an agreement to avoid a government shutdown. Lol, you need to get out of the basement more.
Yes, the Liberals 'extorted' the GOP with the threat of a government shutdown, and the gutless GOP gave in, fearing another round of being blamed by the DNC for being the reason.

The GOP failed so miserably time and again regarding threats of shutdown.

1. A government shutdown is no big deal - we are about to have one in 11's called Christmas, a federal holiday.
- During a government shutdown EVERY agency needed to run and protect the government stays operational.
- NO ONE loses money during a shutdown - they still all get paid.

2. Obama tried to unnecessarily inflict pain on the American people during the last shutdown.
Barak Obama and liberals went out of their way to make government shut-downs as painful as possible on American citizens while blaming the GOP for the shutdowns so they could manufacture more hate for the GOP. During the last shutdown, which was under Obama, exposed WH memos showed Barry encouraging agencies to 'make the shutdown as painful as possible'. He and his administration were even busted trying to shut down historic sites that the government did not own. THIS all should have been exposed a lot more and shove like a stake into Barry and the DNC's eye! (Of course the GOP did not control the all-in media.)
-- Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised
-- The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain - Breitbart
The blood is all over the hands of the great divider. Barack Obama is a pathological ideologue. Daddy taught him that white people were "evil", that America was the "great imperialist", and that marxism was "pure" and "fair". Every single time there was an incident in this nation, Obama immediately blamed the police and sided with the criminal.

If Trump had half a spine (and rest assured - he doesn't) he would bring Obama up on charges for all of the deaths and carnage. And yes, inciting violence is a law on the books for you progressive nitwits who support and defend Obama at all costs.

The president famed for drawing red lines.

And then pissing himself so copiously that the lines washed away.

Yeah, that IS a legacy of sorts.......
The 45th President of the United States - A real President - A working President.

View attachment 103692
I hope that's true. I got so freaking tired of watching Obama golf and take his family to Hawaii and Europe (all on the tax payer's dollar). We need a president is ready to work instead of a con-artist looking to milk the position for world travel like Obama did.
The Arrogant in Chief

Sorry Barack - nobody buys into your "vision" of lowering the standard of living to that of Venezuela, spreading islam, punishing success, and embracing equality in poverty for everyone but you and your pals.

Obama: I could have won third term

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