Barack Obama's Legacy

Barack Obama is a small man hell bent on a scorched earth policy against the U.S.
  • The bottom line I surmised from it all? Outgoing President Barack Hussein Obama is an angry man who is now on a scorched earth campaign. There are several anecdotal instances that lend to that assertion and conclusion.
  • The second indication that Obama wants to scorch our nation before departing was the offshore oil drilling ban and more regulations against the coal industry. Now of course, these are executive actions taken so they can be reversed, but Obama’s flying monkeys are doing everything they can, burning the midnight oil, searching for legal means by which it can tie up the Trump administration.
  • What manner of person is this who vacations off in Hawaii and still directs his minions and acolytes to impart as much damage as possible? When the Trump administration states they’re going to reboot our oil, natural gas, and coal industries in order to restore that sector and reclaim good American energy jobs lost, one would think the outgoing administration would assist — nah, not ol’ Barry Soetoro.
  • His angst is immense and he’s determined not to enable a smooth transition, but seek to salvage the far left progressive socialist agenda that was repudiated. It’s funny that the person who was so quick to tell us about how he won, and that elections have consequences, refuses to grasp the consequences of his own doing.
  • Lastly, what a cowardly move by Obama, and his designated henchperson, Samantha Power, at the United Nations, to abstain from the vote on the anti-Israel resolution in the UN Security Council. This comes after the Trump transition team worked with Egypt to have the resolution withdrawn. That only stymied the efforts of Obama for a short while, as they found someone else, non-permanent members, to reintroduce the resolution…and then Obama sent word to abstain from the vote.
  • A single US no vote would have ended this resolution. And let’s have the honest conversation here. First of all, these are not “settlements,” they’re neighborhoods being built in the land of the rightful owners, the Jewish people of Israel. What an incredible double cross — but then again, what would you expect from the same Barack Obama who dispatched campaign operatives to Israel to undermine the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Funny, you don’t hear the left complaining about Obama’s interference into a foreign nation’s election. And once again, Obama lost, so not only does he have a scorched earth policy for America, but also Israel.
Barack Obama's Scorched Earth Policy
Obama's legacy is turning the economy around and being a decent president. Because anti-government assholes don't like him doesn't change this reality.
Obama's legacy is turning the economy around and being a decent president. Because anti-government assholes don't like him doesn't change this reality.
The facts say otherwise. You might want to start at the beginning of the thread and actually read all of the information in the articles.
Obama's legacy is turning the economy around and being a decent president. Because anti-government assholes don't like him doesn't change this reality.
The facts say otherwise. You might want to start at the beginning of the thread and actually read all of the information in the articles.

That would mean liberals were well informed! :lol:
Once Trump is done, there will be nothing of Barry's doing left.


Once Trump is done, there will be nothing of Barry's doing left.


That's what idiot Obama gets for violating the U.S. Constitution. Anything created with an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum can be eliminated by the next president with an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum.

I kid you not, if I were Trump - just to save time - I would create one Executive Order which states "any previous Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum signed by Barack Obama is immediately null and void".

It would also be priceless to obliterate Obama's entire agenda and the legacy his ego is so worried about with a single stroke of a pen in 4 seconds. Then I would hold a press conference about it daily for the next year just to grind Obama's stupid nose in it educate Dumbocrats on the price of violating the U.S. Constitution.
Barack Obama's legacy is brutal. History will view him as the most inept and unqualified president ever - surpassing Jimmy Carter.

In various ways, over and over, he simply said: “We’re all in this together.” That and $2 will get you a bus ticket in Chicago.
  • We’re all in this together doesn’t destroy pernicious Globalist trade treaties or create jobs for people who are willing and ready to go to work and support their families.
  • We’re all in this together doesn’t eliminate gangs, killings, drugs, and highly dangerous neighborhoods.
  • We’re all in this together doesn’t start a national program of urban farms in inner cities, and suddenly give people the opportunity to grow their own fresh clean food, eat it, and make money by selling the excess.
  • We’re all in this together doesn’t help create a culture in which fathers deserting their families is a cardinal offense.
  • We’re all in this together does pour a pleasant syrup of “deep concern” on the heads of people who, above all, want to appear virtuous. These are the people who can be led to believe in an imitation of actual solutions and action.
“Blacks have seen their median income stagnate, along with the rest of the population…Median income [for blacks] stood at $35,398 in 2014, just a touch below where it was in 2009, when Obama took office. But it has climbed back from [a low of] $33,926 in 2011…The Great Recession sent many Americans into poverty, but blacks were hit particularly hard. The [poverty] rate for blacks hit 27.6% in 2011, nearly 2 percentage points higher than what it was when Obama was sworn in. It has since receded to 26.2%.”

Obama’s farewell: soap opera for liberals and minority pawns
Give the devil his due - Obama achieved everything he set out to do. Among which, destroy race relations in the U.S.

Give the devil his due - Obama achieved everything he set out to do. Among which, destroy faith and the 1st Amendment in the U.S.


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