Barack Soetoro: "Let Detroit Go Broke!"


Jun 1, 2013
Yep, the same thing Mittens yelled at the Motor City and was chastised and defeated mostly because of it. Romney was a Detroit boy, George Romney's boy, the Governor's boy, the American Motors president's boy. And yet, he said that. And now so has the clown who verbally shanked him repeatedly for it: :doubt:

White House spokesman Jay Carney was asked by a reporter for the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call at the daily press briefing if Obama planned on doing anything to save Detroit from a possible bankruptcy filing. The president in 2009 helped finance the bankruptcy filings of Detroit-area automakers General Motors and Chrysler.

“I know that the president is aware of the situation in Detroit and that administration officials have been in contact with leaders in Detroit, but I am not aware of any plans or proposals that the president has, but we’re certainly aware of the circumstances,” Carney said.


The state of Michigan appointed an emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, to run the city, which has as much as $20 billion in debt. Last month, the city stopped making payments on some unsecured debts, including pension obligations. Orr is trying to convince some creditors to accept as little as 10 cents on the dollar in an effort to avoid what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.

From The Detroit News: White House not offering Detroit help to avoid bankruptcy | The Detroit News
[ame=]Take Him To Detroit - YouTube[/ame]
Are you saying the Federal Government should bail Detroit out?

Can anyone give me a good reason why the federal government should do such a thing especially when it is no more solvent than Detroit?

The city will survive one way or another. The idea that we should provide "stimulus", yes I mention that joke again, money to "save" it seems ludicrous to me.

I can't think of one.

But it is interesting when politics is to be played, a-la Hurricane Sandy, to see Boiking come riding in on his white charger, with his stash in hand, to supposedly save the day.
LOL, do any one of you think that Obama gives a damn about his bruthas in Detroit or the Muslim filth that inhabit it? LOL, no.

I care way more about Detroit that that maggot does.
Kwame threw cocaine parties at the Manoogian (mayor's residence), where they beat up strippers, extorted contractors, kickbacks from every city employee he hired....tried to fight the court officers that served him his arrest warrant....did a bit in state prison, now looking at 20 years in federal lockup... Kwame, he's our guy: :lol:

[ame=]Animated-Party At The Manoogian-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick - YouTube[/ame]
I honestly can't think of any black mayor of any major city that isn't corrupt. If someone has a list they could provide me then I might feel better about this ridiculous country for a few days.
what? I thought Detroit was a city that was a utopia run by liberals-Democrats-Progressives..

fine job they did and you people want them to run our country...

that is what's scary
what? I thought Detroit was a city that was a utopia run by liberals-Democrats-Progressives..

fine job they did and you people want them to run our country...

that is what's scary

"you people"? You got a screw loose, girlie. :cuckoo:
I honestly can't think of any black mayor of any major city that isn't corrupt. If someone has a list they could provide me then I might feel better about this ridiculous country for a few days.

It is impossible for me not to be racist against these fucking morons. You can't want a first world civilized nation and not. :(
Are you saying the Federal Government should bail Detroit out?

Can anyone give me a good reason why the federal government should do such a thing especially when it is no more solvent than Detroit?

The city will survive one way or another. The idea that we should provide "stimulus", yes I mention that joke again, money to "save" it seems ludicrous to me.


Sure, what the hell, it's all play money at this point anyway....nobody is serious about "paying down the debt" so what's another $3B for Detroit? That's not even a very expensive weapons em off for winning WW2 by building the "arsenal for democracy" hometown. Plenty of dough out the suburbs, new baseball and football stadiums, soon a new hockey stadium....Tigers sent 6 guys to the All Star game this week....draw over 3M fans a year.....Greektown is hopping, more gentrifed downtown pockets of white folks, Motown will be back.....use the $3B to bulldoze the buildings the Black Panthers burned 46 years ago.....Hussein OWES Detroit. :doubt:
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what? I thought Detroit was a city that was a utopia run by liberals-Democrats-Progressives..

fine job they did and you people want them to run our country...

that is what's scary

"you people"? You got a screw loose, girlie. :cuckoo:

is that all you have to gripe about? nothing about the topic of the thread?
I mean, REALLY?

It's MY thread....I can talk about anything I called me stupid or something my first day here....Not sure you know where you are at the moment....feel free to scroll on past my most excellent work in the future. :finger3:
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I honestly can't think of any black mayor of any major city that isn't corrupt. If someone has a list they could provide me then I might feel better about this ridiculous country for a few days.

It is impossible for me not to be racist against these fucking morons. You can't want a first world civilized nation and not. :(

I'm trying to hold back. I don't want to be a racist. But when you see the same pattern over again it leads to a dark place. You start to believe them inferior and I've been down that road and I don't intend to go down it again. I do not believe they're inferior. I think their culture is inferior as well as their language and attitude but people are people. Plenty of scum out there who are smarter but equally as vile as some black crack dealer but with opposite skin color.

America made these people dysfunctional.
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"you people"? You got a screw loose, girlie. :cuckoo:

is that all you have to gripe about? nothing about the topic of the thread?
I mean, REALLY?

It's MY thread....I can talk about anything I called me stupid or something my first day here....Not sure you know where you are at the moment....feel free to scroll on past my most excellent work in the future. :finger3:

awww, would it hwelp your fweelings if I said I was, swoory?
so what if it's your thread doesn't mean you need to troll it, does it?

now kindly look at the kitty kitty..

Are you saying the Federal Government should bail Detroit out?

Can anyone give me a good reason why the federal government should do such a thing especially when it is no more solvent than Detroit?

The city will survive one way or another. The idea that we should provide "stimulus", yes I mention that joke again, money to "save" it seems ludicrous to me.


Sure, what the hell, it's all play money at this point anyway....nobody is serious about "paying down the debt" so what's another $3B for Detroit? That's not even a very expensive weapons em off for winning WW2 by building the "arsenal for democracy" hometown. Plenty of dough out the suburbs, new baseball and football stadiums, soon a new hockey stadium....Tigers sent 6 guys to the All Star game this week....draw over 3M fans a year.....Greektown is hopping, more gentrifed downtown pockets of white folks, Motown will be back.....use the $3B to bulldoze the buildings the Black Panthers burned 46 years ago.....Hussein OWES Detroit. :doubt:

Like I said, "why?"


I honestly can't think of any black mayor of any major city that isn't corrupt. If someone has a list they could provide me then I might feel better about this ridiculous country for a few days.

It is impossible for me not to be racist against these fucking morons. You can't want a first world civilized nation and not. :(

It's tough dude, but you need to look at it historically. I don't mean blame whitey, but these people are used shamelessly by the left and have been conditioned to feel entitled and hate. The Jews in Hollywood don't help with their silly Django moves and other trash.
is that all you have to gripe about? nothing about the topic of the thread?
I mean, REALLY?

It's MY thread....I can talk about anything I called me stupid or something my first day here....Not sure you know where you are at the moment....feel free to scroll on past my most excellent work in the future. :finger3:

awww, would it hwelp your fweelings if I said I was, swoory?
so what if it's your thread doesn't mean you need to troll it, does it?

now kindly look at the kitty kitty]

Ah I get're a DRUNK. :booze:

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