Barackalypse Now: The story of one man’s destruction of the American Dream

Wow what GROUNDBREAKING INSIGHT!! If you don't agree with Obama then you're a RACIST!!! Oh, do you realize what you've done? You've broken this whole thing WIDE OPEN!! It's not safe for you here. Travel only at night dressed as a cactus. What REALLY then would they have said about Obama if he was a black female transgendered lesbian who spoke Spanish???!!!!

I will attempt an explanation, but for your kind and others of your ilk, all you'll hear is "la la la la la".

You can disagree with a person's policies without making them out to be a "monster" or "unAmerican". Now, Bush's policies were designed to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. He tricked America into a war. But he's still American. He simply has a perspective where there is a deserving upper class.
Same with Mitt Romney.
But right wingers call Obama a thug and a drug addict and Muslim. Even a full quarter of the Republican Party believes he is the anti-Christ. This is race based. Nothing to do with his policies.

And the policies, that he's Hitler and wants to be a dictator. Huh? Where does that even come from?

Mitt Romney did say he wouldn't represent 47% of Americans. He said it. He meant it.

If you disagree with Obama's policies, fine, but the policies right wingers assign to Obama are so far out there and ridiculous, it's clear they are imaginary and the product of racist fucks. They don't know Obama's policies and don't want to know.

What percentage of Republicans believe it was Romney who took out Bin Laden? That kind of clues you in.

I'll give you credit... you put a lot of time, thought, and effort into stupid.

Your mind trolls along a pitiful one-dimentional plane.

And an intelligent person with a different perspective would begin with, "I disagree. The right wing doesn't.........".

Apparently, you either agree or you aren't intelligent, or both.
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I will attempt an explanation, but for your kind and others of your ilk, all you'll hear is "la la la la la".

You can disagree with a person's policies without making them out to be a "monster" or "unAmerican". Now, Bush's policies were designed to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. He tricked America into a war. But he's still American. He simply has a perspective where there is a deserving upper class.
Same with Mitt Romney.
But right wingers call Obama a thug and a drug addict and Muslim. Even a full quarter of the Republican Party believes he is the anti-Christ. This is race based. Nothing to do with his policies.

And the policies, that he's Hitler and wants to be a dictator. Huh? Where does that even come from?

Mitt Romney did say he wouldn't represent 47% of Americans. He said it. He meant it.

If you disagree with Obama's policies, fine, but the policies right wingers assign to Obama are so far out there and ridiculous, it's clear they are imaginary and the product of racist fucks. They don't know Obama's policies and don't want to know.

What percentage of Republicans believe it was Romney who took out Bin Laden? That kind of clues you in.

I'll give you credit... you put a lot of time, thought, and effort into stupid.

Your mind trolls along a pitiful one-dimentional plane.

And an intelligent person with a different perspective would begin with, "I disagree. The right wing doesn't.........".

Apparently, you either agree or you aren't intelligent, or both.

Projected revenues are at an ALL TIME HIGH for 2013 too.

Too bad everyone else is getting hosed

Too bad? The GOP leadership is giving out "High Fives". Believe it.

Of course they are! These are their future employers once they leave the public tit. And their new bosses will take even BETTER care of them then.

Eventually, these corporations will realize corporations actually do better when the population is educated and Democrats are in power.
Too bad? The GOP leadership is giving out "High Fives". Believe it.

Of course they are! These are their future employers once they leave the public tit. And their new bosses will take even BETTER care of them then.

Eventually, these corporations will realize corporations actually do better when the population is educated and Democrats are in power.

Corporations only require a few people to be educated - the rest can be mindless zombies, and it's probably better if they are. Democrats do things to corporations that Republicans don't - like regulate evironmental concerns, protect the public from corporate shortcuts, stimulate competition, and raise taxes... all sorts of things that are bad for the corporate environment.

Although, I will grant that today's Democrats are becoming more Republican in the way they operate... maybe in a few more years, corporations can get a Democrat they really like.

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