Barak Hussein Breaks Up Alliances And Coddles Enemies

Earth to idiot in previous post, earth to idiot in previous post.

Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's the nation's capital.

Obama made zero demands in the PA.

In fact, he destroyed the peace process, because the PA now is free to make outrageous demands that Israel can't and won't meet.

It's all boils down that Obama's mentor is Rev. Wright.

Tell me what it feels like to be anti American, to constantly lie about your president. To do the work of al Qaeda. I really want to know. When you see the actual truth, doesn't it give you pause before you start lying again. And it's so strange. In their Churches, Christians pretend to stress telling the truth, then they get on message boards and tell dreadful and dishonest lies. What does that feel like to be a disgrace. Do Republicans raise their children to be anti American?

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu
Survey conducted by J-Street reveals popularity for US President remains high at 59%, while support for Israeli prime minister drops to 44%
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 03.27.10, 19:34 / Israel News

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama continues to be popular among American Jews – in fact 15% more popular than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a poll conducted by Israeli lobby J-Street, which is affiliated with the Left and competes with the Right-leaning veteran lobby group AIPAC.

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that, according to a new poll examining Israeli attitudes toward President Obama, “a sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country [Israel] is friendly and fair.” The poll found that 51 percent of Israelis say Obama is “fair”, and 18 percent say he’s “friendly.”

Think Progress Poll: Majority of Israelis find Obama ‘fair’ or ‘friendly.’

rdean, your post goes to prove that my policy of ignoring the perpetually foolish may need revision.


I wouldn't ever have believed it but you, sir, are correct.
Earth to idiot in previous post, earth to idiot in previous post.

Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's the nation's capital.

Obama made zero demands in the PA.

In fact, he destroyed the peace process, because the PA now is free to make outrageous demands that Israel can't and won't meet.

It's all boils down that Obama's mentor is Rev. Wright.

Tell me what it feels like to be anti American, to constantly lie about your president. To do the work of al Qaeda. I really want to know. When you see the actual truth, doesn't it give you pause before you start lying again. And it's so strange. In their Churches, Christians pretend to stress telling the truth, then they get on message boards and tell dreadful and dishonest lies. What does that feel like to be a disgrace. Do Republicans raise their children to be anti American?

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu
Survey conducted by J-Street reveals popularity for US President remains high at 59%, while support for Israeli prime minister drops to 44%
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 03.27.10, 19:34 / Israel News

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama continues to be popular among American Jews – in fact 15% more popular than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a poll conducted by Israeli lobby J-Street, which is affiliated with the Left and competes with the Right-leaning veteran lobby group AIPAC.

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that, according to a new poll examining Israeli attitudes toward President Obama, “a sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country [Israel] is friendly and fair.” The poll found that 51 percent of Israelis say Obama is “fair”, and 18 percent say he’s “friendly.”

Think Progress Poll: Majority of Israelis find Obama ‘fair’ or ‘friendly.’

Great post, very interesting date, not something I would expected.

To guatama, you're correct, let's look at his actions not deeds. The approval of the largest aid package ever given to Israel? Obama. Approval of F-35 sale to Israel? Obama. Approval of C-130js and other defensive systems (in particular advances SAM systems if I recall correctly, could be wrong on this specific though)? Obama.

Follow your own advice by paying attention to DEEDS not words. It's unfortunate obama hasn't actually toned down REAL support for israel, and has only rhetorically done so. Israel is not our staunch ally in the middle east, they wouldn't be actively making decisions that endanger OUR national security.

never thought I would see the day when the republican party would advocate foreign safety over domestic safety. Now I know Obama must be making them crazy.
Earth to idiot in previous post, earth to idiot in previous post.

Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's the nation's capital.

Obama made zero demands in the PA.

In fact, he destroyed the peace process, because the PA now is free to make outrageous demands that Israel can't and won't meet.

It's all boils down that Obama's mentor is Rev. Wright.

Tell me what it feels like to be anti American, to constantly lie about your president. To do the work of al Qaeda. I really want to know. When you see the actual truth, doesn't it give you pause before you start lying again. And it's so strange. In their Churches, Christians pretend to stress telling the truth, then they get on message boards and tell dreadful and dishonest lies. What does that feel like to be a disgrace. Do Republicans raise their children to be anti American?

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu
Survey conducted by J-Street reveals popularity for US President remains high at 59%, while support for Israeli prime minister drops to 44%
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 03.27.10, 19:34 / Israel News

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama continues to be popular among American Jews – in fact 15% more popular than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a poll conducted by Israeli lobby J-Street, which is affiliated with the Left and competes with the Right-leaning veteran lobby group AIPAC.

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that, according to a new poll examining Israeli attitudes toward President Obama, “a sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country [Israel] is friendly and fair.” The poll found that 51 percent of Israelis say Obama is “fair”, and 18 percent say he’s “friendly.”

Think Progress Poll: Majority of Israelis find Obama ‘fair’ or ‘friendly.’

rdean, your post goes to prove that my policy of ignoring the perpetually foolish may need revision.


I wouldn't ever have believed it but you, sir, are correct.

So, who are the "perpetually foolish"? The Jews for liking the American President when right wing Americans say they shouldn't? You would suspect they would know better what is going on in their own country. But not according to the American right wing. From the rhetoric, you would think the right wing has something against Obama beyond policy. If they can't find a reason to hate him, they just make one up. I've seen the tactic before. Against gays, against feminists. No one is better at hate and smear than Republicans.

Obama - racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Keynan, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ". Obama - all things to the Republicans.
Tell me what it feels like to be anti American, to constantly lie about your president. To do the work of al Qaeda. I really want to know. When you see the actual truth, doesn't it give you pause before you start lying again. And it's so strange. In their Churches, Christians pretend to stress telling the truth, then they get on message boards and tell dreadful and dishonest lies. What does that feel like to be a disgrace. Do Republicans raise their children to be anti American?

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu
Survey conducted by J-Street reveals popularity for US President remains high at 59%, while support for Israeli prime minister drops to 44%
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 03.27.10, 19:34 / Israel News

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama continues to be popular among American Jews – in fact 15% more popular than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a poll conducted by Israeli lobby J-Street, which is affiliated with the Left and competes with the Right-leaning veteran lobby group AIPAC.

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that, according to a new poll examining Israeli attitudes toward President Obama, “a sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country [Israel] is friendly and fair.” The poll found that 51 percent of Israelis say Obama is “fair”, and 18 percent say he’s “friendly.”

Think Progress Poll: Majority of Israelis find Obama ‘fair’ or ‘friendly.’

rdean, your post goes to prove that my policy of ignoring the perpetually foolish may need revision.


I wouldn't ever have believed it but you, sir, are correct.

So, who are the "perpetually foolish"? .... No one is better at hate and smear than Republicans.

You had to ask.....


Just accept the compliment and go back to eating your green jello, m'k?
rdean, your post goes to prove that my policy of ignoring the perpetually foolish may need revision.


I wouldn't ever have believed it but you, sir, are correct.

So, who are the "perpetually foolish"? .... No one is better at hate and smear than Republicans.

You had to ask.....


Just accept the compliment and go back to eating your green jello, m'k?

I know how unfriendly you guys are to facts. It's OK. In fact, based on right wing past actions, it's expected.
See a pattern here ?


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Earth to idiot in previous post, earth to idiot in previous post.

Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's the nation's capital.

Obama made zero demands in the PA.

In fact, he destroyed the peace process, because the PA now is free to make outrageous demands that Israel can't and won't meet.

It's all boils down that Obama's mentor is Rev. Wright.

Tell me what it feels like to be anti American, to constantly lie about your president. To do the work of al Qaeda. I really want to know. When you see the actual truth, doesn't it give you pause before you start lying again. And it's so strange. In their Churches, Christians pretend to stress telling the truth, then they get on message boards and tell dreadful and dishonest lies. What does that feel like to be a disgrace. Do Republicans raise their children to be anti American?

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu
Survey conducted by J-Street reveals popularity for US President remains high at 59%, while support for Israeli prime minister drops to 44%
Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 03.27.10, 19:34 / Israel News

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama continues to be popular among American Jews – in fact 15% more popular than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a poll conducted by Israeli lobby J-Street, which is affiliated with the Left and competes with the Right-leaning veteran lobby group AIPAC.

Poll: US Jews prefer Obama to Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that, according to a new poll examining Israeli attitudes toward President Obama, “a sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country [Israel] is friendly and fair.” The poll found that 51 percent of Israelis say Obama is “fair”, and 18 percent say he’s “friendly.”

Think Progress Poll: Majority of Israelis find Obama ‘fair’ or ‘friendly.’

That's because your "poll" came before Obama's hatred of Israel crusade.

My parents are currently visiting Israel on vacation, Barak Hussein is hated there.

So far Obama has been soft on Iran, Kerry declared that "Syria is committed to peace":cuckoo:, Obama demands nothing from the PA but is their advocate.

The only country in the middle east the Obama administration has "taken on" is the only ally of the US, and the only democracy there, Israel.

What exactly are you alleging that I am lying about? I stated the facts.

The person that is anti-american is Barak Hussein and the rest of his 3 stooges foreign policy team.
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Haaretz fudged the poll. It's a leftist paper. The lefties in Israel make stuff up like the lefties in America.

'Haaretz fiddled with Obama poll'

Both the English and Hebrew editions of Friday’s Haaretz led with the headline “Poll: Most Israelis see Obama as fair, friendly toward Israel.”

The English edition elaborated near a picture of Obama that “69% say Obama is fair and friendly.”

The story itself gives no numbers, but the lead says “A sweeping majority of Israelis think his treatment of this country is friendly and fair.”
The English edition contains no graphic distributing the actual numbers, either online or in print.

The print and online versions of the newspaper’s Hebrew edition included a graphic indicating that just 18 percent of respondents considered Obama “friendly” toward Israel, 3 percentage points fewer than the 21% who called the president “hostile” to the Jewish state.

Ten percent did not know, and 51% defined Obama’s approach to Israel using the Hebrew word “inyani,” which can be translated as “matter-of-fact” or “businesslike,” but not as fair.

Fuchs, who chairs Tel Aviv University’s statistics department, said he received many reactions from people around the world who were surprised by the poll’s headline. He distanced himself from the headline and criticized the way his poll was presented.

“What can I do? Only the editor writes the headlines,” Fuchs said.

“When they write the number 69 together, it is correct but misleading. They could just as easily have combined the hostile and inyani categories and gotten a different large number.”

Fuchs was disturbed to hear that the English edition did not include the full distribution of the numbers. He also disagreed with the translation of the word “inyani.”

When told it had been translated as “fair,” he responded: “I definitely would not have translated it as fair. They must have a problem with English.”

The story has been removed from Haaretz’s online print edition archive. An edition of the story that remains online has been rewritten with no reference to the issue in the original headline. It instead focuses on the 27% of respondents who said Obama is anti-Semitic.

...Polls taken over the past week by the Geocartographic Institute for Channel 2’s Meet the Press program and by the Dahaf Institute for Yediot Aharonot found that a majority of the Israeli public blamed the American administration for the crisis in US-Israel relations.

Other polls sponsored by The Jerusalem Post and the Hebrew University’s Truman Institute have found that Israelis see Obama as significantly more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israel.
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Just another point where Biden was a scumbag, Netanyahu invited him to dinner when he was in Israel, and Biden came 1 1/2 hours late.
Haaretz fudged the poll. It's a leftist paper. The lefties in Israel make stuff up like the lefties in America.

'Haaretz fiddled with Obama poll'

The story has been removed from Haaretz’s online print edition archive. An edition of the story that remains online has been rewritten with no reference to the issue in the original headline. It instead focuses on the 27% of respondents who said Obama is anti-Semitic.[/I]

...Polls taken over the past week by the Geocartographic Institute for Channel 2’s Meet the Press program and by the Dahaf Institute for Yediot Aharonot found that a majority of the Israeli public blamed the American administration for the crisis in US-Israel relations.

Other polls sponsored by The Jerusalem Post and the Hebrew University’s Truman Institute have found that Israelis see Obama as significantly more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israel.

Other polls?

How weird that no results are given (NUMBERS), from the polls sponsored by JP?

Frankly, I also wonder if 1/3 of Jews believe anyone that is not a Jew is anti-semitic?

At any rate, clearly there seems to be manipulation of polling in media from both sides of the issue, and I feel a little silly for not realising this to begin with when the original article.

This should be a warning to anyone seriously interested in any issue: Weigh the Bias of the source.

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