Barbara Boxer Retiring

This event begs the question.....will Pelosi follow her example? :biggrin:

One can only hope.

Boxer and Pelosi have made a pretty good living for themselves at taxpayer expense.

All that bullshit about serving?? Good God. Get a real job instead of taking up space in DC and pretending you have the best interests of the american people in your heart.

She's like the rest of those Clowns in DC. Its all about herself and always has been.

Good riddance.
It's a safe D seat. Her successor will be a good Democrat from a pretty darned blue state. There are a number of good Representatives there who will likely throw their hats into the ring.
im glad you think so.....

I do.

Carly Fiorina sunk millions and millions of dollars into her own campaign in 2010, a year of a massive GOP mid-term wave. And yet, Boxer still won in a landslide. If that's the closest the GOP can come in a year that is actually to their advantage, then imagine how hard it will be for them in this state in 2016.
Notice how the Conservatives call Democratic women senators bitches.

Way to win over the women vote!

But- hey- at least you didn't call them 'c*nts'.

Bitch? That is a mild term compared to what the lefties call Palin or Bachmann.


I have never called any politician a bitch- right or left.

What do you think- calling a politician a bitch right or wrong?

Stand up and be counted.

If warranted, I could care less.


Guess that is the difference between myself and the Conservatives here- I won't call a woman a bitch or a c*nt.
This event begs the question.....will Pelosi follow her example? :biggrin:

One can only hope.

Boxer and Pelosi have made a pretty good living for themselves at taxpayer expense.

All that bullshit about serving?? Good God. Get a real job instead of taking up space in DC and pretending you have the best interests of the american people in your heart.

She's like the rest of those Clowns in DC. Its all about herself and always has been.

Good riddance.

I am not certain whether you just want to eliminate Congress or stop paying Senators and Congresspersons from representing their constituents.

Which is it?
The land of fruits and nuts will replace her with someone just a radical, I don't really see anything positive here, we are trading a know quantity for an unknown.

Thanks for the recognition of California agriculture

  • Milk — $6.9 billion
  • Grapes — $4.449 billion
  • Almonds — $4.347 billion
  • Nursery plants — $3.543 billion
  • Cattle, Calves — $3.299 billion
  • Strawberries — $1.939 billion
  • Lettuce — $1.448 billion
  • Walnuts — $1.349 billion
  • Hay — $1.237 billion
  • Tomatoes — $1.170 billion
Can you say Senator Kamala Harris?

It was fun listening to the predictions last night- whether Kamala would run for Senator or go for Governor? Same with Newson- and suggestions that they may make a deal between them.

What could make the race even more interesting is that in California we have 'top 2' primaries- so the top two candidates end up on the general election ballot regardless of primaries.

Sounds like the Republican I like best is not even interested- Tom Campbell.
Notice how the Conservatives call Democratic women senators bitches.

Way to win over the women vote!

But- hey- at least you didn't call them 'c*nts'.

Bitch? That is a mild term compared to what the lefties call Palin or Bachmann.


I have never called any politician a bitch- right or left.

What do you think- calling a politician a bitch right or wrong?

Stand up and be counted.

If warranted, I could care less.


Guess that is the difference between myself and the Conservatives here- I won't call a woman a bitch or a c*nt.

I'm not into political correctness. If she deserves it, she gets it.

It's a safe D seat. Her successor will be a good Democrat from a pretty darned blue state. There are a number of good Representatives there who will likely throw their hats into the ring.
im glad you think so.....

I do.

Carly Fiorina sunk millions and millions of dollars into her own campaign in 2010, a year of a massive GOP mid-term wave. And yet, Boxer still won in a landslide. If that's the closest the GOP can come in a year that is actually to their advantage, then imagine how hard it will be for them in this state in 2016.
whats that got to do with......a number of good Representatives there who will likely throw their hats into the ring?.....myself i think one of the States Reps should take her .Tom rep Loretta Sanchez has been saying for years that she may go for it....and no i would not vote for her....she dont do much around here....

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