Barbarians at the Bus Door

Israel does not help humanity, it is the cause of most of the death and destruction going on in the Middle East today. The first successful heart transplant took place in Apartheid South Africa.
Made up lists on Wiki edited by Hasbara types. LOL Try harder bozo.

You bring up a good point Monte. Can't find a thing for Israel on the unbiased Al Jazera news. Heh Heh. Oh well, shall I send more links anyway for you to enjoy?

So speaks the Jew hater who should be sacked for taking sides

A Jew hater?

Where did you get that piece of information from?


How about a link that specifically states that?

How about you produce a link to the Lynching and kicking to death first. You defended both claims and now refuse to substantiate them

I cannot continue to feed the troll any longer...

It's like feeding a child...

I have provided you with 21st century definitions of "Lynching"...

A retired old codger like you either needs to catch up with modernity or...

Well, I will leave that one up to you, you old coffin dodger!

You have no contribution to make to humanity so maybe it's better you pop your clogs sooner rather than later!
So speaks the Jew hater who should be sacked for taking sides

A Jew hater?

Where did you get that piece of information from?


How about a link that specifically states that?

How about you produce a link to the Lynching and kicking to death first. You defended both claims and now refuse to substantiate them

I cannot continue to feed the troll any longer...

It's like feeding a child...

I have provided you with 21st century definitions of "Lynching"...

A retired old codger like you either needs to catch up with modernity or...

Well, I will leave that one up to you, you old coffin dodger!

You have no contribution to make to humanity so maybe it's better you pop your clogs sooner rather than later!

But let us consider all of the endless Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. Don't you agree?
Israel does not help humanity, it is the cause of most of the death and destruction going on in the Middle East today. The first successful heart transplant took place in Apartheid South Africa.

How utterly pointless.

If you look around the islamist Middle East, it's islamist ideology that is the cause of the killing. Get a clue. Whats the death toll across Iraq and Syria? 300,000? The dynamic is that muhammedans are slaughtering other muhammedans.

I guess that is the fundamental problem facing you convert wannabes, you want to define murderous savages as heroes. You want to define knuckle-dragging, retrograde muhammedans as "freedom fighter" where most of the relevant first world defines islamists as a disease seeking a cure. I think of Martin Luther King and Ghandi when I use the word freedom fighter I use it to describe people who seek to bring about social and political change without resorting to the use of religiously inspired violence. In my world, once an organization abandons peaceful means of diplomacy and redress they no longer can be considered freedom fighters. They have crossed over into the world of the islamist terrorist, or insurgent. A soldier obeys a distinct hierachy of leadership and wears a uniform. A soldier is a military representative for a state, and as a result, he can be held accountable for crimes commited while serving in that capacity.

As for the muhammedan retrograde, they do not obey a strict hierachy, do not wear clearly identifiable uniforms, and they hide their identities and affiliations to avoid accountibility for grievances brought against their actions in war. The islamist terrorist is also unique from the freedom fighter in that they choose the AK-47 and the suicide bomb to bring about political change instead of the ballot box and the peaceful protest march.
A Jew hater?

Where did you get that piece of information from?


How about a link that specifically states that?

How about you produce a link to the Lynching and kicking to death first. You defended both claims and now refuse to substantiate them

I cannot continue to feed the troll any longer...

It's like feeding a child...

I have provided you with 21st century definitions of "Lynching"...

A retired old codger like you either needs to catch up with modernity or...

Well, I will leave that one up to you, you old coffin dodger!

You have no contribution to make to humanity so maybe it's better you pop your clogs sooner rather than later!

But let us consider all of the endless Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. Don't you agree?
Like the teenage suicide bomber?
The disease of hate that embodies the politico-religion you converted to (Zionism) has resulted in the actual murder and maiming of thousands of Christian and Muslim children on a regular basis. It is time to take action against the murderous Zionist beast and their murderous supporters.

Yet it has been proven that the Palestinians have ethnically cleansed 90% of the Christians from Palestine. And that the arab muslims killed more Palestinians in one September that Israel has in 67 years.
So what action should we take against the islamonazi mass murdering terrorist scum
The European Jews built nothing in Palestine. Europeans that convert to Hinduism can't claim to have built the Taj Mahal.

So who built the Temple then as it wasn't the muslims or Christians as they were yet to be invented
So speaks the Jew hater who should be sacked for taking sides

A Jew hater?

Where did you get that piece of information from?


How about a link that specifically states that?

How about you produce a link to the Lynching and kicking to death first. You defended both claims and now refuse to substantiate them

I cannot continue to feed the troll any longer...

It's like feeding a child...

I have provided you with 21st century definitions of "Lynching"...

A retired old codger like you either needs to catch up with modernity or...

Well, I will leave that one up to you, you old coffin dodger!

You have no contribution to make to humanity so maybe it's better you pop your clogs sooner rather than later!

And failed to show were that definition was acted out in the video. So you failed in your lie

And once again you resort to immature disinformation because you have failed in your allotted task
failed in your allotted task

Such a knob!

If you insist on making up your own definitions rather than accept what is the true definition then you are the failure here Phoney!

Then you will have no problem in linking to me " making up my own definitions" and in full not your usual cherry picking. Or is this another of your LIES
Inhuman by name and inhuman by nature aren't you child
failed in your allotted task

Such a knob!

If you insist on making up your own definitions rather than accept what is the true definition then you are the failure here Phoney!

Then you will have no problem in linking to me " making up my own definitions" and in full not your usual cherry picking. Or is this another of your LIES
Inhuman by name and inhuman by nature aren't you child

Provide a reputable dictionary definition of the word "lynching"
failed in your allotted task

Such a knob!

If you insist on making up your own definitions rather than accept what is the true definition then you are the failure here Phoney!

Then you will have no problem in linking to me " making up my own definitions" and in full not your usual cherry picking. Or is this another of your LIES
Inhuman by name and inhuman by nature aren't you child

Provide a reputable dictionary definition of the word "lynching"

Lynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lynching is an extrajudicial punishment by an informal group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob, often by hanging, in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate a minority group. It is an extreme form of informal group social control such as charivari, skimmington, riding the rail, and tarring and feathering, but with a drift toward the public spectacle

Now you provide the evidence that shows the video portrayed this. Or will you just run away again and hide
failed in your allotted task

Such a knob!

If you insist on making up your own definitions rather than accept what is the true definition then you are the failure here Phoney!

Then you will have no problem in linking to me " making up my own definitions" and in full not your usual cherry picking. Or is this another of your LIES
Inhuman by name and inhuman by nature aren't you child

Provide a reputable dictionary definition of the word "lynching"

Lynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lynching is an extrajudicial punishment by an informal group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob, often by hanging, in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate a minority group. It is an extreme form of informal group social control such as charivari, skimmington, riding the rail, and tarring and feathering, but with a drift toward the public spectacle

Now you provide the evidence that shows the video portrayed this. Or will you just run away again and hide

Well done....

Another Phoney fail then...

It's ok folks, nothing to see here, it's only a failed neo marxist, zionut shooting himself in the foot again! :cuckoo:
failed in your allotted task

Such a knob!

If you insist on making up your own definitions rather than accept what is the true definition then you are the failure here Phoney!

Then you will have no problem in linking to me " making up my own definitions" and in full not your usual cherry picking. Or is this another of your LIES
Inhuman by name and inhuman by nature aren't you child

Provide a reputable dictionary definition of the word "lynching"

Lynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lynching is an extrajudicial punishment by an informal group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob, often by hanging, in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate a minority group. It is an extreme form of informal group social control such as charivari, skimmington, riding the rail, and tarring and feathering, but with a drift toward the public spectacle

Now you provide the evidence that shows the video portrayed this. Or will you just run away again and hide

Well done....

Another Phoney fail then...

It's ok folks, nothing to see here, it's only a failed neo marxist, zionut shooting himself in the foot again! :cuckoo:

Whats wrong cant you find the lynch mob in the video so you are using misinformation and trolling to get out of the very deep hole.

Do you have many melts downs these days when you are shown to be an idiot................

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