Barbarians at the Bus Door

Truly, for their own good Palestinains need to learn the first law of the hole. When you're already in one --- stop digging.
Or maybe the Israeli pharmaceutical industry can develop a drug that treats Pal'istanian Mentality.

You will probably find that the pharmaceutical industry is well on the way to finding a cure for zionuts...

When that day comes, it will be a momentous day...

Just a shame that this forum won't be quite as funny!
As an example:

1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16
At least 16 people have been killed and more than 130 people injured in a car bomb explosion in South Africa's capital city, Pretoria.

The explosion happened outside the Nedbank Square building on Church Street at about 1630 hours - the height of the city's rush hour.

More than 20 ambulances attended the scene and took the dead and injured to three hospitals in and around Pretoria.

Police sealed off the surrounding area with a barbed-wire fence as emergency personnel sifted through the rubble looking for bodies.

Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene to search for a possible second bomb.

The outlawed anti-apartheid group the African National Congress has been blamed for the attack.

Bled to death

A huge pall of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the air as debris and bodies were strewn around the scene of the explosion.

It is understood the bomb had been placed in a blue Alfa Romeo car outside the multi-storey building, which houses the South African air force headquarters.

It exploded at the height of the city's rush-hour as hundreds of people were leaving work for the weekend.

Glass and metal were catapulted into the air as shop-fronts and windows were blown out.

Many passers-by had limbs amputated by the flying debris. Others bled to death.

South Africa's Minister for Law and Order, Louis le Grange, who visited the scene immediately, blamed the attack on the ANC.

He said: "I have no doubt who is responsible for this despicable attack."

He said the explosion was the "biggest and ugliest" terrorist incident since anti-government violence began in South Africa 20 years ago.

He added: "Most of the victims were civilians, but some were air force personnel in uniform, black and white. Quite a number of those killed were black.

The ANC is committed to overthrowing the minority white government.

Oliver Tambo, who is the organisation's acting president while its senior figure, Nelson Mandela, is in prison, said the Nedbank Square building was a legitimate target, although he did not admit carrying out the attack.

General Mike Gedenhuys, Police Commissioner, said: "Many of the victims are so badly mutilated they have not yet been identified."

General Magnus Malan, South African's defence minister, described the explosion as a "cowardly, criminal deed in the Communist war being raged against South Africa".

He said more than 40,000 civilians had died as a result of terrorism in the past five years in Africa and 83,000 armed men had died

South Africa has nearly five million whites, 21 million blacks, nearly one million Indians and about 2.5 million people of mixed race.

The government's apartheid system denies citizenship rights to black people except in 10 remote homelands.

The ANC has warned it intends to step up its campaign to bring an end to white minority rule."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 20 | 1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16
Would that Palestinian mentality be the pesky desire not to be under Israeli military occupation?

Actually, Pal'istanian Mentality is a symptom of a debilitating disease that was first seen on the Arabian Peninsula about 1,400 years ago.

Would prominent Palestinians like Fouad Twal, George Habash or Fahed Abu-Akel have this "Palestinian mentality"?
Have they been cured?

I guess the treatment protocol was a bit late for your heroes trying to get on an Israeli bus with their knives.

Were the members of the ANC that attacked whites on buses with knives or shot white police during the struggle against Apartheid in SA also afflicted?

Yes with neo Marxist mentality, and did you know that more blacks were murdered by the ANC in one year that the whites killed in 40 years ?

Well, you would know all about neo marxists Phoney!

What year was it that the ANC murdered "in one year that the whites killed in 40 years"?
As an example:

1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16
At least 16 people have been killed and more than 130 people injured in a car bomb explosion in South Africa's capital city, Pretoria.

The explosion happened outside the Nedbank Square building on Church Street at about 1630 hours - the height of the city's rush hour.

More than 20 ambulances attended the scene and took the dead and injured to three hospitals in and around Pretoria.

Police sealed off the surrounding area with a barbed-wire fence as emergency personnel sifted through the rubble looking for bodies.

Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene to search for a possible second bomb.

The outlawed anti-apartheid group the African National Congress has been blamed for the attack.

Bled to death

A huge pall of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the air as debris and bodies were strewn around the scene of the explosion.

It is understood the bomb had been placed in a blue Alfa Romeo car outside the multi-storey building, which houses the South African air force headquarters.

It exploded at the height of the city's rush-hour as hundreds of people were leaving work for the weekend.

Glass and metal were catapulted into the air as shop-fronts and windows were blown out.

Many passers-by had limbs amputated by the flying debris. Others bled to death.

South Africa's Minister for Law and Order, Louis le Grange, who visited the scene immediately, blamed the attack on the ANC.

He said: "I have no doubt who is responsible for this despicable attack."

He said the explosion was the "biggest and ugliest" terrorist incident since anti-government violence began in South Africa 20 years ago.

He added: "Most of the victims were civilians, but some were air force personnel in uniform, black and white. Quite a number of those killed were black.

The ANC is committed to overthrowing the minority white government.

Oliver Tambo, who is the organisation's acting president while its senior figure, Nelson Mandela, is in prison, said the Nedbank Square building was a legitimate target, although he did not admit carrying out the attack.

General Mike Gedenhuys, Police Commissioner, said: "Many of the victims are so badly mutilated they have not yet been identified."

General Magnus Malan, South African's defence minister, described the explosion as a "cowardly, criminal deed in the Communist war being raged against South Africa".

He said more than 40,000 civilians had died as a result of terrorism in the past five years in Africa and 83,000 armed men had died

South Africa has nearly five million whites, 21 million blacks, nearly one million Indians and about 2.5 million people of mixed race.

The government's apartheid system denies citizenship rights to black people except in 10 remote homelands.

The ANC has warned it intends to step up its campaign to bring an end to white minority rule."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 20 | 1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16

Yep the ANC targeted the blacks who opposed their neo Marxism and murdered more in that one day than the Whites killed in 2 years. This is why the Blacks of South Africa want a return to white rule and partial apartheid again
Actually, Pal'istanian Mentality is a symptom of a debilitating disease that was first seen on the Arabian Peninsula about 1,400 years ago.

Would prominent Palestinians like Fouad Twal, George Habash or Fahed Abu-Akel have this "Palestinian mentality"?
Have they been cured?

I guess the treatment protocol was a bit late for your heroes trying to get on an Israeli bus with their knives.

Were the members of the ANC that attacked whites on buses with knives or shot white police during the struggle against Apartheid in SA also afflicted?

Yes with neo Marxist mentality, and did you know that more blacks were murdered by the ANC in one year that the whites killed in 40 years ?

Well, you would know all about neo marxists Phoney!

What year was it that the ANC murdered "in one year that the whites killed in 40 years"?

Take your pick as the numbers are available on the internet. You have heard of necklacing used by the Mandella football team I take it.
Would prominent Palestinians like Fouad Twal, George Habash or Fahed Abu-Akel have this "Palestinian mentality"?
Have they been cured?

I guess the treatment protocol was a bit late for your heroes trying to get on an Israeli bus with their knives.

Were the members of the ANC that attacked whites on buses with knives or shot white police during the struggle against Apartheid in SA also afflicted?

Yes with neo Marxist mentality, and did you know that more blacks were murdered by the ANC in one year that the whites killed in 40 years ?

Well, you would know all about neo marxists Phoney!

What year was it that the ANC murdered "in one year that the whites killed in 40 years"?

Take your pick as the numbers are available on the internet. You have heard of necklacing used by the Mandella football team I take it.

So basically you just been caught telling lies again Phoney!

What a prize zionut idiot!
As an example:

1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16
At least 16 people have been killed and more than 130 people injured in a car bomb explosion in South Africa's capital city, Pretoria.

The explosion happened outside the Nedbank Square building on Church Street at about 1630 hours - the height of the city's rush hour.

More than 20 ambulances attended the scene and took the dead and injured to three hospitals in and around Pretoria.

Police sealed off the surrounding area with a barbed-wire fence as emergency personnel sifted through the rubble looking for bodies.

Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene to search for a possible second bomb.

The outlawed anti-apartheid group the African National Congress has been blamed for the attack.

Bled to death

A huge pall of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the air as debris and bodies were strewn around the scene of the explosion.

It is understood the bomb had been placed in a blue Alfa Romeo car outside the multi-storey building, which houses the South African air force headquarters.

It exploded at the height of the city's rush-hour as hundreds of people were leaving work for the weekend.

Glass and metal were catapulted into the air as shop-fronts and windows were blown out.

Many passers-by had limbs amputated by the flying debris. Others bled to death.

South Africa's Minister for Law and Order, Louis le Grange, who visited the scene immediately, blamed the attack on the ANC.

He said: "I have no doubt who is responsible for this despicable attack."

He said the explosion was the "biggest and ugliest" terrorist incident since anti-government violence began in South Africa 20 years ago.

He added: "Most of the victims were civilians, but some were air force personnel in uniform, black and white. Quite a number of those killed were black.

The ANC is committed to overthrowing the minority white government.

Oliver Tambo, who is the organisation's acting president while its senior figure, Nelson Mandela, is in prison, said the Nedbank Square building was a legitimate target, although he did not admit carrying out the attack.

General Mike Gedenhuys, Police Commissioner, said: "Many of the victims are so badly mutilated they have not yet been identified."

General Magnus Malan, South African's defence minister, described the explosion as a "cowardly, criminal deed in the Communist war being raged against South Africa".

He said more than 40,000 civilians had died as a result of terrorism in the past five years in Africa and 83,000 armed men had died

South Africa has nearly five million whites, 21 million blacks, nearly one million Indians and about 2.5 million people of mixed race.

The government's apartheid system denies citizenship rights to black people except in 10 remote homelands.

The ANC has warned it intends to step up its campaign to bring an end to white minority rule."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 20 | 1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16

Yep the ANC targeted the blacks who opposed their neo Marxism and murdered more in that one day than the Whites killed in 2 years. This is why the Blacks of South Africa want a return to white rule and partial apartheid again

Where did you come up with that little gem of "return to white rule"?
Truly, for their own good Palestinains need to learn the first law of the hole. When you're already in one --- stop digging.
Or maybe the Israeli pharmaceutical industry can develop a drug that treats Pal'istanian Mentality.

You will probably find that the pharmaceutical industry is well on the way to finding a cure for zionuts...

When that day comes, it will be a momentous day...

Just a shame that this forum won't be quite as funny!
What is truly a shame is that the disease of hate and retrogression embodied by the politico-religious ideology you converted to still festers among colonies of knuckle draggers. Had your lowlife heroes had a chance to murder and maim children on that bus, that might have caused a tipping point where Israelis finally decided to take affirmative action to subdue the Islamist beast.
Have they been cured?

I guess the treatment protocol was a bit late for your heroes trying to get on an Israeli bus with their knives.

Were the members of the ANC that attacked whites on buses with knives or shot white police during the struggle against Apartheid in SA also afflicted?

Yes with neo Marxist mentality, and did you know that more blacks were murdered by the ANC in one year that the whites killed in 40 years ?

Well, you would know all about neo marxists Phoney!

What year was it that the ANC murdered "in one year that the whites killed in 40 years"?

Take your pick as the numbers are available on the internet. You have heard of necklacing used by the Mandella football team I take it.

So basically you just been caught telling lies again Phoney!

What a prize zionut idiot!

NOPE but you have by refusing to provide evidence of a lynching and/or a kicking to death.
As an example:

1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16
At least 16 people have been killed and more than 130 people injured in a car bomb explosion in South Africa's capital city, Pretoria.

The explosion happened outside the Nedbank Square building on Church Street at about 1630 hours - the height of the city's rush hour.

More than 20 ambulances attended the scene and took the dead and injured to three hospitals in and around Pretoria.

Police sealed off the surrounding area with a barbed-wire fence as emergency personnel sifted through the rubble looking for bodies.

Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene to search for a possible second bomb.

The outlawed anti-apartheid group the African National Congress has been blamed for the attack.

Bled to death

A huge pall of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the air as debris and bodies were strewn around the scene of the explosion.

It is understood the bomb had been placed in a blue Alfa Romeo car outside the multi-storey building, which houses the South African air force headquarters.

It exploded at the height of the city's rush-hour as hundreds of people were leaving work for the weekend.

Glass and metal were catapulted into the air as shop-fronts and windows were blown out.

Many passers-by had limbs amputated by the flying debris. Others bled to death.

South Africa's Minister for Law and Order, Louis le Grange, who visited the scene immediately, blamed the attack on the ANC.

He said: "I have no doubt who is responsible for this despicable attack."

He said the explosion was the "biggest and ugliest" terrorist incident since anti-government violence began in South Africa 20 years ago.

He added: "Most of the victims were civilians, but some were air force personnel in uniform, black and white. Quite a number of those killed were black.

The ANC is committed to overthrowing the minority white government.

Oliver Tambo, who is the organisation's acting president while its senior figure, Nelson Mandela, is in prison, said the Nedbank Square building was a legitimate target, although he did not admit carrying out the attack.

General Mike Gedenhuys, Police Commissioner, said: "Many of the victims are so badly mutilated they have not yet been identified."

General Magnus Malan, South African's defence minister, described the explosion as a "cowardly, criminal deed in the Communist war being raged against South Africa".

He said more than 40,000 civilians had died as a result of terrorism in the past five years in Africa and 83,000 armed men had died

South Africa has nearly five million whites, 21 million blacks, nearly one million Indians and about 2.5 million people of mixed race.

The government's apartheid system denies citizenship rights to black people except in 10 remote homelands.

The ANC has warned it intends to step up its campaign to bring an end to white minority rule."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 20 | 1983: Car bomb in South Africa kills 16

Yep the ANC targeted the blacks who opposed their neo Marxism and murdered more in that one day than the Whites killed in 2 years. This is why the Blacks of South Africa want a return to white rule and partial apartheid again

Where did you come up with that little gem of "return to white rule"?

Google that has many Black South Africans wanting the ANC kicking out and the whites back. Remember as you told me google is your friend
The disease of hate that embodies the politico-religion you converted to (Zionism) has resulted in the actual murder and maiming of thousands of Christian and Muslim children on a regular basis. It is time to take action against the murderous Zionist beast and their murderous supporters.
Time for the Zionists in Israel to take action against the Palestinian squatters dedicated to killing Israeli's.
The Jews invaded Palestine from Europe, they are the squatters.

Oh now I get it. You see you Zionists, the Al Aqsa Mosque came before Solomon's Temple built by those Jews from Europe. Amazing what we can learn from Monte.
The European Jews built nothing in Palestine. Europeans that convert to Hinduism can't claim to have built the Taj Mahal.
The European Jews built nothing in Palestine. Europeans that convert to Hinduism can't claim to have built the Taj Mahal.

How do you like that? And here I actually believed those European Jews turned Israell into a thriving metropolis making worldly contributions for the betterment of all humanity.

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