Barr lays down the Law

Just because one reporter from a far left source writes a story criticizing Barr doesn't make his claims true. Maybe the fired prosecutor was basing his investigations on unverified and baseless information, like the Steele Dossier was used to investigate Russian collusion. Which as we know took 2 years and found nothing related to collusion. Maybe the fired prosecutor suffers from a severe case of TDS, and was using inappropriate methods that violated the civil rights of the POTUS. In short, there is no evidence to support the charge that Barr has in any way misused his office to ward off investigations of Trump. You're supposed to have evidence to support initiating an investigation, and we don't really know whether the fired prosecutor did or didn't have such data. But until such information surfaces from other an anonymous sources, I don't think it's right to make baseless accusations against Barr or Trump for misconduct.

Just because one reporter from a far left source writes a story criticizing Barr doesn't make his claims true. Maybe the fired prosecutor was basing his investigations on unverified and baseless information, like the Steele Dossier was used to investigate Russian collusion. Which as we know took 2 years and found nothing related to collusion. Maybe the fired prosecutor suffers from a severe case of TDS, and was using inappropriate methods that violated the civil rights of the POTUS. In short, there is no evidence to support the charge that Barr has in any way misused his office to ward off investigations of Trump. You're supposed to have evidence to support initiating an investigation, and we don't really know whether the fired prosecutor did or didn't have such data. But until such information surfaces from other an anonymous sources, I don't think it's right to make baseless accusations against Barr or Trump for misconduct.

It's not baseless, it's part of a long standing pattern that is very disturbing - a pattern of politicizing normally independent agencies. The Steele Dossier wasn't the sole source used either.

Frankly - I disagree that his civil rights were violated considering Russian interference in the electoral process has been confirmed on multiple levels. That made an investigation a necessity, and the fact Mueller, himself a Republican, but more importantly a very well regarded investigator (until this, when he was smeared) - made the investigation professional and non-partisan.

I am very disturbed by Barr's direct interference in prosecutions involving Trump cronies, and in his ignoring of intelligence showing the growing threat of rightwing extremist terrorists and insisting they ONLY go after the leftwing groups. Very dangerous politicization of our security.

Just because one reporter from a far left source writes a story criticizing Barr doesn't make his claims true. Maybe the fired prosecutor was basing his investigations on unverified and baseless information, like the Steele Dossier was used to investigate Russian collusion. Which as we know took 2 years and found nothing related to collusion. Maybe the fired prosecutor suffers from a severe case of TDS, and was using inappropriate methods that violated the civil rights of the POTUS. In short, there is no evidence to support the charge that Barr has in any way misused his office to ward off investigations of Trump. You're supposed to have evidence to support initiating an investigation, and we don't really know whether the fired prosecutor did or didn't have such data. But until such information surfaces from other an anonymous sources, I don't think it's right to make baseless accusations against Barr or Trump for misconduct.

It's not baseless, it's part of a long standing pattern that is very disturbing - a pattern of politicizing normally independent agencies. The Steele Dossier wasn't the sole source used either.

Frankly - I disagree that his civil rights were violated considering Russian interference in the electoral process has been confirmed on multiple levels. That made an investigation a necessity, and the fact Mueller, himself a Republican, but more importantly a very well regarded investigator (until this, when he was smeared) - made the investigation professional and non-partisan.

I am very disturbed by Barr's direct interference in prosecutions involving Trump cronies, and in his ignoring of intelligence showing the growing threat of rightwing extremist terrorists and insisting they ONLY go after the leftwing groups. Very dangerous politicization of our security.

It's not baseless, it's part of a long standing pattern that is very disturbing - a pattern of politicizing normally independent agencies. The Steele Dossier wasn't the sole source used either.

A long standing practice that started in the Obama administration, or at least magnified it. Tell me about the normally independent agencies that Trump politicized, and spare me the unfounded left-wing opinions. And then tell me about the other sources used to initiate the Russian Collusion, the ones that weren't based on news stories that were in fact based on the Steele Dossier. That's still only one source.

Frankly - I disagree that his civil rights were violated considering Russian interference in the electoral process has been confirmed on multiple levels. That made an investigation a necessity, and the fact Mueller, himself a Republican, but more importantly a very well regarded investigator (until this, when he was smeared) - made the investigation professional and non-partisan.

That kinda depends on your definition of Russian interference. What interference? What exactly was confirmed? And how many levels again? I don't need left-wing opinions, I need facts. Data. There was NOTHING that tied Trump to any Russian collusion. NOTHING. Therefore his civil rights WERE violated. You do not start an investigation into a major party presidential candidate, especially the opposing political party candidate with nothing more than an unverified bullshit dossier. Which could be the same thing the fired prosecutor as doing. Barr is to be commended for firing somebody that wasn't following the rules. And that Mueller investigation was highly partisan, don't give me that bipartisan crap. That team left no stone un-turned to get Trump, and they spend so much of the final report to smear Trump with unproved claims of obstruction that they could not justify in a court of law. Otherwise, they would've recommended charges, and I think you know that.

I am very disturbed by Barr's direct interference in prosecutions involving Trump cronies, and in his ignoring of intelligence showing the growing threat of rightwing extremist terrorists and insisting they ONLY go after the leftwing groups. Very dangerous politicization of our security.

When did Barr insist that the DOJ only go after left-wing groups, I must've missed that. Tell me about the ignoring of intelligence, when did he do that? No doubt there is a growing threat of right-wing extremist terrorists, as there also is from left-wing extremist terrorists too. When did he say ignore the righties and just go after the lefties? What is this intelligence that you speak of?

I'll tell you what, I don't need lefties telling me about the politicization of our security. It is the Left who has politicized the DOJ and it's investigative services to a higher degree under the Obama administration, Barr is trying to undo that. It was the Left who outright LIED to the FISA Court about the Carter Page surveillance, 4 fucking times. And left off the exculpatory information that was their duty and responsibility to provide to the court. Which they deliberately did not do, and I sincerely hope the bastards responsible are held accountable for that.

I see nothing - NOTHING - that indicates Trump or Barr is politicizing or jeopardizing our security or justice system. Unfortunately, the democrats have already done that, big time. I believe Barr is returning the DOJ to what it is supposed to be, we should not go after a person looking for a crime as the democrats did. Instead, we should verify that an actual crime happened, and then go looking for who did it. And THAT requires more than a feeling; that requires evidence. If it turns out that the fired prosecutor did have evidence of some substance, then you are correct; Barr is misusing his position to protect Trump. But if it turns out that he didn't, then he deserved to be fired. And here's the thing: in this country we do not or should not assume guilt based on politics. We should not open an investigation into any American citizen looking for a crime.
Barr's conclusion to his beautifully sane speech:

In short, it is important for prosecutors at the Department of Justice to understand that their mission — above all others — is to do justice. That means following the letter of the law, and the spirit of fairness. Sometimes that will mean investing months or years in an investigation and then concluding it without criminal charges. Other times it will mean aggressively prosecuting a person through trial and then recommending a lenient sentence, perhaps even one with no incarceration.

Our job is to be just as dogged in preventing injustice as we are in pursuing wrongdoing. On this score, as on many, Justice Jackson said it best:

"The qualities of a good prosecutor are as elusive and as impossible to define as those which mark a gentleman. And those who need to be told would not understand it anyway. A sensitiveness to fair play and sportsmanship is perhaps the best protection against the abuse of power, and the citizen's safety lies in the prosecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks truth and not victims, who serves the law and not factional purposes, and who approaches his task with humility."

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