Barr MUST be impeached.....If House Dems have the balls, that is....

Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)
Do you ever come up with an original thought, Or just wait til some "moron" on the telly tells you what to regurgitate.

Be thankful D stands for Dumbest of the Dumb. If they had a brain they could be a threat.
The dem's "insurance policy" against Trump is about to bite them in the ass.
The loons have as much chance of impeaching Barr as they do Trump

It's over dems, you tried and failed
Barry Hussein's A.G. authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico, one of which turned up in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer and nobody was even disciplined much less fired (and are still on the job) but the left wants to impeach Trump's A.G. No surprises here.
You have valid concerns with Barr but in the end removing Moe and replacing him with Curly doesn't change anything except Curly is a lot more funnier.
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)
What did Barr lie about, exactly?
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)

THIS ^^^^^^ is what pelosi is so afraid of. If the radicals drag the democrat party even further to the left, the democrats are going to be squashed in the next several elections.
Barr MUST be impeached.....If House Dems have the balls, that is....

And you MUST develop an IQ.

Alas, both are impossible. Totally impossible
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)

Well call Pelosi and demand she does it and if she fails, well blame Bush...
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)
What did Barr lie about, exactly?
nat4900 What did Barr lie about, exactly?
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)

Barr came up with nothing radical, his opinion was in line with the report but because its not exactly what you and the Democrats want, he's a stooge. In trump's case he's a Russian agent. See the pattern here? Does someone need to spell it out for you? The Democratic party is high on power and are enabled by a news media who keeps the positive feed back rolling through their twisted minds. Its a mental illness that allows you to criminalize a difference in opinion. And if you want to talk about stooges... John F Kennedy appointed his own brother as Attorney General.
You all need to take some blood pressure meds and take a step back before something pops.
Forget (for now) impeachment of Trump since he will soon embrace the mantle of "victim"....

We must remember that ANY cabinet member can also be the subject of a congressional "trial" that is better known as impeachment proceedings.

Barr has CLEARLY shown that he is a stooge of Trump and that he has openly LIED regarding what the Mueller report actually stated.......and that is with the many part of Mueller's report redacted.

We must ALSO remember that any cabinet member swears an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a person. Like Robert Bork who became a stooge for Nixon during the Watergate era (the Saturday night massacre) and forfeited his future ambition to gain a SCOTUS seat, Barr has also thrown away any chance of a shot at being a justice AND also sacrificed his reputation by siding with the low-life that currently occupies the oval office (when nit golfing, that is.)

AG Barr is a good man. WE need more like him. He's at LEAST as good as AG Eric Holder who you were fine with, who conducted the AP spying, attacked journalist James Rosen, pardoned Marc Rich and the Weather Underground, attacked free speech, was openly hostile towards conservatives, tried to treat terrorists as criminal defendants subject to US attorney defense in court, protected the Black Panthers who terrorized voters in Philadelphia, ran guns to the Mexican drug gangs, and promoted Islamic rights over those of Americans, not to mention Obama's other sterling prize, Loretta who met secretly with Bill Clinton in a private conversation WHILE HIS WIFE WAS UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION (which she advised Comey NOT to even call an investigation), likely being the SOLE reason why that bitch is not behind bars today.

Compared to those two POS, Barr is an angel.

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