Barr Reveals 4 Areas Of Redactions In Coming Mueller Report

1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report


Congress is entitled to a clean copy - case closed, period.
There is no reason one branch of government should withhold information from another

Congress routinely holds closed door meetings
I can see redacting information for public release
Congress should see the WHOLE Report

Congress would leak it in a heartbeat.

Grand Jury testimony isn't to be released, period.

Some of the national security items may be classified higher than some of congress' clearances.

releasing information on an ongoing investigation could jeopardize them.
Then that action should be prosecuted
I can see redacting information for public release
Congress should see the WHOLE Report

I don't have a problem with that, if it's done legally and securely. I don't trust them to keep secrets though.
On CNN yesterday Philip Mudd and well known virulent Trump hater said "If Barr gives the full unredacted report to Congress and any 'staffers' get access to the report it WILL BE leaked. That I guarantee will happen.".
Nadler and Shit For Brains are going to end up in front of Kavanah arguing that Barr should break the existing law by releasing GJ proceedings, 'sources and methods', ongoing investigations information and the names of innocent 'third party' entities who were interviewed by Andrew Wisseman etc.
Good fucking luck Jerry.
I can see redacting information for public release
Congress should see the WHOLE Report

Congress would leak it in a heartbeat.

Grand Jury testimony isn't to be released, period.

Some of the national security items may be classified higher than some of congress' clearances.

releasing information on an ongoing investigation could jeopardize them.
Then that action should be prosecuted

The damage would be done already.

Better to prevent it in the first place via redaction.

If the House is still butthurt over it, they can hold their own hearings.
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report



Whatever Butt Boy Barr says.

This is nothing short of a cover up.

But then, that's why Trump appointed Barr in the first place.

Some Mueller team members aren't happy with Barr's description of ...
Some Mueller team members aren’t happy with Barr’s description of their findings
6 days ago - Three new reports describe behind-the-scenes dissent. ... Did Attorney General Bill Barr properly represent the findings of special counsel ... drama and dissent about Barr's handling of Mueller's report. ... (Barr's summary in fact quoted Mueller saying he was not exonerating Trump on obstruction of justice.).
Some on Mueller's Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr ...
Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed
6 days ago - Today: The Mueller team sent its report to the attorney general, William Barr. ... members of Mueller's team feel that Barr's summary did not reflect the report they wrote. ... Correct. nicholas fandos. Undercutting one of the key points of .... But we found some very questionable behavior in how she handled ...

"It's a cover up! It hasn't even been done yet, and I haven't seen it, but it's a COVERUP!! I just know it is because it's not possible for what I want not to be true!!!!"

Good to know you're getting in early on working up your insane outrage. If you wait for something to actually happen for you to be outraged by, you might not get the correct level of mouth-frothing insanity.
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report


Congress is entitled to a clean copy - case closed, period.

Well, thanks for laying down the law. I guess we can all just stop discussing silly things like laws and procedures and just accept that reality is whatever you have ordered it to be.

Good luck with that God complex.
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report

Those are all appropriate. The irony though is you lot demanded unredacted info on tbe FISA warrents.

That's not irony. That's you conflating two different things out of your own ignorance.

If you can show me any law that requires any part of a warrant, FISA or otherwise, to be redacted under any circumstances applicable to this topic, feel free. Otherwise, stop wasting our time with your lame attempts to draw parallels that don't exist.
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report


Congress is entitled to a clean copy - case closed, period.

Well, thanks for laying down the law. I guess we can all just stop discussing silly things like laws and procedures and just accept that reality is whatever you have ordered it to be.

Good luck with that God complex.
Ummm....'Eye' is just flat-out WRONG. The exact law proving this claim to be false has been provided / linked, and US AG Barr has testified that Mueller's own investigation team is helping him remove any information in the report that can not LEGALLY be released before it is officially released.

Butt-hurt, partisan, and stupid is a really horrible combination....
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report



Whatever Butt Boy Barr says.

This is nothing short of a cover up.

But then, that's why Trump appointed Barr in the first place.

Some Mueller team members aren't happy with Barr's description of ...
Some Mueller team members aren’t happy with Barr’s description of their findings
6 days ago - Three new reports describe behind-the-scenes dissent. ... Did Attorney General Bill Barr properly represent the findings of special counsel ... drama and dissent about Barr's handling of Mueller's report. ... (Barr's summary in fact quoted Mueller saying he was not exonerating Trump on obstruction of justice.).
Some on Mueller's Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr ...
Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed
6 days ago - Today: The Mueller team sent its report to the attorney general, William Barr. ... members of Mueller's team feel that Barr's summary did not reflect the report they wrote. ... Correct. nicholas fandos. Undercutting one of the key points of .... But we found some very questionable behavior in how she handled ...

It hasn't even been released yet and already you're insisting it's a cover-up. You're telegraphing that you will never be satisfied with any amount of evidence.
special council report in unredacted form should be sufficient. But Barr said he wont release the full report to congress, which would only result in contempt of congress.

"It should be sufficient to give me whatever I want, because I want it! It'll be contempt of Congress if you don't, because my wishes are all that matters!"

I dare Congress to try to hold Barr in contempt for following the law and ignoring their demands that he break it. More importantly, I dare YOU to hold your fucking breath until people who know better start acting according to your massively childish and uninformed view of how the world works.

Whatever bullshit they spout, THEY know it's empty rhetoric. They're just counting on the unwashed nose-picking masses like you to be gullible enough to believe them. Congrats on being just as fucking stupid as they hoped you would be.
1. Grand jury information

2. Information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods.

3. Information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions.

4. Information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them.

Barr also reminded Democrats questioning him today that the Mueller Team is actively HELPING HIM REDACT portions of THEIR report that can not legally be released.

AG William Barr Reveals Four Areas of Redaction in Mueller Report


Congress is entitled to a clean copy - case closed, period.

Well, thanks for laying down the law. I guess we can all just stop discussing silly things like laws and procedures and just accept that reality is whatever you have ordered it to be.

Good luck with that God complex.
Ummm....'Eye' is just flat-out WRONG. The exact law proving this claim to be false has been provided / linked, and US AG Barr has testified that Mueller's own investigation team is helping him remove any information in the report that can not LEGALLY be released before it is officially released.

Butt-hurt, partisan, and stupid is a really horrible combination....

I know that, and YOU know that, but he seems to feel that reality needs only for him to declare what it is, and that's that.

Hence my reference to "God complex".
I can see redacting information for public release
Congress should see the WHOLE Report

Congress would leak it in a heartbeat.

Grand Jury testimony isn't to be released, period.

Some of the national security items may be classified higher than some of congress' clearances.

releasing information on an ongoing investigation could jeopardize them.
Then that action should be prosecuted

The damage would be done already.

Better to prevent it in the first place via redaction.

If the House is still butthurt over it, they can hold their own hearings.
Better to give Congress full access to the report than endure speculation of what is being hidden
I can see redacting information for public release
Congress should see the WHOLE Report

Congress would leak it in a heartbeat.

Grand Jury testimony isn't to be released, period.

Some of the national security items may be classified higher than some of congress' clearances.

releasing information on an ongoing investigation could jeopardize them.
Then that action should be prosecuted

The damage would be done already.

Better to prevent it in the first place via redaction.

If the House is still butthurt over it, they can hold their own hearings.
Better to give Congress full access to the report than endure speculation of what is being hidden
Anotherwords-prove yourself innocent
Those days are over and the people who set it up are about to pay dearly

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