BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Trump is lazy, arrogant and ignorant.. a ham-fisted bully. He wasted his presidency.
Lowest Black unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Latino unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Asian unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Women unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Young Adult unemployment rate in US history
Most# of Americans working at 1 time
Higher wages, raises, bonuses, and greater opportunities to succeed
Brought back manufacturing jobs after Barry gave up & told Americans NOT having those jobs was the 'new norm'
Helped millions of Americans get off welfare, unemployment, food stamps
Dramatic rise in minority-owned small businesses under Trump
Ended dependency on social programs / Dems' policies of economic slavery
Renegotiated better trade deals for Americans

As opposed to dementia-ravaged proven , CCP/Russian-bought, Barry coup co-conspiring Biden who has not done anything beneficial for Americans as President yet....
"You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are
just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

This was predictable months before the election, but Trump was too much of an arrogant twat to clean up his act and his supporters who dismiss his behavior as a factor in his loss are a bunch of gullible pea brains.
And yet he increased his vote percentage to a degree that no President running for reelection who has done same has ever lost......makes ya go hhhhhmmmm

Makes you go hmmm if you're a conspiracy prone imbecile. His behavior also drove the opposition to increase their vote percentage to an even higher degree that allowed him to be beaten. Not hard for anyone with more than a second grade education to understand.
Lowest Black unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Latino unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Asian unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Women unemployment rate in US history
Lowest Young Adult unemployment rate in US history
Most# of Americans working at 1 time
Higher wages, raises, bonuses, and greater opportunities to succeed
Brought back manufacturing jobs after Barry gave up & told Americans NOT having those jobs was the 'new norm'
Helped millions of Americans get off welfare, unemployment, food stamps
Dramatic rise in minority-owned small businesses under Trump
Ended dependency on social programs / Dems' policies of economic slavery
Renegotiated better trade deals for Americans

As opposed to dementia-ravaged proven , CCP/Russian-bought, Barry coup co-conspiring Biden who has not done anything beneficial for Americans as President yet....

Largest Increase In U.S. Poverty Recorded​


Due to the coronavirus pandemic’s decimation of the labor market and the months-long expiration of benefits from the government relief package keeping families afloat, the poverty rate in the United States surged from 9.3% in June to 11.7% in November, according to a report released Wednesday by analysts at the University of Chicago and the University of Notre Dame, creating the biggest increase in a single year since the government began tracking poverty in 1960.

In 2020​

Makes you go hmmm if you're a conspiracy prone imbecile. His behavior also drove the opposition to increase their vote percentage to an even higher degree that allowed him to be beaten. Not hard for anyone with more than a second grade education to understand.
Yeah that's it......
So before a single audit Barr was convinced there wasn't any election fraud, interesting theory.
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There's no point "denying" an anonymous source. LOL! Just like the anonymous source that told me they found you naked with a bowl of jello.

The author conducted more than 100 interviews with people who were there.. and Trump has since denied it.

Trump believes if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.

Trump simply threw his presidency away.
This was predictable months before the election, but Trump was too much of an arrogant twat to clean up his act and his supporters who dismiss his behavior as a factor in his loss are a bunch of gullible pea brains.
So Dems can attack Trump like a pack of plague rats and Trump can't hit back? Lets not pretend Dems and the liberal media didn't instigate most of these exchanges. Did you want Trump to roll over and take the beatings like Bush did? Lets get real here.
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WOW, I don't need to add ANYTHING to that. Well except his appeal to VIOLENCE and the violent. Barr didn't mention that, at least in this reporting...

"You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are
just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

Barr told Trump to his face 'you're going to lose' because he was humiliating himself at COVID briefings: book

Sarah K. Burris
July 21, 2021

Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker's new book I Alone Can Fix It contains some stories about former Attorney General Bill Barr using surprisingly blunt language to convince former President Donald Trump to stop doing daily coronavirus briefings.

"I feel you are going to lose the election," Barr told Trump in April 2020 as the virus was killing more Americans, according to the reporters. "I feel you are actually losing touch with your own base."

Some of the Trump fans that Barr had talked to when traveling had confided in him that they were bothered by Trump's petty squabbles with his perceived enemies when they needed him. They, like most Americans, wanted steady leaders that could steer the country through the pandemic and bring back the economy.

"I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn't said to me, 'We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?'" Barr said according to the new book. "You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020

I’m sure this actually happened. Idiot.
I agree and when in the RawStory they wrote, "Barr wasn't the only one. The day that Trump told people to inject disinfectant and stick a UV light into their bodies, his aides assumed the election was done."
the above totally fabricated statement proves they are full of crap!
Trump NEVER told people to inject ANY disinfectant. FACT is he said this:
Trump said exactly: And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"
Something LIKE that... is what he said... DID he tell people to "inject a disinfectant" NO! But Trump was never a politician who spoke always with political correctness in mind! He talked like millions of us do! But he like millions of us would NEVER tell people to "inject disinfectant"!
Finally,,, did Trump actually say "stick a UV light into their bodies"
NO! Here are his exact words:
So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light---
supposing you brought the light inside the body"

Where did Trump say "stick a UV light into their bodies"?
HE DIDN"T but even the Fact Finding anti-Trump Snopes above repeated the same point...and declared.
Their position that Trump said as I quote Snopes:
"U.S. President Donald Trump suggested during a White House briefing that injecting disinfectants could treat COVID-19."
And so they concluded after actually copying Trump's exact words that Trump said:
1) Inject disinfectants and 2) stick a UV light into their bodies!
Trump said neither! Where did Trump say to inject disinfectants? NO where!
The exact words are suppose to be reported by reporters. Yet the VAST majority of MSM are adding their perspectives, their subjective opinions and THAT's what idiots believe is true! OPINIONS!
SNOPES, bend the words to fit their objective.
AND that's why millions of intelligent people look to Trump NOT as a politically correct politician... but someone who actually wants the USA, Americans, law enforcement, etc. to exist! Not tear it down!

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