BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

So Dems can attack Trump like a pack of plague rats and Trump can't hit back? Lets not pretend Dems and the liberal media didn't instigate most of these exchanges. Did you want Trump to roll over and take the beatings like Bush did? Lets get real here.

Trump has attacked everyone.. He can dish it out but he can't take it.. Pretty common for a pig headed bully.

According to everyone.
Dems always claim the election was illegitimate when they lose. They run amok filing lawsuits and protesting. To this day they claim Bush stole it from Gore. Hanging chads LMAO! Dems DEMANDED that Kerry not concede. Hillary told Biden not to concede under any circumstances. Scumbag Dems aren't fooling anyone. :eusa_hand:
I agree and when in the RawStory they wrote, "Barr wasn't the only one. The day that Trump told people to inject disinfectant and stick a UV light into their bodies, his aides assumed the election was done."
the above totally fabricated statement proves they are full of crap!
Trump NEVER told people to inject ANY disinfectant. FACT is he said this:
Trump said exactly: And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"
Something LIKE that... is what he said... DID he tell people to "inject a disinfectant" NO! But Trump was never a politician who spoke always with political correctness in mind! He talked like millions of us do! But he like millions of us would NEVER tell people to "inject disinfectant"!
Finally,,, did Trump actually say "stick a UV light into their bodies"
NO! Here are his exact words:
So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light---
supposing you brought the light inside the body"

Where did Trump say "stick a UV light into their bodies"?
HE DIDN"T but even the Fact Finding anti-Trump Snopes above repeated the same point...and declared.
Their position that Trump said as I quote Snopes:
"U.S. President Donald Trump suggested during a White House briefing that injecting disinfectants could treat COVID-19."
And so they concluded after actually copying Trump's exact words that Trump said:
1) Inject disinfectants and 2) stick a UV light into their bodies!
Trump said neither! Where did Trump say to inject disinfectants? NO where!
The exact words are suppose to be reported by reporters. Yet the VAST majority of MSM are adding their perspectives, their subjective opinions and THAT's what idiots believe is true! OPINIONS!
SNOPES, bend the words to fit their objective.
AND that's why millions of intelligent people look to Trump NOT as a politically correct politician... but someone who actually wants the USA, Americans, law enforcement, etc. to exist! Not tear it down!

Sure he did. Trump is on video giving his medical advice. Did you think Rex Tillerson was playing when he said Trump is a fucking moron? They are know he's a moron... All his lawyers, Barr, Kushner, Putin, Macron, Trudeau, Merkle. They all know Trump's a moron. Even Desantis knows he's a moron.
Dems always claim the election was illegitimate when they lose. They run amok filing lawsuits and protesting. To this day they claim Bush stole it from Gore. Hanging chads LMAO! Dems DEMANDED that Kerry not concede. Hillary told Biden not to concede under any circumstances. Scumbag Dems aren't fooling anyone. :eusa_hand:

When did the Democrats file a lawsuit?
Sure he did. Trump is on video giving his medical advice. Did you think Rex Tillerson was playing when he said Trump is a fucking moron? They are know he's a moron... All his lawyers, Barr, Kushner, Putin, Macron, Trudeau, Merkle. They all know Trump's a moron. Even Desantis knows he's a moron.
Trump was correct about more and more success in 4 years than Biden been / has had his whole life. :p
Dems always claim the election was illegitimate when they lose. They run amok filing lawsuits and protesting. To this day they claim Bush stole it from Gore. Hanging chads LMAO! Dems DEMANDED that Kerry not concede. Hillary told Biden not to concede under any circumstances. Scumbag Dems aren't fooling anyone. :eusa_hand:

Bush was re-elected. Trump wasn't.
This isn't politics, it's old hate speech. Are we going to see selected excerpts from anti-Trump books for the next four years while the Country falls apart?
"I feel you are going to lose the election," Barr told Trump in April 2020 as the virus was killing more Americans, according to the reporters. "I feel you are actually losing touch with your own base."

LOL! Another fantasy "conversation" you got duped into believing by someone selling a book. Will you EVER learn??? Hahahaha
So crybaby.... Exactly what about thia do you find hard to believe? Don't say the source. You already blubbered that. I want to know what you find hard to believe about the story.
History will judge us, lets work on some positive stuff. Work together find middle ground. No one gets everything they want the way they want it.
Dems always claim the election was illegitimate when they lose. They run amok filing lawsuits and protesting. To this day they claim Bush stole it from Gore. Hanging chads LMAO! Dems DEMANDED that Kerry not concede. Hillary told Biden not to concede under any circumstances. Scumbag Dems aren't fooling anyone. :eusa_hand:
Clinton conceded. Kerry conceded. Gore conceded.

Trump didn’t.
His mistake is that Trump can't be humiliated or embarrassed. He lacks the self-awareness or shame. He's essentially like a shark, constantly and endlessly on the hunt for food -- the "food" being approval.

donny's niece who has high credentials in the psychology field, having a license to practice says donny's multitude of cray cray layers - certainly has an inferior complex that she has never seen before.

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