Barrack Obama And David Letterman Agree That Mitt Sucks



So..........this is a problem, but Clint eastwood was a god?

Yeah this is why you people are morons.
So what are we supposed to be "outraged" about?

The President went on TV. So what?

I guess the fact that Obama has never felt he has to represent everyone for starters.

Showing up during a crisis to appear on David Letterman is bad enough but claiming to represent everyone stretches the bounds of credibility.

Taking into account all of his lies in the past I would consider this one the biggest load of crappola I've ever witnessed.......but only if I had short-term memory loss. I can't really say that with a straight face.

So, you're "outraged" that Obama said he represents everyone?

Yes I am, he clearly does not. If you are not in a Blue State, Not in a Union, or not in College, on the surface at least it appears this president does not give a fuck about you.

This whole Issue is silly, Romney never said he would not care for, or be the president of anyone. he simply said he was not worried about winning the votes of people who are not going to vote for him under any circumstances.

No story here with out spin, and out of context perception of what he said.
So what are we supposed to be "outraged" about?

The President went on TV. So what?

I guess the fact that Obama has never felt he has to represent everyone for starters.

Showing up during a crisis to appear on David Letterman is bad enough but claiming to represent everyone stretches the bounds of credibility.

Taking into account all of his lies in the past I would consider this one the biggest load of crappola I've ever witnessed.......but only if I had short-term memory loss. I can't really say that with a straight face.

So, you're "outraged" that Obama said he represents everyone?

I am outraged that he hasn't had a press conference where he has to answer REAL question about what has happened with our foreign policy in the Middle East and in Northern Africa.

What kind of warnings did they get in Libya as the President of Libya asserts?

When was the last time he met with the Security Council or his Cabinet?

Explain to the people what happened in Libya and all over the Middle East and why he's being burned in effigy.

What right did he have to call Google and ask them to take the video off the internet?

What kind of security do the embassies have now?

When the Sudan said "no" to the Marines, what did he say?

There's more serious questions to be asked and Letterman is not the one to ask him!

The people want to know what the hell is going on!
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Obama was on David Letterman last night. He was reclined in a comfortable chair given the opportunity by Letterman to answer great questions like

"Just how cool are you Mr President?":thanks:

Obama answered a question about what Mitt said in a video that was revealed earlier.

He said that as president he has to work for everybody, not just his base.........


Problem is his record doesn't show that is the case, so David Letterman served him up a softball and taking into account this 3 month old video's release by Jimmy Carter the IV, Obama simply knocked it out of the park.

Problem is he's lying.

He does care about you, but you have to be Black, a 30 year old college student, Homosexual, or a woman that only thinks about sex 24/7 and doesn't ever worry about making ends meet.

The rest of us can go pound sand in Obama's opinion.......especially the folks that cling to their guns and their religion. Oh, and white middle-aged males. You're shit out of luck.

My biggest question is this:

WTF is Obama doing on David Lettermen while our overseas embassies and schools are under siege?:eusa_eh:

Shouldn't this prick be doing his job in Washington and not kicking back in front of cameras in New York?

In my opinion Obama doesn't have to run a campaign. His friends in the media are doing it for him for free.:thewave: :udaman:

Obama after this show, may have no credibility as President of this United States of America anymore, because he would actually go and sit down with a dispicable man like Letterman, who said the thing that he said about Sarah Palins Daughter, and especially when he has daughters of his own ? This man Obama may have no morals or decency about himself possibly, and his wife should be ashamed and not proud of her husband for the very first time in America.

She should give him a stern talking to about walking into the lions den in this way, because it speaks wonders again about this man's character in life. How can anyone forget what Letterman said ? Now we have a sitting President lowering himself to actually go on this show like this, while the nations burns on far more important issues. If people don't understand who Barack Obama is now, then they never will understand who he is, and that is ashame.

Sometimes trying to fit in and be cool, can come back to haunt, and to burn one's character if not careful, and this seems that it was not being careful on Obama's part at all imho.

Maybe that's all it was, is that Barack was trying to apear cool for his base of young folks, but even the young folks don't like it when a man like Letterman attacks and smears the young folk in which he had done for a low down political score.

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So Obama wants to be cool, when we want a REAL LEADER. That's our choice for President, people.

Obama was on David Letterman last night. He was reclined in a comfortable chair given the opportunity by Letterman to answer great questions like

"Just how cool are you Mr President?":thanks:

Obama answered a question about what Mitt said in a video that was revealed earlier.

He said that as president he has to work for everybody, not just his base.........


Problem is his record doesn't show that is the case, so David Letterman served him up a softball and taking into account this 3 month old video's release by Jimmy Carter the IV, Obama simply knocked it out of the park.

Problem is he's lying.

He does care about you, but you have to be Black, a 30 year old college student, Homosexual, or a woman that only thinks about sex 24/7 and doesn't ever worry about making ends meet.

The rest of us can go pound sand in Obama's opinion.......especially the folks that cling to their guns and their religion. Oh, and white middle-aged males. You're shit out of luck.

My biggest question is this:

WTF is Obama doing on David Lettermen while our overseas embassies and schools are under siege?:eusa_eh:

Shouldn't this prick be doing his job in Washington and not kicking back in front of cameras in New York?

In my opinion Obama doesn't have to run a campaign. His friends in the media are doing it for him for free.:thewave: :udaman:
Obama after this show, may have no credibility as President of this United States of America anymore, because he would actually go and sit down with a dispicable man like Letterman, who said the things that he said about Sarah Palins Daughter, and especially when he has daughters of his own ? This man Obama may have no morals or decency about himself possibly, and his wife should be ashamed and not proud of her husband for the very first time in America.

She should give him a stern talking to about walking into the lions den in this way, because it speaks wonders again about this man's character in life. How can anyone forget what Letterman said and did ? Now we have a sitting President lowering himself to actually go on this show like this, while the nations burns on far more important issues. If people don't understand who Barack Obama is now, then they never will understand who he is, and that is ashame.

Sometimes trying to fit in and be cool, can come back to haunt, and to burn one's character if not careful, and this seems that it was not being careful on Obama's part at all imho.

Maybe that's all it was, is that Barack was trying to apear cool for his base of young folks, but even the young folks don't like it when a man like Letterman attacks and smears the young folk in which he had done for a low down political score.

[ame=]Letterman Rips Sarah Palin And Her Daughter - YouTube[/ame]

Obama after this show, may have no credibility as President of this United States of America anymore

This post says volumes about YOUR credibility... Obama's ... not so much..

Obama was on David Letterman last night. He was reclined in a comfortable chair given the opportunity by Letterman to answer great questions like

"Just how cool are you Mr President?":thanks:

Obama answered a question about what Mitt said in a video that was revealed earlier.

He said that as president he has to work for everybody, not just his base.........


Problem is his record doesn't show that is the case, so David Letterman served him up a softball and taking into account this 3 month old video's release by Jimmy Carter the IV, Obama simply knocked it out of the park.

Problem is he's lying.

He does care about you, but you have to be Black, a 30 year old college student, Homosexual, or a woman that only thinks about sex 24/7 and doesn't ever worry about making ends meet.

The rest of us can go pound sand in Obama's opinion.......especially the folks that cling to their guns and their religion. Oh, and white middle-aged males. You're shit out of luck.

My biggest question is this:

WTF is Obama doing on David Lettermen while our overseas embassies and schools are under siege?:eusa_eh:

Shouldn't this prick be doing his job in Washington and not kicking back in front of cameras in New York?

In my opinion Obama doesn't have to run a campaign. His friends in the media are doing it for him for free.:thewave: :udaman:
Obama after this show, may have no credibility as President of this United States of America anymore, because he would actually go and sit down with a dispicable man like Letterman, who said the things that he said about Sarah Palins Daughter, and especially when he has daughters of his own ? This man Obama may have no morals or decency about himself possibly, and his wife should be ashamed and not proud of her husband for the very first time in America.

She should give him a stern talking to about walking into the lions den in this way, because it speaks wonders again about this man's character in life. How can anyone forget what Letterman said and did ? Now we have a sitting President lowering himself to actually go on this show like this, while the nations burns on far more important issues. If people don't understand who Barack Obama is now, then they never will understand who he is, and that is ashame.

Sometimes trying to fit in and be cool, can come back to haunt, and to burn one's character if not careful, and this seems that it was not being careful on Obama's part at all imho.

Maybe that's all it was, is that Barack was trying to apear cool for his base of young folks, but even the young folks don't like it when a man like Letterman attacks and smears the young folk in which he had done for a low down political score.

[ame=]Letterman Rips Sarah Palin And Her Daughter - YouTube[/ame]

Obama after this show, may have no credibility as President of this United States of America anymore

This post says volumes about YOUR credibility... Obama's ... not so much..
How idiotic are these words that you have written in response to ?

Truth hurts doesn't it ?

Right or left, the FACT that an entire political party declared war on our economy and came right out and stated they would not allow even one job to be created -

WTF is wrong with you rw's?

Your own party wants YOU to be unemployed and without a home or a future and what do you do?

You say you want more of the same.

If the Ds did this, I'd be writing letters every day and I sure as hell would NOT vote them ever again.

Wake the fuck up already.

And grow a pair, for Pete's sake.

Romney says he's gonna throw your mom and dad under a bus and you grovel and kiss his feet. He says he doesn't care if you have a job or starve and you're humping his leg.

GAWD. WHAT is WRONG with you fools?

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I guess the fact that Obama has never felt he has to represent everyone for starters.

Showing up during a crisis to appear on David Letterman is bad enough but claiming to represent everyone stretches the bounds of credibility.

Taking into account all of his lies in the past I would consider this one the biggest load of crappola I've ever witnessed.......but only if I had short-term memory loss. I can't really say that with a straight face.

So, you're "outraged" that Obama said he represents everyone?

I am outraged that he hasn't had a press conference where he has to answer REAL question about what has happened with our foreign policy in the Middle East and in Northern Africa.

What kind of warnings did they get in Libya as the President of Libya asserts?

When was the last time he met with the Security Council or his Cabinet?

Explain to the people what happened in Libya and all over the Middle East and why he's being burned in effigy.

What right did he have to call Google and ask them to take the video off the internet?

What kind of security do the embassies have now?

When the Sudan said "no" to the Marines, what did he say?

There's more serious questions to be asked and Letterman is not the one to ask him!

The people want to know what the hell is going on!

Obama isn't interested in the people of America. He's only interested in getting himself re-elected so that he can make under-the-table and binding agreements with Russians to give away Alaskan territorial waters and with the Muslim Brotherhood (the Egyptian equivalent to al Qaeda) without a real journalist demanding to know why an American Embassy was left with no bullets to stop petty criminals from sodomizing, dragging, and killing our ambassador on the American soil that embassies are supposed to be in the civil world but are not in fact where terrorists are allowed inside information from the contractors Hillary Clinton insisted that we hire (according to Col. David Hunt) who ran away and told the terrorists all they needed to know to decimate the Embassy.

The people want to know why these bumbling, incompetent clowns always manage to wind up with a dead ambassador or dead border patrol agents when they make untoward, somewhat unilateral decisions that put Americans in harm's way.
All I can say is I feel so much better that if there ever is a national crisis I can rest assured that Obama will not deviate from his schedule.

New Orleans could flood out, blood thirsty killers all over the Middle-East could destroy our embassies but Obama come hell or high water will still make it to Vegas or David Letterman.


Right or left, the FACT that an entire political party declared war on our economy and came right out and stated they would not allow even one job to be created -

WTF is wrong with you rw's?

Your own party wants YOU to be unemployed and without a home or a future and what do you do?

You say you want more of the same.

If the Ds did this, I'd be writing letters every day and I sure as hell would NOT vote them ever again.

Wake the fuck up already.

And grow a pair, for Pete's sake.

Romney says he's gonna throw your mom and dad under a bus and you grovel and kiss his feet. He says he doesn't care if you have a job or starve and you're humping his leg.

GAWD. WHAT is WRONG with you fools?

Wouldn't it also benefit the dems to be obstructionist in the first 4 years, and this as a plan maybe, and so why is this you might ask ? It is because making the repubs apear obstructionist by what Obama is accusing them of, and where as he claims that they have damaged the nation so badly during Bush, that in this original plan he and his associates figured that after the first four years, they could then fall back on or say continually afterwards this sort of thing, in order to justify 8 years to repair it, instead of the 4 that were given them.

How about putting that hat on for a second, in order to give it another unbiased view maybe.
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NYdaily news? really

I know you guys only believe stories from feverishly right-wing unsourced blog sites, but give reality a shot. You might like it.

And you only believe in stories from Mother Jones or Mother Goose, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, and and MSNBC. Yellow journalism for sure.
Mudwhistle, there is a video put out by the cheering terrorists inside the embassy with a dead ambassador with his shirt raised and his pants loose. I don't know why the American press is using this omission. It's a heinous sight, but here is the link to their "film" and an article every American should read that illustrates precisely who the enemy is. It is punk rotten terrorists. Algemeiner story

And Hillary Clinton is the person who ordered the Foreign Contractors to run security, who fled the scene and were seen going directly to the shooters to tell them how to get in, where important people were and descriptions, etc, according to Col. David Hunt. Hillary Clinton Made Decision Not To Post Marines at Benghazi.

We have gross misuse of the State Department when you consider that the guards at the Democrat National Convention definitely had guns that would stop terrorists who might consider causing trouble there.

Obama's Administration saves themselves, but not other Americans. It's a national disgrace.
I know you guys only believe stories from feverishly right-wing unsourced blog sites, but give reality a shot. You might like it.

And you only believe in stories from Mother Jones or Mother Goose, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, and and MSNBC. Yellow journalism for sure.
Mudwhistle, there is a video put out by the cheering terrorists inside the embassy with a dead ambassador with his shirt raised and his pants loose. I don't know why the American press is using this omission. It's a heinous sight, but here is the link to their "film" and an article every American should read that illustrates precisely who the enemy is. It is punk rotten terrorists. Algemeiner story

And Hillary Clinton is the person who ordered the Foreign Contractors to run security, who fled the scene and were seen going directly to the shooters to tell them how to get in, where important people were and descriptions, etc, according to Col. David Hunt. Hillary Clinton Made Decision Not To Post Marines at Benghazi.

We have gross misuse of the State Department when you consider that the guards at the Democrat National Convention definitely had guns that would stop terrorists who might consider causing trouble there.

Obama's Administration saves themselves, but not other Americans. It's a national disgrace.

Well since Obama only shows up for about half of his security briefings I'm not surprised somebody else made the decision for him. I just didn't figure anything would happen till after the election.

Seems Obama is fucking off more that advertized.
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