Barrack Obama, Charles Manson, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn.....All Want The Same Thing It Appears

Yes.....Barack Obama has been fomenting racial unrest because he wants a race war in this country....but by God...that's not a real picture of Obama and Bill Ayers!!!!!!@
I'm wondering if the Ayers/Obama pic is photoshopped. Ayers looks way too young, almost as young as Obama.

Of course it is photoshopped!

View attachment 44186

Look at the angle of the shadows!

There must be two suns in the OP's bubble world.


So you're saying someone Photoshopped Obama onto those two pictures....?

Why would they do that if that isn't Bill Ayers in the picture?

You guys need to make up your minds what the story is.

No, you need to develop critical thinking skills and instead of just being gullible and swallowing whatever disinformation you are reading.

The pictures in your OP are obvious fakes to go back to your sources and ask them why they need to lie about Obama using faked pictures.
All of them are fakes???

Who's the liar now???

Here's another untouched photo. This one is Michelle Obama with Martin Luther King, Jr., at a slave auction.

The photo I posted was labeled to be of Obama and Bill Ayers.

So are you saying its okay that you just posted a lie- and that you aren't responsible for posting the lie?

Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.
People that are too stupid or too programmed to face reality. Somebody makes a point that sounds reasonable and you all start cackling like chickens.


What is your OP if not about stupid people who are being programmed to believe lies about Obama?
Yes.....Barack Obama has been fomenting racial unrest because he wants a race war in this country....but by God...that's not a real picture of Obama and Bill Ayers!!!!!!@

Muddy "Hey someone caught me lying again- I better try to distract them- I will do my Obama is a racist dance!"
Here's another untouched photo. This one is Michelle Obama with Martin Luther King, Jr., at a slave auction.

The photo I posted was labeled to be of Obama and Bill Ayers.

So are you saying its okay that you just posted a lie- and that you aren't responsible for posting the lie?

Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear
Here's another untouched photo. This one is Michelle Obama with Martin Luther King, Jr., at a slave auction.

The photo I posted was labeled to be of Obama and Bill Ayers.

So are you saying its okay that you just posted a lie- and that you aren't responsible for posting the lie?

Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear

You posted a bunch of crap- and you like to pretend you are not responsible - you are just posting it.

You do 'care'- just not about the truth.
Yes.....Barack Obama has been fomenting racial unrest because he wants a race war in this country....but by God...that's not a real picture of Obama and Bill Ayers!!!!!!@

Muddy "Hey someone caught me lying again- I better try to distract them- I will do my Obama is a racist dance!"

Once again......a lie is telling a falsehood knowing it is false and claiming its not. I don't know it's false and neither do you....not with any certainty. You believe it to be false....but do you really know?
The photo I posted was labeled to be of Obama and Bill Ayers.

So are you saying its okay that you just posted a lie- and that you aren't responsible for posting the lie?

Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear

You posted a bunch of crap- and you like to pretend you are not responsible - you are just posting it.

You do 'care'- just not about the truth.

I posted the truth and you guys pointed out a tiny flaw........but cannot refute a single thing else.

So basically...You're all the compulsive liar you support so strongly.

This photo proves that Obama lied about Bill Ayers just being "some guy living in my neighborhood" in Hyde Park. Obama even attended a wedding last year...and Ayers attended as well.

Do any of you sycophantic assholes really care about the truth???

Fuck no.

This photo proves that Obama lied about Bill Ayers just being "some guy living in my neighborhood" in Hyde Park. Obama even attended a wedding last year...and Ayers attended as well.

Do any of you sycophantic assholes really care about the truth???

Fuck no.

Clearly you don't care about the truth.
So are you saying its okay that you just posted a lie- and that you aren't responsible for posting the lie?

Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear

You posted a bunch of crap- and you like to pretend you are not responsible - you are just posting it.

You do 'care'- just not about the truth.

I posted the truth and you guys pointed out a tiny flaw........but cannot refute a single thing else.

So basically...You're all the compulsive liar you support so strongly.

As I pointed out- the obvious lies- based entirely upon your photo's were
a) you lied about his dead mother.
b) you lied about his dead maternal grandmother
c) you lied about his dead maternal grandfather
d) you lied about the photo of Obama at Occidental.

Is there anything that is true in your OP- I don't know- once I saw the blatant lies I didn't go any further.
Depends on who's lie it's not mine.

Is the rest of the OP a lie as well....or just that?

That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear

You posted a bunch of crap- and you like to pretend you are not responsible - you are just posting it.

You do 'care'- just not about the truth.

I posted the truth and you guys pointed out a tiny flaw........but cannot refute a single thing else.

So basically...You're all the compulsive liar you support so strongly.

As I pointed out- the obvious lies- based entirely upon your photo's were
a) you lied about his dead mother.
b) you lied about his dead maternal grandmother
c) you lied about his dead maternal grandfather
d) you lied about the photo of Obama at Occidental.

Is there anything that is true in your OP- I don't know- once I saw the blatant lies I didn't go any further.
Prove I lied or shut the fuck up, hack.

Obama's mother met his father while taking a class at the University of Hawaii. The class was reportedly a class in Russian. His father was born a Muslim but was reportedly a converted Communist, one of the facts that was pointed out to me by other libs here trying to defend Obama from accusations of being a Muslim. Russian was not a common language that Americans took in the 60s.....unless they were Communists or aspired to be one. At the very least.....she was a communist sympathizer.

What is Obama’s Past? In the first part we interviewed a man whom met and spoke with Obama while he was at Occidental College and his Marxist possible Socialist ideology. We must question what facts have been turned up since then that may well reflect back upon the ideology of Marxism and Socialism almost drilled into Barack Hussein Obama”s head by his Grand parents, his friends, and many of his teachers that espoused the ideology of Marxism/Socialism.

Obama’s mother was a “communist Sympathizer," as stated by Tim Jones of the Chicago Tribune done March 27, 2007. “The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of Politics,” said Barack Obama. Now according to The St Louis Times, “His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (her father always wanted a son), was white and just 18 when they met in a Russian class” Obama’s parents met in a Russian class, when Russia was of the Communist ideology? We went back and read the article from Spengler in the Asia Times, and wonder in awe why this was never seen in the United States before the election or since? This article captures the reason behind Obama’s ideology of hate to those with money; it is a war on those whom have made it the hard way! It is a war that Obama himself is encouraged to keep on doing by his own wife, Michelle! That article had one piece in it we feel HAS to be shown here;

Read more at Obama His Marxist Communist Past Exposed How It Continues - Freedom Outpost

Explain to me why Obama has such a hatred for can't...unless you take into account that he was raised in a home that practiced and preached Marxism and Socialism.
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Here's another untouched photo. This one is Michelle Obama with Martin Luther King, Jr., at a slave auction.

The photo I posted was labeled to be of Obama and Bill Ayers.

And the photo I posted is labeled to be of Michelle Obama and Martin Luther King. See how that works, retard?

Like I pointed out before........If it wasn't a photo of Bill Ayers why Photoshop Obama onto it?

If my photo isn't of Martin Luther King, why photoshop Michelle Obama into it?

My god, I cannot believe you are this stupid and still able to type.
That you don't know- and don't care whether the OP is a lie or not- just tells us about you.

Oh...I care....obviously you don't.

That much is clear

You posted a bunch of crap- and you like to pretend you are not responsible - you are just posting it.

You do 'care'- just not about the truth.

I posted the truth and you guys pointed out a tiny flaw........but cannot refute a single thing else.

So basically...You're all the compulsive liar you support so strongly.

As I pointed out- the obvious lies- based entirely upon your photo's were
a) you lied about his dead mother.
b) you lied about his dead maternal grandmother
c) you lied about his dead maternal grandfather
d) you lied about the photo of Obama at Occidental.

Is there anything that is true in your OP- I don't know- once I saw the blatant lies I didn't go any further.
Prove I lied or shut the fuck up, hack.

Obama's mother met his father while taking a class at the University of Hawaii. The class was reportedly a class in Russian. His father was born a Muslim but was reportedly a converted Communist, one of the facts that was pointed out to me by other libs here trying to defend Obama from accusations of being a Muslim. Russian was not a common language that Americans took.....unless they were Communists or aspired to be one. At the very least.....she was a communist sympathizer.

What is Obama’s Past? In the first part we interviewed a man whom met and spoke with Obama while he was at Occidental College and his Marxist possible Socialist ideology. We must question what facts have been turned up since then that may well reflect back upon the ideology of Marxism and Socialism almost drilled into Barack Hussein Obama”s head by his Grand parents, his friends, and many of his teachers that espoused the ideology of Marxism/Socialism.

Obama’s mother was a “communist Sympathizer," as stated by Tim Jones of the Chicago Tribune done March 27, 2007. “The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of Politics,” said Barack Obama. Now according to The St Louis Times, “His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (her father always wanted a son), was white and just 18 when they met in a Russian class” Obama’s parents met in a Russian class, when Russia was of the Communist ideology? We went back and read the article from Spengler in the Asia Times, and wonder in awe why this was never seen in the United States before the election or since? This article captures the reason behind Obama’s ideology of hate to those with money; it is a war on those whom have made it the hard way! It is a war that Obama himself is encouraged to keep on doing by his own wife, Michelle! That article had one piece in it we feel HAS to be shown here;

Read more at Obama His Marxist Communist Past Exposed How It Continues - Freedom Outpost

The OP obviously doesn't have a clue that quoting extremist rightwing bloggers is doing more harm to his credibility than good.

If you want to make a case then your sources need to be believable.

That you insist upon dredging the internet for sludge that is little more that regurgitated disinformation from similar sites establishes beyond any doubt that you have absolutely nothing of substance to support your farcical OP claims.
"Barrack Obama, Charles Manson, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn.....All Want The Same Thing It Appears"

The only thing apparent is that this is yet another ridiculous lie from the right.

This photo proves that Obama lied about Bill Ayers just being "some guy living in my neighborhood" in Hyde Park. Obama even attended a wedding last year...and Ayers attended as well.

Do any of you sycophantic assholes really care about the truth???

Fuck no.

Clearly you don't care about the truth.'re crying about me presenting a picture of them together.....and I show you another....and all you have to say is I don't care about the truth????

Get the fuck out of here crybaby.

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