Barry Obama Calls for Israel to End Their ‘Occupation,’ Wants State for Palestinians...

Susan Ricei s now busy with Netflix attempting to instill ()bama's 'fundamental change'.

Valerie makes yuuuge bank, still circumventing the constitution while she serves as Board Chairman of Civic Nation and Co-Chair of The United State of Women.

Jarrett also serves on the boards of Walgreens Boot Alliance, Inc., Ralph Lauren Corporation, Sweetgreen, Inc., Ariel Investments, The University of Chicago, Sesame Street Workshop, and The Economic Club of Chicago. Jarrett also serves on the Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women Advisory Board, the Bank of America Enterprise Executive Development Council, and the Microsoft Advisory Council.

A busy and nasty bit of organizing work... from the ()bama mold, those ones and they are in this organizing morality... for life imho.

While Nuland is an out-and-out psycho who loves to stir the pot of life until death comes out. :doubt:
I find it hard to believe Rice just walks away from having her hands on the levers of power for the US.

Jarret's there too, this ain't the 1st time they've worked together.
This thing better calm down soon. We cannot have a World War III scenario we shd not send any American troops to the Middle East.

All the more interesting because we were on the brink of Saudi Arabia and Israel having a peace deal, and then October 7 occurs.
Of course he does.

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The left will not let this die. This is the distraction they need. They want and need total chaos as they flounder amid the changing tides. This is their setup. Their last chance at total takedown of the US. There will be no burnout, just them fanning the flame with outrageous anger against the truth. :thup:

Be prepared!
Blah blah blah. It is way past time for Israel to allow the Palestinians to have an economy and for people to invest in Palestine after 70 years
Of course he does.

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The left will not let this die. This is the distraction they need. They want and need total chaos as they flounder amid the changing tides. This is their setup. Their last chance at total takedown of the US. There will be no burnout, just them fanning the flame with outrageous anger against the truth. :thup:

Be prepared!
Look out, Obummer is going to give them MN.
Barry Hussein loves his goat-fucking muzzie buddies.... and he loves him some dick... although the concepts are considered mutually exclusive in most parts of the planet....

Blah blah blah. It is way past time for Israel to allow the Palestinians to have an economy and for people to invest in Palestine after 70 years
There was a "Two State" solution to the problems in the Levant, nearly 75 years ago. The United Nations Partition Plan;
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).[1]

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia

As with most compromise solutions, neither side was fully satisfied with it, but record shows that the Jews were more willing to live and work with the plan than the Arabs/Muslims were.

What had started as a 'Civil War' up to and following the British withdrawal, boiled over into the ;
"1948 Arab-Israel War"–Israeli_War']1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
With the neighboring Arab/Islamic nations agenda to destroy Israel as a nation, kill or drive into the sea all the Jews, and reclaim the land of the Levant. the stakes were set back then in 1948 and have remained the same ever since.;

Arabs/Muslims seek to destroy Israel and eliminate the Jews therein.

Israel seeks to survive and ideally exist in peace with it's neighbors.

Note that possession of real estate has been one of the goals of both sides in the on again/off again forever war, hence claims of land lost to one side or the other are mostly window dressing for political reasons; existence of either side in control being the larger issue.

It should be noted that context has the Jews occupying the Levant/Israel as far back as 4,000+ years ago. Admittedly sprinkled with occasions where they were in exile and/or other nations/powers occupied the land/region. Also, with Islam starting only @1,400 years ago, the Muslim claim to Levant/Israel is based upon earlier conquest at the start of the Islamic wars of expansion and conquest. Islam control also subject to intermittent control via other occupying nations.

Spread of Islam - Wikipedia

The real blunt reality is that the Palestinians and their Islamic Jihad supporters(financiers) won't rest until there is no more Israel and the Jews are gone or enslaved.

There are only two long term solutions;
1) Kill~destroy ALL militant forces bordering and threatening Israel (and maybe some solid whacks to the other nations funding and supporting same).
2) Accept this will be an 'everlasting conflict"/Forever War until either 1) above is achieved or Israel ceases to exist.

There remains no compromise or "two-state" solution. Long past that point (like 75 years past).
BTW, there are better ways to throw away and lose one's money than invest in Palestine. So far the bulk of what has been invested as gone to weapons and funding attacks on Israel.
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Of course he does.

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The left will not let this die. This is the distraction they need. They want and need total chaos as they flounder amid the changing tides. This is their setup. Their last chance at total takedown of the US. There will be no burnout, just them fanning the flame with outrageous anger against the truth. :thup:

Be prepared!
So the clown shows his true color. Not Black or White, 75% checker board and 25% Hamas. His God must also murder and butcher innocent. Gaza is a shit hole that Israel wants no part of but when left unguarded terrorist groups use it to kill innocent men, women, children, babies, and the unborn. The Palestinians elected these animals and just maybe when they are wiped off the face of the Earth both Israel and the Palestinians will have a little peace. But not until every one of them is burning in Hell. If not with in a year the same will happen again and the same cycle will play out exactly the same. Hamas don't use its money to help any of these people only use them as human shields. Their money goes to buy weapons and build tunnels under the buildings. Every time a building is leveled so are the tunnels beneath it. Israel need to give those people some weapons and let them take care of their own problem and Israel isn't it.

I didn't see protesters ringing the White House when 1,500 innocent Israelites were butchered. It talks of America in the Bible, the New Bagdad and this fits right in. It will not be pretty and time is short because not that much is left to happen. For you who think this book isn't the real deal for a book written that long ago and all the prediction to come true the odds of that are as numbered as the grains of sand on Earth. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Bible thumper but as a boy I read and studied the Bible and had a grandfather who was a Baptist minister. When he wasn't plowing his fields he sat in his chair reading the Bible. What he showed me in that book made a believer out of me.

The Muslim religion has nothing to do with the God I worship. My God doesn't tell me to kill anyone not believing in him. He also don't tell me to worship a murdering child rapist above Jesus. The 10 Commandments sound right to me. Nothing to do with murdering, raping children, and butchering women sex organs, that is just evil and sick. Out of all religions only Muslims believe in this sick and evil crap.
Of course he does.

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The left will not let this die. This is the distraction they need. They want and need total chaos as they flounder amid the changing tides. This is their setup. Their last chance at total takedown of the US. There will be no burnout, just them fanning the flame with outrageous anger against the truth. :thup:

Be prepared!
I guess Obama and Biden have differing opinions on this.
Right now Obamao calls for ceasefire when he really want Hamas to kill Israelis.... Pretty soon he'll be more public rather than private. Ceasefire and two state solution means Gazans get to attack israel till they kill all of them. Where are those hostages..the babies, toddlers, teens, girls who have been brutalized and raped. WHERE ARE THEY. and don't think Big Mike and Bathhouse Barry give a fig.
Of course he does.

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The left will not let this die. This is the distraction they need. They want and need total chaos as they flounder amid the changing tides. This is their setup. Their last chance at total takedown of the US. There will be no burnout, just them fanning the flame with outrageous anger against the truth. :thup:

Be prepared!

Wow how original!!
Never been tried before!!


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