Barry Sotereo Contuniues To Spread Love in Middle East - Bombs Yemen

The Congress declared war with Yemen, as the law requires...right?


We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue. Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.

rw's here are always on the side of the terrorists.

I'm not exaggerating. Read any thread where President Obama killed terrorists and the rw's will be against the president's actions and on the side of the terrorists.

President Obama has killed more terrorists without a war than the shrub ever did with his attack on innocent people and the rw's are on the side of killing innocent people and against killing terrorists.

Like the GObP/repub/teepots they are anti-America and anti-American and they make no effort to hide that fact.

Obama's only making more terrorists

You can't fight ideology with bullets and bombs
Love the hypocrisy from the left.

When Bush bombs terrorist bases in other countries, he's a killer and a war criminal. When obama does it he's keeping the US safe.

Left wing Morons. (pardon the redundancy)

Bush declared war on an innocent country, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people (including AMERICANS) and put us deeeeep in debt.

What hard evidence do you have?
The Congress declared war with Yemen, as the law requires...right?


We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue. Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.

rw's here are always on the side of the terrorists.

I'm not exaggerating. Read any thread where President Obama killed terrorists and the rw's will be against the president's actions and on the side of the terrorists.

President Obama has killed more terrorists without a war than the shrub ever did with his attack on innocent people and the rw's are on the side of killing innocent people and against killing terrorists.

Like the GObP/repub/teepots they are anti-America and anti-American and they make no effort to hide that fact.

so come you never question anything Obama or the Democrats do?...the only thing i ever see you question is ANYTHING done by the Republicans.....but Democrats?.....any thread in here,any just defend them.....never question.....
The Congress declared war with Yemen, as the law requires...right?


We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue.

By your fucked up logic, you'd have no problem with the Yemeni government sending aircraft into America to bomb US citizens they believe may do harm to their people...cuz that wouldn't be an act of war. :cuckoo:

Yea, pass.

The Constitution requires war be declared before attacking another nation. That meddlers from both parties have ignored the law of the land does not make it right.

Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.

Because you say so? :lol:

If there were terrorist in the USA that were planning and conducting terrorist attacks in Yemen we would handle it. We wouldn't need Yemen to do it for us. Yemen is unable to handle the terrorist in their country on their own. When countrys can't handle the problem, we do it for them, whether they want us to or not. We chasee down our enemys and kill them. That is what we do since the guy you call "Barry" got put in charge.
Pre-emtive strikes are allowed by the constitution. Your interpretation of the constitution is wrong and just plain stupid. Congress approved attacking enemys without a declaration of was long ago. The Supreme Court has approved the War Powers Act. That makes it constitutional. All the actions the President has been taken have been approved by congress.
And yes, Americans that aid and help terrorist and their cause by tieing the hands and restricting those tasked with chasing them down and killing them and giving them propaganda support are traitors because I say so and I can call traitors traitors if I want to and if you don't like it and don't like be called a traitor, to f'in bad. I don't care.
obama is now evacuating the embassy personnel in Yemen.

US Embassies Closed: Yemen Embassy Evacuated Amid Terror Threat | Video - ABC News

Does he intend to start a larger war? There was no terrorist attack, something big has to happen or obama will be lying one more time. The o might be trying to make one.

Ya, but since a recent prison break freed large numbers of hard core jihadist, perhaps some of the folks tasked with protecting the Embassy and staff inside it determined it might be difficult do defend against two dozen suicide bombers driving bomb laden trucks and cars followed by a coordinated infantry attack. But hey, lets just put the saftey of those Embassy people on your dopey thouhts. Whats the worst that could happen? And BTW, if you have a "Support the Troops" bumper sticker on your car, take it off, you don't deserve to fly that color. There are Marines gaurding that Embassy at this very moment, prepared to die doing so. When we come under attack Americans stand together as one and we support our troops by doing that. When the dust is cleared you can say what you want, until then you should shut up, or take the bumper sticker off.
In U.S., 65% Support Drone Attacks on Terrorists Abroad
In U.S., 65% Support Drone Attacks on Terrorists Abroad

Most patriotic Americans support the usage of drones that help keep America safe. But the right's hero Putin, doesn't like the usage of drones, well then they don't like it either. Which country are these people from anyway?

But awhile back?,,,,,
GOP on Drones: Policy Shift or Political Amnesia
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The Congress declared war with Yemen, as the law requires...right?


We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue.

By your fucked up logic, you'd have no problem with the Yemeni government sending aircraft into America to bomb US citizens they believe may do harm to their people...cuz that wouldn't be an act of war. :cuckoo:

Yea, pass.

The Constitution requires war be declared before attacking another nation. That meddlers from both parties have ignored the law of the land does not make it right.

Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.

Because you say so? :lol:

Except we have the support of the Yemeni government and indeed our operations in Yemen require on the ground support and local intelligence gathering for target generation.

The government there generally cooperates with us privately, in fact, until Wikileaks spilled the beans they were openly taking credit for our strikes as a cover.
We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue.

By your fucked up logic, you'd have no problem with the Yemeni government sending aircraft into America to bomb US citizens they believe may do harm to their people...cuz that wouldn't be an act of war. :cuckoo:

Yea, pass.

The Constitution requires war be declared before attacking another nation. That meddlers from both parties have ignored the law of the land does not make it right.

Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.
Because you say so? :lol:

Except we have the support of the Yemeni government and indeed our operations in Yemen require on the ground support and local intelligence gathering for target generation.

The government there generally cooperates with us privately, in fact, until Wikileaks spilled the beans they were openly taking credit for our strikes as a cover.

Those two words have never been so loosely connected!!!
Those two words have never been so loosely connected!!!

I disagree, just because it doesn't resemble ours and is more decentralized doesn't mean it doesn't have a governmental system. The simple fact is that we wouldn't be able to really carry out attacks in Yemen without Yemeni support on the ground.
Those two words have never been so loosely connected!!!

I disagree, just because it doesn't resemble ours and is more decentralized doesn't mean it doesn't have a governmental system. The simple fact is that we wouldn't be able to really carry out attacks in Yemen without Yemeni support on the ground.

Like we would never conduct a raid in Pakistan without their consent?


Barack will do (and has done) whatever he damned well wants, regardless.

Norway called. They want their Medal back
We aren't attacking Yemen. We are searching out and killing people who are planning to kill Americans here and abroad. We are killing those that want to kill, and do kill members of our military, State Dept. staff and our citizens. They are people directly and indirectly connected to the people who attacked us on 9/11. They publicly call for another attack on us. Even before 911 we have had the War Powers Act. It gives the President authority to take action to protect the nation when it is needed to protect us.
As another poster suggested, it's sad that there are those that dislike the President so much that they would challange him about how he goes about killing our enemys. For some odd reason there are folks that get angry when we kill terrorist. They attempt to make killing our enemys a debatable political issue. This is actually aiding the enemy. It makes them safer as those chasing them down have to follow more and more rules. It makes if harder to select and get permission to execute operations. Sometimes the terrorist will get away because of the timing issue.

By your fucked up logic, you'd have no problem with the Yemeni government sending aircraft into America to bomb US citizens they believe may do harm to their people...cuz that wouldn't be an act of war. :cuckoo:

Yea, pass.

The Constitution requires war be declared before attacking another nation. That meddlers from both parties have ignored the law of the land does not make it right.

Those that attack the President and our military for attacking terrorist are helping the terrorist. Got that? You are walking a fine line between being anti-American and terrorist supporter,s or traitors.

Because you say so? :lol:

If there were terrorist in the USA that were planning and conducting terrorist attacks in Yemen we would handle it.

As would they.

Yemen is unable to handle the terrorist in their country on their own. When countrys can't handle the problem, we do it for them, whether they want us to or not. We chasee down our enemys and kill them.

First, it's 'countries' and 'enemies'. Second, ever consider the fact we CREATE terrorists by engaging in such action?

That is what we do since the guy you call "Barry" got put in charge.

I've never referred to the President as "Barry". I hold respect for the office, no matter how inept the office holder.

Pre-emtive strikes are allowed by the constitution. Your interpretation of the constitution is wrong and just plain stupid.

Care to point to the enumerated power that grants that power?

Congress approved attacking enemys without a declaration of was long ago.

And that was clearly unconstitutional. Show us the enumerated power.

And again, it's "enemies".

The Supreme Court has approved the War Powers Act.

For which we are currently in violation, even if the WPA is constitutional, which it isn't.

That makes it constitutional.

Wrong Kemosabi...

All the actions the President has been taken have been approved by congress.

Which matters not if that approval is not among the enumerated powers. Congress has proven themselves cowardly in this regard...for quite some time.

And yes, Americans that aid and help terrorist and their cause by tieing the hands and restricting those tasked with chasing them down and killing them and giving them propaganda support are traitors because I say so and I can call traitors traitors if I want to and if you don't like it and don't like be called a traitor, to f'in bad. I don't care

What next, you gonna take your ball and go home?

You're really not very good at this. Feel free to try again...:lol:

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