Barry Sotereo Contuniues To Spread Love in Middle East - Bombs Yemen

The traitors are screaming "baby killers" and demanding we restrict our military response to attack to what they deem is politicaly correct. Lets just deploy a few brigades or a whole darn division with arty and armor to Yemen and decimate the f..kers. There, drone controversy solved. Kill em all. That should shut the whiners up about drone attacks. You knock down our buildings and threaten to do it again, we kill you and everything you love or care about.
It is all very well to attempt to show how tough Obama is with his drone strikes in Yemen.... but how about facing reality and getting tough with the ultimate enemy: Iran.

But of course this challenge is more than a timid Obama would ever contemplate... the truth is he has reduced the once all mighty USA to a toothless paper tiger. :mad:
The traitors are screaming "baby killers" and demanding we restrict our military response to attack to what they deem is politicaly correct. Lets just deploy a few brigades or a whole darn division with arty and armor to Yemen and decimate the f..kers. There, drone controversy solved. Kill em all. That should shut the whiners up about drone attacks. You knock down our buildings and threaten to do it again, we kill you and everything you love or care about.

Another retarded flag waver with a lust for death. Very impressive.
Have no lust for seeing more death. Seen plenty. Enough to know I'd rather see death on the enemy side than my own. Not a retard flag waver. Won't argue about the retard statement. You have a right to your opinion. If you think applying military science and history is retarded, that's OK with me.
Bush declared war

Only Congress can declare war.

Correct, formally...

Incorrect, from a practical perspective...

As may be evidenced through an examination of most of the conflicts that the US has engaged in since WWII...

The President's War Powers give him carte blanche for as much as 90 days without going to Congress, correct?

And afterwards, it's a simple Congressional rubber-stamp permission-to-continue-to-use-military-force rather than a formal declaration of war...

Don't like it?

Get the laws changed that are responsible for practically abrogating this Congressional prerogative...
Like we would never conduct a raid in Pakistan without their consent?


Barack will do (and has done) whatever he damned well wants, regardless.

Norway called. They want their Medal back

I like how you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the Yemeni government used to publicly support our drone campaigns by claiming responsibility for them. Just because it doesn't fit into your theory doesn't mean you should ignore it.

As for Pakistan, we absolutely do depend on ground intel. It is Pakistanis who primarily feed us the information that leads to strikes. We aren't just blindly carpet bombing, the CIA actually maintains an entire militia force of some 3000 Pakistanis in the tribal regions to collect intelligence for our strikes; and until very recently the Pakistani government largely did cooperate (by not shooting them down, helping us recover downed drones, clearing the airspace for their deployment, etc).

The rainbow colored unicorn turds must be delicious in your land of make-believe.

Yemen is such a wonderfully cooperative "government" that they were EVER ssoooo helpful in the investigation surrounding the USS Cole attack.

And that wonderful land of Pakistan is so forthcoming and generous that they only a month ago allowed the doctor that fed us the intelligence that led to killing Bin Laden to see his wife and family.


I will say one thing about that marvelous Yemen.....
They DID allow us to fly a drone over their airspace to kill an American teenager
Don't like it?

Get the laws changed that are responsible for practically abrogating this Congressional prerogative...

Forget about that. The extreme right wing America haters that post on these boards are talkers. They talk tuff, but they can't walk the walk. Change in our system of democracy takes a long time. The laws in place are usualy there because other who walked the walk put them there. To change them requires great sacrifice, resources and effort. People do more than just collect petitions and get involved in political campaigns. They march and demonstrate and go to jail. Year after year they work to gain public support for their issue's. The Pro-life folks have been pounding away for years and will continue to fight for their cause until they are satisfied. The civil rights activist fought violence and murder, jails and violent attacks, even from government authorities. The anti-war movement during the Vietnam War flocked into the streets and protested the entire time the war was taking place. Vietnam Veterans fought for decades before they were able to have Agent Orange recognized as a service connected illness. No, the talkers on these message boards won't do the walk that is needed to make change. They just like to talk. Mostly they talk stupid with misinformation and name calling. They can pretend to be hard ass's very well. But only folks with the same mindset pay attention to them. The majority of folks see right through their bs and judge them as nut jobs or just plain mean hateful people who hate America.
It is all very well to attempt to show how tough Obama is with his drone strikes in Yemen.... but how about facing reality and getting tough with the ultimate enemy: Iran.

But of course this challenge is more than a timid Obama would ever contemplate... the truth is he has reduced the once all mighty USA to a toothless paper tiger. :mad:

Why do you see Iran as the "ultimate enemy"? You find the country to be a larger threat to the US than terror attacks?
"...The extreme right wing..."

There may be some merit in that argument, so long as we take the Equal Opportunity approach and concede that the far left wing is equally full-of-shit - merely a different wrapper...

Yes, and the extreme always put their own agenda up front and beyond comprimise. They are extreme because they are so emotionaly committed that they become blind to the big picture and will reject and even make enemys with those that could help them. They are almost always the holyier than thou types. They are a pox on the left and the right, and they are a pox on whatever nation they operate in.
Like we would never conduct a raid in Pakistan without their consent?


Barack will do (and has done) whatever he damned well wants, regardless.

Norway called. They want their Medal back

I like how you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the Yemeni government used to publicly support our drone campaigns by claiming responsibility for them. Just because it doesn't fit into your theory doesn't mean you should ignore it.

As for Pakistan, we absolutely do depend on ground intel. It is Pakistanis who primarily feed us the information that leads to strikes. We aren't just blindly carpet bombing, the CIA actually maintains an entire militia force of some 3000 Pakistanis in the tribal regions to collect intelligence for our strikes; and until very recently the Pakistani government largely did cooperate (by not shooting them down, helping us recover downed drones, clearing the airspace for their deployment, etc).

The rainbow colored unicorn turds must be delicious in your land of make-believe.

Yemen is such a wonderfully cooperative "government" that they were EVER ssoooo helpful in the investigation surrounding the USS Cole attack.

And that wonderful land of Pakistan is so forthcoming and generous that they only a month ago allowed the doctor that fed us the intelligence that led to killing Bin Laden to see his wife and family.


I will say one thing about that marvelous Yemen.....
They DID allow us to fly a drone over their airspace to kill an American teenager

My "land of make believe" is the Council on Foreign Relations which is one of the largest and most well respected think tanks on international affairs.

In fact: Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies - Council on Foreign Relations

There is a pretty great report on the issue of drone and US drone strike policy and will support everything that I have said so far in this thread.

What was your source again?
I like how you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the Yemeni government used to publicly support our drone campaigns by claiming responsibility for them. Just because it doesn't fit into your theory doesn't mean you should ignore it.

As for Pakistan, we absolutely do depend on ground intel. It is Pakistanis who primarily feed us the information that leads to strikes. We aren't just blindly carpet bombing, the CIA actually maintains an entire militia force of some 3000 Pakistanis in the tribal regions to collect intelligence for our strikes; and until very recently the Pakistani government largely did cooperate (by not shooting them down, helping us recover downed drones, clearing the airspace for their deployment, etc).

The rainbow colored unicorn turds must be delicious in your land of make-believe.

Yemen is such a wonderfully cooperative "government" that they were EVER ssoooo helpful in the investigation surrounding the USS Cole attack.

And that wonderful land of Pakistan is so forthcoming and generous that they only a month ago allowed the doctor that fed us the intelligence that led to killing Bin Laden to see his wife and family.


I will say one thing about that marvelous Yemen.....
They DID allow us to fly a drone over their airspace to kill an American teenager

My "land of make believe" is the Council on Foreign Relations which is one of the largest and most well respected think tanks on international affairs.

In fact: Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies - Council on Foreign Relations

There is a pretty great report on the issue of drone and US drone strike policy and will support everything that I have said so far in this thread.

What was your source again?

In case you haven't noticed, we have entered an era where scholorly well thought out and factual papers and reports are no longer the primary source of research used to form opinions. We now rely on blogs, blurbs in blogs, talking points, cable news punditry, talk show host and message boards.
When Obama was first elected, people on the right were afraid that he would be 'soft on terrorism'. Now he is too hard on it?
Love the hypocrisy from the left.

When Bush bombs terrorist bases in other countries, he's a killer and a war criminal. When obama does it he's keeping the US safe.

Left wing Morons. (pardon the redundancy)

Could you give us an example of this?


When did the left criticize him for bombing a terrorist base? He was criticized for attacking a country and killing innocent people.

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