Barry Sotereo Contuniues To Spread Love in Middle East - Bombs Yemen

That's true, and hopefully you said the same at the time.

The big danger is that bombing often leads to ground troops being employed. I didn't agree that there would be any valid benefit for Bush putting ground troops in, and the same would be true for Obama.

There was one strike under Bush via drones that was just horrible and based on terrible intel. We hit a shcool and killed a bunch of children (something like just over 50). I know we can't be perfect, but that to me is a pretty big intel lapse and the worst error in drone strikes to date. Other than that though I haven't been horribly critical of Bush's drone policies.

What I did disapprove of was his rather poor foriegn policy. His invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea, really one of the worst foreign policy blunders of the 21st century. I also disagreed with his bombing strikes in Somalia due to the administrations coupling of Al Qaeda with the ICU. I thought that was rather off the mark and that Al Shabaab was greatly strengthened by our bombing of the ICU and support for the Ethiopian invasion. We've never been good with Somalia though. For some reason we always try to oversimplify it and ignore clan politics.

As far as larger drone policy is concerned, I also tend to shy away from targeting militant funerals and away from targeting those helping drone strike victims.
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What I'm rather curious about though concerning those who hate Obama for our drone program is if those same people also dislike the current and past Israeli administrations for their targeted killing programs which are rather similar only the targets usually reside in much more densly populated civilian areas.
but, but, it was ok when Bu$h II did it. :eusa_eh: Oh yeah, our guy is different-looking & has a weird-sounding name. ;)

Bush didn't use drones in allied countries to assassinate people. Further, the engagement of war at all had YOU - personally - demanding that Bush be charged with war crimes. I was at AWE, remember?
but, but, it was ok when Bu$h II did it. :eusa_eh: Oh yeah, our guy is different-looking & has a weird-sounding name. ;)

Bush didn't use drones in allied countries to assassinate people. Further, the engagement of war at all had YOU - personally - demanding that Bush be charged with war crimes. I was at AWE, remember?

Bush absolutely attacked Pakistan with drones.
Sad to see the left supporting Obama killing brown people... Oh well.


We (Americans) are Equal Opportunity Killers...

It just so happens that we're dealing with Islamic Terrorism during this lifetime... and that mostly stems from parts of the world largely populated with folks whose skin-color is more 'brown' in color than your average Euro-American White Folk...

If someplace in the White Folks part of the Northern Hemisphere starts producing anti-American terrorists on a similar scale, who can't be touched otherwise, I'm sure whoever's in the White House at the time will use drones to kill White Folk, too...

Hope that helps...
Got some major AlQaeda ass kicking going on

Suspected U.S. drone kills 6 militants in Yemen

A suspected U.S. drone strike in Yemen killed six alleged al-Qaeda militants Thursday in one of the group's former strongholds in a central province, a military official said.

The strike — the sixth by a U.S. drone over the past 10 days — came as Yemen remained on high alert following threats of a terror attack targeting Western and Yemeni government interests.

So far, about 29 suspected militants have been killed by unmanned U.S. aircraft in an apparent stepped-up drone war in Yemen.

Drones are cool

Some pimple-faced 20-something with a joystick in California blowing up camel-fuckers half a world away
Bush absolutely attacked Pakistan with drones.

Care to back that up with a fact or two?

Certainly: Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004

President Bush also engaged in drone operations in Yemen and Somalia as well. As far as President Obama's administration is concerned regional expansion for drone attacks has largely been in the planning phase for possible deployment in and around northern Mali.

Supporting evidence of strikes in Yemen under President Bush is referenced several times here, including the names of targets: A False Foundation? AQAP, Tribes and Ungoverned Spaces in Yemen | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
al Qaeda killers just gave the T-party Obama haters something else to hate him for and another excuse to whine. Three drone attacks in Yemen in one day that took out a dozen al Qaeda members and friends.
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I'm not a T-partier, I hate Obama, I love the drone strikes.
Decipher that one.
I'm not a T-partier, I hate Obama, I love the drone strikes.
Decipher that one.

Think it means you love your country and are not overcome with an emotional hate that causes you to turn against your trueth because of your hate for someone or something in particular. They call it compartmentilation.
That's true, and hopefully you said the same at the time.

The big danger is that bombing often leads to ground troops being employed. I didn't agree that there would be any valid benefit for Bush putting ground troops in, and the same would be true for Obama.

There was one strike under Bush via drones that was just horrible and based on terrible intel. We hit a shcool and killed a bunch of children (something like just over 50). I know we can't be perfect, but that to me is a pretty big intel lapse and the worst error in drone strikes to date. Other than that though I haven't been horribly critical of Bush's drone policies.

What I did disapprove of was his rather poor foriegn policy. His invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea, really one of the worst foreign policy blunders of the 21st century. I also disagreed with his bombing strikes in Somalia due to the administrations coupling of Al Qaeda with the ICU. I thought that was rather off the mark and that Al Shabaab was greatly strengthened by our bombing of the ICU and support for the Ethiopian invasion. We've never been good with Somalia though. For some reason we always try to oversimplify it and ignore clan politics.

As far as larger drone policy is concerned, I also tend to shy away from targeting militant funerals and away from targeting those helping drone strike victims.

Bush and people in the Congress and Senate from both sides of the aisle were too gullible in taking the advice of the CIA. By the way, they were mostly Clinton appointees who helped bring on 9-11 due to promoting a weak terrorist policy through Clinton.

Again, Bush should not have put ground troops into Iraq. He should have done more strategic bombing, put in sanctions in the ME with teeth, and he should have taken a couple hundred thousand troops and sealed our borders. He would have kept us just as safe if not safer. The immigration laws should have been strictly enforced since the Reagan law in the eighties, but the dimocrats in Congress would not supply funding. Both parties are to blame for that, but the dims have the major part of the blame.

Certainly, The Industrial Military Complex is involved, and the liberals not allowing us to be energy independent here is a factor.
Love the hypocrisy from the left.

When Bush bombs terrorist bases in other countries, he's a killer and a war criminal. When obama does it he's keeping the US safe.

Left wing Morons. (pardon the redundancy)

Bush declared war on an innocent country, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people (including AMERICANS) and put us deeeeep in debt. That's the Repub way.

No commparison with what Prez Barry has accomplished with minimum $ and lives.

Deal with it.

Bull shit. No one with two functioning synapses believes that shit.


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