BarryCare Becomes RINOCare

Finally the MYTH that the GOP controls the Senate falls apart....these liars are finally out in the open. The problem is they've all been recently reelected and there's no way to recall them. After Saturday, it takes 60 votes to repeal and replace as rates continue to skyrocket and insurers continue to quit the exchanges. And now the GOP has the stink of it on them too. Ladies and Gents, these 4 just saved the most diabolical Rat scheme in the history of our CONgress.....Remember the faces, as freaking ugly as they are, Dorothy:

So why do you support a bill that would have prevented tens of millions of having coverage?
So why do you support a bill that every medical organization, doctor and nurse are against..
John McCain( once again) is a bonified hero, as well as Susan Collins and Rand Paul.
Thanks for admitting you put party over country AGAIN.
The coward Tom Horn is afraid to answer some simple questions in his own thread.
Typical cowardly trump supporter.
President Obama got a healthcare bill passed. Trump couldn't.
Obamacare still lives. Trumpcare is dead.
Trump still doesn't have one legislative achievement after 8 months in office.
Meanwhile hurricanes, droughts fires and earthquakes are devastating the planet earth, while the idiot in Chief keeps tweeting about football.

Barry the Fairy conned YOU, moron. We told you what would happen and now it's happening and you still don't get it.
"I will repeal Obamacare my first day in office." - Presidential candidate Trump


And nothing has changed. Trump WAS ready to sign any repeal of Obamacare on his first day, just that the Senate GOP lied to him, they never even addressed the matter these whole past 7 years. The blame lays at Mitch McConnell's feet.
Translation again: Trump is responsible for nothing.
President Obama got a healthcare bill passed. Trump couldn't.
Obamacare still lives. Trumpcare is dead.
Trump still doesn't have one legislative achievement after 8 months in office.
Meanwhile hurricanes, droughts fires and earthquakes are devastating the planet earth, while the idiot in Chief keeps tweeting about football.

Barry the Fairy conned YOU, moron. We told you what would happen and now it's happening and you still don't get it.
A sane president would have said, " lets improve Obamacare." But we're talking about a president in the early stages of dementia.
President Obama achieved what Trump couldn't.
Horn: I'm going to point my finger elsewhere just like Trump would do.
So why do you support a bill that would have prevented tens of millions of having coverage?
So why do you support a bill that every medical organization, doctor and nurse are against..
John McCain( once again) is a bonified hero, as well as Susan Collins and Rand Paul.
Thanks for admitting you put party over country AGAIN.

Sorry Missy...I just saw your little rant here and it's not worth replying to.....
Finally the MYTH that the GOP controls the Senate falls apart....these liars are finally out in the open. The problem is they've all been recently reelected and there's no way to recall them. After Saturday, it takes 60 votes to repeal and replace as rates continue to skyrocket and insurers continue to quit the exchanges. And now the GOP has the stink of it on them too. Ladies and Gents, these 4 just saved the most diabolical Rat scheme in the history of our CONgress.....Remember the faces, as freaking ugly as they are, Dorothy:


The reason that rates are skyrocketing and insurers are leaving is Trump. Trump refuses to commit to paying the subsidies and does it on a month to month basis. Trump has a track record of dishonesty. He would sign a contract to pay a certain amount for services and once the services were rendered, he would refuse to pay what he agreed to. I remember the faces that supported this garbage and would live to see them go.

.[/QUOTE]Bannon calls it the "Uniparty"....the only thing that changes is who gets the most stock tips and no-bid contracts. The good news is Trump has shown them for what they are and what they've done to us. 2018 midterms will tell the tale.[/QUOTE]

Steve Bannon is hardly a credible source. He is alt-right along with the racists and white supremacists. He is also pro-big government.
So why do you support a bill that would have prevented tens of millions of having coverage?
So why do you support a bill that every medical organization, doctor and nurse are against..
John McCain( once again) is a bonified hero, as well as Susan Collins and Rand Paul.
Thanks for admitting you put party over country AGAIN.

Sorry Missy...I just saw your little rant here and it's not worth replying to.....

Because you can't reply to it. You are showing that the post is the truth.
The con man and the smitten mutt:


You noticed the grin on her face as she walked down the hall after the fallen vote.

Funny you mentioned that....I sure did. The hideous witch was quite pleased with herself for sitting through hearings when she knew she'd vote no, no matter what they did for her vote.

If you are talking about that sham the Republicans held yesterday, it was for show and nothing else. It was completely dishonest.
The reason that rates are skyrocketing and insurers are leaving is Trump. Trump refuses to commit to paying the subsidies and does it on a month to month basis. Trump has a track record of dishonesty. He would sign a contract to pay a certain amount for services and once the services were rendered, he would refuse to pay what he agreed to. I remember the faces that supported this garbage and would live to see them go.

You're a leftist because you're stupid. What you're talking about is bailouts to insurance companies who will no longer cover preexisting injury and illness. It would be like you watching the glass man throw rocks through your windows and then hiring him to replace them. Companies won't give workers a 40 hour week or benefits because of the employer mandate. Young people choosing not to insure themselves are being counted as "losing their insurance"...duh. The whole thing was a scam aimed at getting us into eurotrash socialized medicine and total control over our lives. FAIL. It's just a matter of time before you lose HUGE numbers of seats in Congress...then we will clean up your mess.

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