Bart Stupak, Louise Slaughter receive Death Threats


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
The backlash: Reform turns personal - Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan -

Reps. Louise Slaughter and Bart Stupak have received death threats.

A tea party participant published what he thought was Rep. Thomas Perriello’s home address and urged disgruntled voters to “drop by” for a “good face-to-face chat.”

Vandals broke windows at Slaughter’s office in New York and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s office in Arizona.

And angry voters are planning to protest this weekend at the home of Steve Driehaus — who’s already seen a photograph of his children used in a newspaper ad published by reform opponents.

The vitriolic health care debate has become personal — too personal, say House Democrats who voted for the bill and now find not just themselves but their families in the cross hairs of opponents.

Slaughter, a Democrat who chairs the House Rules Committee, said a caller to her office last week vowed to send snipers to “kill the children of the members who voted yes.” Her office reported the call to police, who were dispatched to provide protection for Slaughter’s grandchildren. She has also been in touch with the FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who intercepted a letter en route to her home in upstate New York.

Stupak, the Michigan Democrat whose last-minute compromise on abortion guaranteed passage of the bill Sunday, said callers have left messages for him saying, “You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get you.”

But Democrats said their political opponents go too far when they bring members’ families into the fray.

Driehaus, a Democrat from Ohio, was outraged last week when a group called the Committee to Rethink Reform used a photo of him and his two young daughters in a newspaper ad urging him to vote against any health care reform bill that included federal funding for abortion. Both the group and the newspaper — the Cincinnati Enquirer — apologized for including Driehaus’s daughters in the ad.

And Rep. Dennis Cardoza, a Blue Dog Democrat from California, said he’s gotten physical threats over health care reform.

“There are some folks that identified themselves as being members of the tea party [who] called, [and] my staff has gotten to know their names over time, and they have been very loud and very ugly,” Cardoza said.

This is the coalition the rightwingnuts have built. They bring these nuts in with extreme rhetoric, scream about death squads, Nazis and Socialism and then wonder why their people act like they do
The backlash: Reform turns personal - Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan -

Reps. Louise Slaughter and Bart Stupak have received death threats.

A tea party participant published what he thought was Rep. Thomas Perriello’s home address and urged disgruntled voters to “drop by” for a “good face-to-face chat.”

Vandals broke windows at Slaughter’s office in New York and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s office in Arizona.

And angry voters are planning to protest this weekend at the home of Steve Driehaus — who’s already seen a photograph of his children used in a newspaper ad published by reform opponents.

The vitriolic health care debate has become personal — too personal, say House Democrats who voted for the bill and now find not just themselves but their families in the cross hairs of opponents.

Slaughter, a Democrat who chairs the House Rules Committee, said a caller to her office last week vowed to send snipers to “kill the children of the members who voted yes.” Her office reported the call to police, who were dispatched to provide protection for Slaughter’s grandchildren. She has also been in touch with the FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who intercepted a letter en route to her home in upstate New York.

Stupak, the Michigan Democrat whose last-minute compromise on abortion guaranteed passage of the bill Sunday, said callers have left messages for him saying, “You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get you.”

But Democrats said their political opponents go too far when they bring members’ families into the fray.

Driehaus, a Democrat from Ohio, was outraged last week when a group called the Committee to Rethink Reform used a photo of him and his two young daughters in a newspaper ad urging him to vote against any health care reform bill that included federal funding for abortion. Both the group and the newspaper — the Cincinnati Enquirer — apologized for including Driehaus’s daughters in the ad.

And Rep. Dennis Cardoza, a Blue Dog Democrat from California, said he’s gotten physical threats over health care reform.

“There are some folks that identified themselves as being members of the tea party [who] called, [and] my staff has gotten to know their names over time, and they have been very loud and very ugly,” Cardoza said.


Do you guys have short memories or just selective memories ?.........
Anyone want to bet against Stupak getting a fetus in the mail? When political leaders act like they are above the law, they shouldn't be surprised if someone in the public thinks its okay to do the same. Not condoning it, but it isn't that hard to understand.
My family is not looking to shred the Constitution or get control of everyone through health care

And this man's brother deserves to die for what reason? Please, do try to justify this more Frank.
It's part of voting or supporting for unpoplar legislation. Republicans, right wing pundits, etc.... get plenty of death threats also, where are the headlines ? Where are the threads ? .....

So that's how you're trying to justify this. Now find a thread where I said death threats against Republicans is okay.
It's part of voting or supporting for unpoplar legislation. Republicans, right wing pundits, etc.... get plenty of death threats also, where are the headlines ? Where are the threads ? .....

So that's how you're trying to justify this. Now find a thread where I said death threats against Republicans is okay.

Ummm, it's not ok for either side, but i don't see the right trying to score political points by making it public news .......
Ummm, it's not ok for either side, but i don't see the right trying to score political points by making it public news .......

So if the right don't try to score political points by making it public news, how come we know about any threats in the first place against those on the right? :eusa_eh:

Your comments are lacking some logic there.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard? The BBQ grill? Is that is?

You call me a retard? Sarah Palin would be ashamed of you Frank. My point is there is no justification for any sort of action against this man and his family that involves violence.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard? The BBQ grill? Is that is?

You call me a retard? Sarah Palin would be ashamed of you Frank. My point is there is no justification for any sort of action against this man and his family that involves violence.

I'd say that wanting to get control of the American public through "health care reform" is about as incendiary as you can get
Ummm, it's not ok for either side, but i don't see the right trying to score political points by making it public news .......

So if the right don't try to score political points by making it public news, how come we know about any threats in the first place against those on the right? :eusa_eh:

Your comments are lacking some logic there.

You got me, only liberals get death threats and only tea party people make death threats.......

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