Based Chris Dorner


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
Found it on the street. Top said "Who polices the Police" before some Conservative-Marxist came and tried to tear it.

The answer to that is no one, by the way. Pigs police pigs. What a novel idea. You need a third party like a BLm or a Dorner to increase partiality. I like it! If you disagree, you're Communist scum. And while I don't believe in ACAB(all cops are bastards, I am a proponent of MCAB(most cops are bastards).


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Found it on the street. Top said "Who polices the Police" before some Conservative-Marxist came and tried to tear it.

The answer to that is no one, by the way. Pigs police pigs. What a novel idea. You need a third party like a BLm or a Dorner to increase partiality. I like it! If you disagree, you're Communist scum. And while I don't believe in ACAB(all cops are bastards, I am a proponent of MCAB(most cops are bastards).

All this cop violence shit only happens in places run by people like you (who you keep voting for). I don't worry about it.
Found it on the street. Top said "Who polices the Police" before some Conservative-Marxist came and tried to tear it.

The answer to that is no one, by the way. Pigs police pigs. What a novel idea. You need a third party like a BLm or a Dorner to increase partiality. I like it! If you disagree, you're Communist scum. And while I don't believe in ACAB(all cops are bastards, I am a proponent of MCAB(most cops are bastards).
Yes it is in their authoritarian nature......I have never had a pleasant experience with a cop......just the other day one pulled me over whilst riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the street.....whilst it is true that is illegal but stats show most bicyclists are killed from getting hit from behind.

Thus I ride on sidewalks or official bike trails when possible and if I have to ride on a street....I ride on the left hand side so I can observe oncoming traffic....I will not let a drunk driver sneak up on me.
Yes it is in their authoritarian nature......I have never had a pleasant experience with a cop......just the other day one pulled me over whilst riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the street.....whilst it is true that is illegal but stats show most bicyclists are killed from getting hit from behind.

Thus I ride on sidewalks or official bike trails when possible and if I have to ride on a street....I ride on the left hand side so I can observe oncoming traffic....I will not let a drunk driver sneak up on me.

I can hardly blame the guy though.....I can understand if he wants to go home to his family...better to confront a bicyclist than some thug actually doing something harmful to society.
The funny thing about the ACAB and other anti-police crowd is ... they can't help themselves when it comes to drawing the attention of the cops they hate.

Most people go their entire lives without a serious police involvement. For others, it happens a few times a week.
The funny thing about the ACAB and other anti-police crowd is ... they can't help themselves when it comes to drawing the attention of the cops they hate.

Most people go their entire lives without a serious police involvement. For others, it happens a few times a week.
Most of my encounters with cops have been of a traffic nature aka speeding tickets.

I remember once driving back to campus wihilst in college late at night....deserted streets I was moving along at a definitely illegal pace.....I saw a state trooper coming up behind me....I did a quick right and then another quick right....turned off my lights and parked.....had completely lost him.

I was going to wait a few minutes and then head out.....suddenly i see him coming towards me....he pulls up beside me and says....why were you driving so fast? and then he says I live here.

I had stopped directly in front of the house where he tell me....what are the odds of that?
I can hardly blame the guy though.....I can understand if he wants to go home to his family...better to confront a bicyclist than some thug actually doing something harmful to society.
If they can't do their job they should be fired and sued like everyone else.
The funny thing about the ACAB and other anti-police crowd is ... they can't help themselves when it comes to drawing the attention of the cops they hate.

Most people go their entire lives without a serious police involvement. For others, it happens a few times a week.
ACAB isn't contingent on direct contact with police, but merely an objective assessment of their behavior in general.
Virtually always in places run by people like you (just like the Dorner incident).
Most cops are Conservatives Marxists and vote Republican. Fundamentally, Mcab-doesnt matter where you are. Check out SHARK (Showing Animals Respect And Kindness). He exposed overwhelming corruption, and in rural Conservative Marxist areas like Pennsylvania. It's a gang type of deal. Their tenets don't change based on geography.
Yes it is in their authoritarian nature......I have never had a pleasant experience with a cop......just the other day one pulled me over whilst riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the street.....whilst it is true that is illegal but stats show most bicyclists are killed from getting hit from behind.

Thus I ride on sidewalks or official bike trails when possible and if I have to ride on a street....I ride on the left hand side so I can observe oncoming traffic....I will not let a drunk driver sneak up on me.
The Marxists don't care about safety, only power and control. For the greater good, Comrade.
All this cop violence shit only happens in places run by people like you (who you keep voting for). I don't worry about it.
Nah. Can happen anywhere on any force as people do screw up. Tragic, but only when they try to sweep it under the rug to protect image. Most of the time, it is the asshole who is too proud or stupid to follow instructions, but that's the world we live in.
Most cops are Conservatives Marxists and vote Republican. Fundamentally, Mcab-doesnt matter where you are. Check out SHARK (Showing Animals Respect And Kindness). He exposed overwhelming corruption, and in rural Conservative Marxist areas like Pennsylvania. It's a gang type of deal. Their tenets don't change based on geography.

Not true. The places with the most police corruption are invariably run top-to-bottom by your fellow DemoKKKrats. DemoKKKrat mayors, DemoKKKrat police chiefs, DemoKKKrat DAs, and DemoKKKrat city councils.

You people LOVE police violence, especially against blacks.
Yes it is in their authoritarian nature......I have never had a pleasant experience with a cop......just the other day one pulled me over whilst riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the street.....whilst it is true that is illegal but stats show most bicyclists are killed from getting hit from behind.

Thus I ride on sidewalks or official bike trails when possible and if I have to ride on a street....I ride on the left hand side so I can observe oncoming traffic....I will not let a drunk driver sneak up on me.

What? Only two whilsts and one Thus?
Surely you can do better than that.

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