Bashing Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged was all about individualism vs collectivism.

Individualism leads to peace, prosperity and growth.

Collectivism leads to death, destruction and decay.

It is all so simple.

What nation or culture can boast of having the most individualistic society?

How about least?

Is there a happy place somewhere in the middle?
The highest tribute to Ayn Rand, abundantly in evidence here, is that her critics must distort everything she stood for in order to attack her. She advocated reason, not force; the individual's rights to freedom of action, speech, and association; self-responsibility, NOT self-indulgence; & a live-and-let-live society in which each individual is treated as an END, not the MEANS of others' ends.

How many critics would dare honestly state these ideas and say, " . . .and that's what I reject"?

Ayn Rand was against corporate welfare [supply side economics] and about as specific as it gets that fetuses have no rights, so she wasn't all bad.

Tell me about how you feel about her. I can. I have not only read her writings and embraced some of them but because I am the way I am I always love to find out the best or worst of the person I am reading.

What did you think about her?

No feelings about Rand. As boy I started "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" because of shared antipathy to Kennedy but as a natural - and comfortable - individualist/nonconformist thought the situations were contrived and the action didn't seem natural. Doubt if I finished a hundred pages of either book.

My adult take on Rand is she was cannier than she was smart. She died broke despite writing two best sellers. Her success was built on triangulating self-interest with virtue and money. Not really a rocket; the post-Christ Christian Church has done well doing the same thing. Their advantages are mysticism and the fog of time. Rand had to do it as a woman in real time and she did it by networking with high end people on both coasts.

To put Rand's small cult in context consider that Ginger Rogers did everything Astaire did, only she did it backwards and in high heels. In sum, Rand was an exceptional woman who made the most of her opportunities but wasn't smart enough to hold onto the money she made. Her resentments at being bypassed by conformists were the basis for "Atlas Shrugged" and her inability to practice what she preached resulted in "The Virtue of Selfishness".

Her most unfortunate legacy is Alan Greenspan, a man whose primary qualification for unseating a genius (Volcker) was that on command he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. While Rand can't be blamed for Reagan's incontinence, Greenspan is worth mentioning.

The above is ad hoc; still it is more than all my combined thinking about Rand since 1966 or maybe 67 when more compelling events began to hold my interest.
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It takes a village of worthless unionized civil servants servants to despise rand...........socialist parasites
I think this interview sums up her thoughts. Judge her by her own words.

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I like having Libertarians around to remind us that (a) personal responsibility is not evil and (b) simplistically looking to the government to fix our problems is a bad idea.

It's not surprising, therefore, to see those who are so enamored of professional politicians, authoritarianism and the federal bureaucracy to attack these people with such energy.

Both "major" parties have convinced themselves that they alone have all the answers. Too fuckin' funny. Nothing like a little goofy narcissism to keep things light.

The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!
The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!

And that's why so many people believe it.


What is the GOP gonna do about it?


Ayn Rand's The Little Street

In 1928, the writer Ayn Rand began planning a novel called The Little Street, whose protagonist, Danny Renahan, was to be based on "what Hickman suggested to [her]." The novel was never finished, but Rand wrote notes for it which were published after her death in the book Journals of Ayn Rand. Rand wanted the protagonist of her novel to be "A Hickman with a purpose. And without the degeneracy. It is more exact to say that the model is not Hickman, but what Hickman suggested to me."[4] Rand scholars Chris Matthew Sciabarra and Jennifer Burns both interpret Rand's interest in Hickman as a sign of her early admiration of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, especially since she several times referred to Danny (the character which Hickman 'suggested' to her) as a "Superman" (in the Nietzschean sense).[5][6][7]
William Edward Hickman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still trotting out that old piece of left-wing slander?

Not slander at all.

Neither is the fact she went on SSI at the end of life.

Hence the sociopath/hypocrite tags.
The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!

You pick a moniker that is probably going to look very silly come 2016 and want to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

That's not hateful?

tinydancer as also described many of the reactionaries on the Board as well as liberals. But then some are very well read and still do not have a clue. Finding those who have solid education, interested study, and common sense are a rare find in society.

Some have attacked her for collecting her social security. Why not? She earned it.

I swear I hope you mean Rand collected social security. :lmao: Not me. Not yet anyways.

Close but no cigar baby.

Yes, I meant AR. You are only 29, right? :lol:
Atlas Shrugged was all about individualism vs collectivism.

Individualism leads to peace, prosperity and growth.

Collectivism leads to death, destruction and decay.

It is all so simple.

What nation or culture can boast of having the most individualistic society?

How about least?

Is there a happy place somewhere in the middle?

America had it for about 180 years until the left started with collectivism.
It's not simple at all.
We all get together as a collective to give when needed, like during disasters. Whether here at home or around the world.
That's different than what the collective they are teaching us in our schools and the Politicians sell to the voters.

The Collectivism that they are doing and teaching is the ideology of communism, Marxism, and Socialism which always eventually collapses.
The collectivism that we are doing now promotes materialism
It teaches competition for victimhood
It stimulates envy
It teaches equality which leads to everyone being in misery. Equality has never existed and it never will. There has always been Rich and Poor since civilization began.
It eventual leads to stagnation and decay

Is about Making Money like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who contribute to the good for all.
From the beginning of our nation the Rich contributed for all Americans.
Railroads were for all of us, as well as bridges. Cars for all of us to use.
It teaches competition for services
It stimulates success and achievement
Individualism leads to dynamic growth
It teaches Freedom

It is about Freedom versus equality and America needs to chose.

I can tell you that equality will never be achieved because it robs from the achievers and gives to the do nothings and this will and always has led to destruction to the nation as well as civilization.
If you read history like our founders did, you would be able to see this as well as know it.
This is why this nation was created for freedom, not from any nanny government who becomes our parent and we then become enslaved .

Ask yourself what freedom you had in your parents home.
You had to live by their rules, you had to ask them for the things you wanted.
You could not do whatever you wanted to do.
Remember what it was like when you moved out and was able to do things on your own.
That is Freedom

This is what our Nation is all about
Not the nanny Government who takes care of us, but never quite does.
The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!

You pick a moniker that is probably going to look very silly come 2016 and want to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

That's not hateful?


Hateful? ha, she left 4 Americans to die --- and you call ME hateful...

SMH --- they are blind in their defense of the most corrupt admin. EVER!!
Still trotting out that old piece of left-wing slander?

Not slander at all. Neither is the fact she went on SSI at the end of life. Hence the sociopath/hypocrite tags.

She paid her SS, Sallow, so she was entitled to it. Just because bripat is a libertfluffer does not mean that he is wrong all the time.

Slander is when you say something that is not true.

Rand admired people who were sociopaths. Be that murderers or dictators.
The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!

You pick a moniker that is probably going to look very silly come 2016 and want to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

That's not hateful?


Hateful? ha, she left 4 Americans to die --- and you call ME hateful...

SMH --- they are blind in their defense of the most corrupt admin. EVER!!

Reagan left 250 American men to be blown to bits.

Not a peep out of ya about that..
The left has distorted and continues to distort everything Conservatives believe in since the 1960s.

We are NOT:
hate filled
non-believers in science
self interested
pro corporate swindling
haters of poor

...but they claim we are every single day!

And that's why so many people believe it.


What is the GOP gonna do about it?


Many people believe it because it is claimed every day? There is no truth to any of it?
Not slander at all. Neither is the fact she went on SSI at the end of life. Hence the sociopath/hypocrite tags.

She paid her SS, Sallow, so she was entitled to it. Just because bripat is a libertfluffer does not mean that he is wrong all the time.

Slander is when you say something that is not true.

Rand admired people who were sociopaths. Be that murderers or dictators.

Are you now guilty of libel?

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