basic poll : who do you support, and why? ... Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks

I was just wondering how Israel is progressing as news has dropped off. Glad to hear they are forging ahead, pedal to the metal, no holds barred, take no prisoners, every man for himself, if it moves, shoot first and ask questions later.
where is the poll?
Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks
Israel is pushing forward with its offensive in Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden administration are debating what will happen post-war.Netanyahu is rejecting US calls to scale back military operations in the Gaza Strip.He has said the offensive will not stop until Israel has a “decisive victory over Hamas.”On Thursday, the Israeli Prime Minister also dismissed the idea of a Palestinian state post-war, claiming it would impact Israel’s security.

Remote : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Local : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Found via World Headlines on

i stand with Israel. 25K victims among a population of 2.4M, is a precision strike, not "genocide"...
i dont see any poll ….
How appropriate for supporters of Zionist genocide to show their support for mass murder by quoting Herman Goering:

"Shoot first and ask questions later, and don't worry, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

Hermann Goering

It's long past time to crate up America's glut of Holocaust theme parks and dump them on the Knesset steps where their "lessons" are most needed.
You support Hamas.

In any case, Putin isn't getting himself involved with the "decapitation, rapes, and torture" hoax.
you're not making any sense, and seem just another apologist for Pootin.
I didn't introduce Putin into it. You did. Follow/trace the dialogue and its progression. Start by asking yourself if it is about Putin or the reports about "decapitation, rapes, and torture" in Palestine. You're just another Russophobe twisting yourself into a pretzel to display it in any discussion ... on any subject.
i stand with Israel. 25K victims among a population of 2.4M, is a precision strike, not "genocide"...
It's obvious that you got no clue as to what you babble about.

Gaza's population isn't 2.4 million but rather 2 million.
28 000 so far are declared DEAD - what about those other 70,000 wounded, crippled and maimed?

At the same time Israel claims to have killed approx. 4000 Hamas insurgents.
Now that Israel has kicked out the world's eyes and ears & refused the truce offered, they'll operate w/out impunity

When the truth surfaces years from now, it will be denied and painted antisemitism

Now that Israel has kicked out the world's eyes and ears & refused the truce offered, they'll operate w/out impunity

When the truth surfaces years from now, it will be denied and painted antisemitism

This is why even a growing population in the West is coming to realize that the deeds of the various terrorist organizations [in the Middle East] are being seen as a force of liberation. What Israel & the US are doing there must be stopped. NATO is an extension of the same scourage but on a worldwide scale. It is the infiltration of American treachery into NATO, and the United Nations, etc. that has destroyed DEMOCRACY. Those of us who believe in Democracy and cherish it are now faced with an awful dilemma: Without Democracy to fall back on should we/must we support terrorism and hope when the smoke has cleared Democracy can be built up again? It is painful for me to say this but Hamas may be showing us (all of us) the way to liberation.
Now that Israel has kicked out the world's eyes and ears & refused the truce offered, they'll operate w/out impunity

When the truth surfaces years from now, it will be denied and painted antisemitism

Anyone who is firmly acquainted with the Zionist agenda (known since it's very beginning) is fully aware that Israels goal is to gain control over the entire former British Palestine (including former Trans-Jordan). Since the latter aka Jordan is a US ally - the Zionists will have to think about other means to get their hands onto Jordan as well.
The Zionists have succeeded since 1948 to paint the PLO etc. as terrorist organizations that wants to destroy Israel, whilst denying the Palestinians any right towards self-determination. Israel therefore is in dire need of Palestinian/Muslim terrorist activities in order to further their own agenda.
It is foremost due to the rise of China and a Putin in Russia, that the "known" world-order is being challenged - aka the USA, and as such also Israels main supporter.

The EU is already in disarray - since they need to balance their economic interests with China and Russia, with the political/economic interests of and towards the USA. Africa, the Middle-East, Asia and South-America are in vast majority in a favorable position towards China and Russia.

The "new" world order is getting into place - no doubt IMO, and therefore "antisemitism" as the known Israeli propaganda tool is dying out. There is a reason as to why Israels aka the Zionists new enemy #1 is the UN. And IMO it is reasonable to say that Israel will be on the international sanctions and embargo list within the next 5 years in an increasing manner.

The USA is fully aware of this - and therefore in order to gain or at least keep their support and position in the UN, even the USA will sacrifice their undying support towards the Zionist agenda. After all, who the heck in the respective US government, cares about some 7 million Jews in Israel and it's subsidized economy - if it endangers the position of the USA on the world stage? there are far bigger issues at stake, just my 2 cents.
It's obvious that you got no clue as to what you babble about.

Gaza's population isn't 2.4 million but rather 2 million.
28 000 so far are declared DEAD - what about those other 70,000 wounded, crippled and maimed?

At the same time Israel claims to have killed approx. 4000 Hamas insurgents.
• 2022 estimate2,375,259[4]
• Density6,507/km2 (16,853.1/sq mi)

and the Israelis, in the 2020s, want to experiment with the asymetrical 10-to-50 times as many casualties military doctrines.
as you can see in my current signature, i am no longer convinced this is the right approach.
i am still crunching the numbers and pictures and ideas to hopefully one day be able to suggest a more permanent (set of) solution(s) to world-level problems like you find in Palestine at the moment.
Anyone who is firmly acquainted with the Zionist agenda (known since it's very beginning) is fully aware that Israels goal is to gain control over the entire former British Palestine (including former Trans-Jordan). Since the latter aka Jordan is a US ally - the Zionists will have to think about other means to get their hands onto Jordan as well.
The Zionists have succeeded since 1948 to paint the PLO etc. as terrorist organizations that wants to destroy Israel, whilst denying the Palestinians any right towards self-determination. Israel therefore is in dire need of Palestinian/Muslim terrorist activities in order to further their own agenda.
It is foremost due to the rise of China and a Putin in Russia, that the "known" world-order is being challenged - aka the USA, and as such also Israels main supporter.

The EU is already in disarray - since they need to balance their economic interests with China and Russia, with the political/economic interests of and towards the USA. Africa, the Middle-East, Asia and South-America are in vast majority in a favorable position towards China and Russia.

The "new" world order is getting into place - no doubt IMO, and therefore "antisemitism" as the known Israeli propaganda tool is dying out. There is a reason as to why Israels aka the Zionists new enemy #1 is the UN. And IMO it is reasonable to say that Israel will be on the international sanctions and embargo list within the next 5 years in an increasing manner.

The USA is fully aware of this - and therefore in order to gain or at least keep their support and position in the UN, even the USA will sacrifice their undying support towards the Zionist agenda. After all, who the heck in the respective US government, cares about some 7 million Jews in Israel and it's subsidized economy - if it endangers the position of the USA on the world stage? there are far bigger issues at stake, just my 2 cents.
Well thought-out and well-presented. :bow2:

and the Israelis, in the 2020s, want to experiment with the asymetrical 10-to-50 times as many casualties military doctrines.
as you can see in my current signature, i am no longer convinced this is the right approach.
i am still crunching the numbers and pictures and ideas to hopefully one day be able to suggest a more permanent (set of) solution(s) to world-level problems like you find in Palestine at the moment.
Israel, respectively the Zionist want to get their hands onto the entire former British Palestine.
They have been using every possible means to pursue that specific agenda, latest since 1948 - thus ignoring refuting around 70 UN resolutions.

There isn't really anything to discuss about - is there? other then for how much longer will the Zionists get away with it.

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