basic poll : who do you support, and why? ... Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks

Those were true facts

yes all of those decapitacions and rapes and torture happened


the Palestenians were waging offensive war

Every single news source ways there were NO decapitation, rapes, or torture, and the only 1 dead baby was from a fire.

Palestinians were justified in retribution for their homes being taken and being illegally blockaded.
Israel is the albatros.
It is illegal, immoral, expensive, and alienating the whole rest of the world against us.

Israel is not native, but illegal immigrants who desecrate everything Judaism is supposed to stand for.
They started it by murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David hotel, so no one then could stop them from massacring hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin.

Heard it all before.

Rinse, repeat.

The Zionist murdered the British peacekeepers years before the war.

The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack[2][3] on July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing[4] Zionist underground organization Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.[5][6][7] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.[8]

The hotel was the site of the central offices of the British Mandatory authorities of Palestine, principally the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces in Palestine and Transjordan.[8][9] When planned, the attack had the approval of the Haganah, the principal Jewish paramilitary group in Palestine, though, unbeknownst to the Irgun, this had been cancelled by the time the operation was carried out. The main motive of the bombing was to destroy documents incriminating the Jewish Agency in attacks against the British, which were obtained during Operation Agatha, a series of raids by mandate authorities. It was the deadliest attack directed at the British during the Mandate era (1920–1948).[8][9]

Not only was it an evil and barbaric crime, but could not be considered "defensive" in any way since the whole point was to then be able to massacre native villages because they would not have any defending peacekeepers any more.
Menachim Begin also gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat. In World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler, though the offer was ultimately rejected.

After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.
Heard it all before.

Rinse, repeat.


And there is no possible excuse or justification for allowing these Jewish illegal immigrants to commit mass murder of unarmed Palestinian natives.
Not remotely a fair fight since the Ottoman Empire and the British never allowed the Palestinians have armed, while the US illegally smuggled tanks, bombers, machineguns, fighter planes, etc., to the Zionists.
Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks
Israel is pushing forward with its offensive in Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden administration are debating what will happen post-war.Netanyahu is rejecting US calls to scale back military operations in the Gaza Strip.He has said the offensive will not stop until Israel has a “decisive victory over Hamas.”On Thursday, the Israeli Prime Minister also dismissed the idea of a Palestinian state post-war, claiming it would impact Israel’s security.

Remote : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Local : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Found via World Headlines on

i stand with Israel. 25K victims among a population of 2.4M, is a precision strike, not "genocide"...
Hamas has promised Israel many many more October 7ths. Israel should keep up the counter offensive until that war is won.
Go look it up yourself.
Clearly Menachim Begin started massacring native villages like Deir Yassin FIRST, and only then did the neighboring countries feel compelled to act in defense of these villages.
I did and you are a liar

It was a retaliation attack liar
And there is no possible excuse or justification for allowing these Jewish illegal immigrants to commit mass murder of unarmed Palestinian natives.
Not remotely a fair fight since the Ottoman Empire and the British never allowed the Palestinians have armed, while the US illegally smuggled tanks, bombers, machineguns, fighter planes, etc., to the Zionists.
They were there legally

They are fighting to survive
Every single news source ways there were NO decapitation, rapes, or torture, and the only 1 dead baby was from a fire.

Palestinians were justified in retribution for their homes being taken and being illegally blockaded.

No one has reproted that

The Palestinians were the aggressor
There is nothing remotely religious about this war at all.
Zionists are all atheists.
REAL Jews believe they are supposed to instead atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, until the coming of the Messiah.
REAL Jews do not believe in going back to the Mideast until then.

And if you understood Judaism and Islam, you would know they are actually the same religion, with Islam just making a few minor reformations to improve the state of women.
Like letting them inherit, own property, divorce, testify, etc.
And another religious view willing to kill or watch others die for their beliefs.
Israel is guilty of genocide since 1948
Israel has no right to exist,
Also correct. Whether or not you, I, or Schlomo would like for Israel to exist (in some other form) it doesn't change the fact that it has NO RIGHT to exist.
They also clearly are the criminals, going back to Menachim Begin murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
That act is often referred to as the first example of "terrorism" known to man. I doubt that but it is most certainly the first act of terrorism in Palestine and it legitimizes similar acts by the PLO, Hamas, Hizbollah, Houthis, etc. against Zionism. :(

Also correct. Whether or not you, I, or Schlomo would like for Israel to exist (in some other form) it doesn't change the fact that it has NO RIGHT to exist.

That act is often referred to as the first example of "terrorism" known to man. I doubt that but it is most certainly the first act of terrorism in Palestine and it legitimizes similar acts by the PLO, Hamas, Hizbollah, Houthis, etc. against Zionism. :(

They have every right to exist and defend themselves

No one refers to it as the first act of terrorism known to man
Hamas has promised Israel many many more October 7ths. Israel should keep up the counter offensive until that war is won.
"Until the war is won"? The Zionists ought to build a fence around itself and be thankful for scraps of food tossed in by do-gooders. That's when 'the war is won'.
This is why Zionism must be eradicated. It insinuates that it kills in the name of god but it has nothing to do with religion at all.
now you're calling for genocide against the Israelis.
driving the Israelis into a self-defense aggressive stance.
only prolonging the DIVINE-LEVEL CONFLICT in that region,
while you can comment on it from the sidelines,
probably while munchin' on pop-corn on top of that.
The Zionist murdered the British peacekeepers years before the war.

The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack[2][3] on July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing[4] Zionist underground organization Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.[5][6][7] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.[8]

The hotel was the site of the central offices of the British Mandatory authorities of Palestine, principally the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces in Palestine and Transjordan.[8][9] When planned, the attack had the approval of the Haganah, the principal Jewish paramilitary group in Palestine, though, unbeknownst to the Irgun, this had been cancelled by the time the operation was carried out. The main motive of the bombing was to destroy documents incriminating the Jewish Agency in attacks against the British, which were obtained during Operation Agatha, a series of raids by mandate authorities. It was the deadliest attack directed at the British during the Mandate era (1920–1948).[8][9]

Not only was it an evil and barbaric crime, but could not be considered "defensive" in any way since the whole point was to then be able to massacre native villages because they would not have any defending peacekeepers any more.
Menachim Begin also gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat. In World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler, though the offer was ultimately rejected.

After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.
more war does not revive the victims of past battles :(

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