basic poll : who do you support, and why? ... Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks

  • [T]he Palestinian leadership has always been just as deeply and outspokenly committed to the destruction of Israel as Hamas is.
  • Instead of trying to overthrow the Netanyahu government, the Biden administration would be better advised to grasp the vital strategic consideration that defeating Hamas is as much in the interests of the US as it is for Israel.
There will never be peace as long as religious nutjobs drive people to murder one another in the name of "God" so they can acquire more status and power.

I agree with your general observation especially if you include the Zionist ambition of a "Greater Israel" that includes all the land from the Euphrates to the Nile Rivers.

i'm gonna ignore you and your opinion, sorry.
our definitions of 'genocide' clearly are not comparable.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

These Paleonasties and the rest of the rabid Arab rabble give an ethical credibility to the Bible's description of how the Canaanites were exterminated and deservedly so. Evolved races are being challenged to do their evolutionary duty or perish themselves.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

How pathetic...

You're getting "anti Semitism" mixed up with your underwear.

The "anti Semite card" is so worn out and transparently vapid that former Israeli Education Minister called it "The Trick"

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni

Another ethical Jewish individual observed:

"An antisemite used to be someone who hates Jews;

nowadays an antisemite is someone Jews hate.”

- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

The only point you've made is that you can't refute a word I've written and supported.
Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks
Israel is pushing forward with its offensive in Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden administration are debating what will happen post-war.Netanyahu is rejecting US calls to scale back military operations in the Gaza Strip.He has said the offensive will not stop until Israel has a “decisive victory over Hamas.”On Thursday, the Israeli Prime Minister also dismissed the idea of a Palestinian state post-war, claiming it would impact Israel’s security.

Remote : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Local : 2024-01-20(Saturday) 08 : 25 : 17
Found via World Headlines on

i stand with Israel. 25K victims among a population of 2.4M, is a precision strike, not "genocide"...

Israel is guilty of genocide since 1948 by stealing over 85% of Palestine from the natives, and illegally barricading them on only 15% of their own land.

Israel has no right to exist, not being native or property owners.
They also clearly are the criminals, going back to Menachim Begin murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
Israel was guaranteed the right to existence in 1948.
The Arabs will not let that happen without being whipped like a dog.
The Israels will defend themselves
What else?

Totally wrong.
What really happened is that in 1948 Menachim Begin and his terrorist gang murdered the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, so that they could then start massacring native villages like Deir Yassin.
The 1948 war was not started by Arab neighbors, but these massacres.
Israel has been consistently the criminal, stealing 85% of Palestine, and illegally blockading the 13 million Palestinians on only 15% of their own country.
Totally wrong.
What really happened is that in 1948 Menachim Begin and his terrorist gang murdered the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, so that they could then start massacring native villages like Deir Yassin.
The 1948 war was not started by Arab neighbors, but these massacres.
Israel has been consistently the criminal, stealing 85% of Palestine, and illegally blockading the 13 million Palestinians on only 15% of their own country.
Wrong and useless lies

The king david hotel was not the start of this conflict and it was a retaliation against those wishing to commit genocide against Iseal.

The 1948 was started by arabs

Israel has been consistebntly the victim
Almost every country has had expansions and contractions. In this situation, I'm not interested in hundreds or even thousands of years ago. When I see Hamas cutting babies heads off, raping and torturing teens and now hiding behind women and children while waging war, there's no way I can take their side. What they have done is pure evil any way you slice it. Israel has been pushed to the brink and they have no choice but to exterminate Hamas. I say go for it.

Those were obvious lies no one should have believed.
There were NO decapitated babies, no torture, no rapes, etc.

The Palestinians are NOT "waging war", but trying to stop them from being illegally starved to death from an illegal blockade.
They are fully justified.
They should have done retribution 80 years ago for the horrible war crimes by Zionists.
It is Israel that has to go.
No excuse for any country to be exclusive like that.
Wrong and useless lies

The king david hotel was not the start of this conflict and it was a retaliation against those wishing to commit genocide against Iseal.

The 1948 was started by arabs

Israel has been consistebntly the victim

There was no Israel at all until almost a year after the Zionists murdered all the British peacekeepers.
No one started any genocide except the Zionists.
The massacre of hundreds of native villages happened before the war.

Dier Yassin massacre was on April 9th, 1948.
The Arab/Israeli war was not until May 15th, 1948.

Israel was NEVER the victim, and always lied, cheated the immigration quotas, smuggled in weapons, massacred tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, and stole their homes without ever paying.
You are gaslighting for Arab inhumanity, one act being the murder, completely unjustified, of men, women, children and infants on Oct 7 last year.

No forgiveness.

Go to Jordan, Egypt, or Gaza if you can't live decently and peacefully with Jews.

The fault is entirely that of Israel deliberately stealing the farms and homes of natives so that they can not survive.
The 13 million Palestinians are blockaded on only 15% of their country, they own and paid for.
The Jews in Israel are almost all illegal immigrants who murdered in order to steal a home instead of paying for it.
Grau is bungling. He misdefines Zionism and does not the IDF does not care what anyone thinks.

Zionism is a lie, because all REAL Jews know they are supposed to be in atonement, waiting for the coming of the Messiah, before they are supposed to be allowed back in the Mideast at all.
Zionists are atheists, like Netanyahu, and are not Jewish at all.
They are violating and desecrating Jewish beliefs.
  • [T]he Palestinian leadership has always been just as deeply and outspokenly committed to the destruction of Israel as Hamas is.
  • Instead of trying to overthrow the Netanyahu government, the Biden administration would be better advised to grasp the vital strategic consideration that defeating Hamas is as much in the interests of the US as it is for Israel.

Israel is the albatros.
It is illegal, immoral, expensive, and alienating the whole rest of the world against us.

Israel is not native, but illegal immigrants who desecrate everything Judaism is supposed to stand for.
They started it by murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David hotel, so no one then could stop them from massacring hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin.
Those were obvious lies no one should have believed.
There were NO decapitated babies, no torture, no rapes, etc.

The Palestinians are NOT "waging war", but trying to stop them from being illegally starved to death from an illegal blockade.
They are fully justified.
They should have done retribution 80 years ago for the horrible war crimes by Zionists.
It is Israel that has to go.
No excuse for any country to be exclusive like that.
Those were true facts

yes all of those decapitacions and rapes and torture happened


the Palestenians were waging offensive war
There was no Israel at all until almost a year after the Zionists murdered all the British peacekeepers.
No one started any genocide except the Zionists.
The massacre of hundreds of native villages happened before the war.

Dier Yassin massacre was on April 9th, 1948.
The Arab/Israeli war was not until May 15th, 1948.
All lies
Who's talking "pacifism?

It's a religious war, there are no pacifists.
Only the dead.

There is nothing remotely religious about this war at all.
Zionists are all atheists.
REAL Jews believe they are supposed to instead atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, until the coming of the Messiah.
REAL Jews do not believe in going back to the Mideast until then.

And if you understood Judaism and Islam, you would know they are actually the same religion, with Islam just making a few minor reformations to improve the state of women.
Like letting them inherit, own property, divorce, testify, etc.

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