Bathroom Wars - big fat con.

4 pages in and the dumbos have yet to make a point in favour of the hate laws.
Maybe they are waiting for a text to give them guidance ?

I offered a possible solution. Pointed out several fallacies to your view and basically destroyed your OP. No one, not a single poster suggested transgenders are raping women. We pointed out the issues of letting men gain access to the women's restroom. You refuted nothing, as is typical of you pussboy.
You havent explained why this legislation is needed other than to satisfy some neo christian sharia crap. The OP stands as a beacon of understanding compared to your shite arse covering.
Piss or get off the pot.
Isn't it interesting how a subject that was a complete non-issue for the entire history of the U.S. is now something that if we do not give into, once again we will be branded bigots and haters, yada yada.
Get on board, or you'll be ran over.
Mark my words. In the coming years if you go into, say, a dept. store, or a restaurant, and there are separate men and womens rest rooms, the business will be branded haters and compared to the KKK.
This is how liberals work.

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