Bathroom Wars Emanated From White House

Everything that Obama cocksucker does domestically is an obviously DELIBERATE attempt to stir up hornets nests' against white Americans. If you read the hundreds of excerpts from his books I have, he is a 100% exercise in paranoia against whites. He spent life life as an overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged, ingrate punk, who was handed EVERYTHING by whites and still spits on us. His diseased mentality is full of pure malice and vengeance against white, Western society. This purple-lipped pig is my most DETESTED living thing on the face of this planet. If that stuttering, inverted-crucifix-nosed, smugly whiny, raccoon-faced abomination were to develop cancer, I would dance a C-walk of sheer glee. I'm sorry, but I think basketball-Americans are an inherently evil race! Much like muslim filth, they have a track record of turning every 1st-world neighborhood into a war zone.
And yet another dishonest rightist interested only in propagating ridiculous lies, as this is completely ignorant, having nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.

The cause of this is the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and their desire to disadvantage transgender Americans for no other reason than who they are.

Would somebody just stick a muslim dick in this idiot's mouth, please? Listen, idiot transgenderism is a mental disorder called "gender dysphoria." Which strikes only a fraction of 1% of the population, you horse's ass! So your

Ooops, random computer glitch: I mean to say your hate-filled, 3rd-world, subhuman minority pandering is a sickness that places you even below Jerry Springer white trash on my scale of miserable, shit-eating vermin, basking in the glow of your urine-colored egos.
The USA is a third world now? Damn throw some more fecal matter and hope it sticks...

Only a two-digit I.Q. cretin like yourself would consider unpleasant TRUTH to be fecal matter. Why can't you be honest and accept that you America-hater leftist thugs are cheesy, goblinesque creatures with misplaced, googly eyes and syphilitic lesions all over your amphibian skin? Why can't you violent leftists accept that you animals belong in cages with those Hannibal Lecter bite masks?
Everything that Obama cocksucker does domestically is an obviously DELIBERATE attempt to stir up hornets nests' against white Americans. If you read the hundreds of excerpts from his books I have, he is a 100% exercise in paranoia against whites. He spent life life as an overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged, ingrate punk, who was handed EVERYTHING by whites and still spits on us. His diseased mentality is full of pure malice and vengeance against white, Western society. This purple-lipped pig is my most DETESTED living thing on the face of this planet. If that stuttering, inverted-crucifix-nosed, smugly whiny, raccoon-faced abomination were to develop cancer, I would dance a C-walk of sheer glee. I'm sorry, but I think basketball-Americans are an inherently evil race! Much like muslim filth, they have a track record of turning every 1st-world neighborhood into a war zone.
And yet another dishonest rightist interested only in propagating ridiculous lies, as this is completely ignorant, having nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.

The cause of this is the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and their desire to disadvantage transgender Americans for no other reason than who they are.

Would somebody just stick a muslim dick in this idiot's mouth, please? Listen, idiot transgenderism is a mental disorder called "gender dysphoria." Which strikes only a fraction of 1% of the population, you horse's ass! So your

Ooops, random computer glitch: I mean to say your hate-filled, 3rd-world, subhuman minority pandering is a sickness that places you even below Jerry Springer white trash on my scale of miserable, shit-eating vermin, basking in the glow of your urine-colored egos.
The USA is a third world now? Damn throw some more fecal matter and hope it sticks...

Only a two-digit I.Q. cretin like yourself would consider unpleasant TRUTH to be fecal matter. Why can't you be honest and accept that you America-hater leftist thugs are cheesy, goblinesque creatures with misplaced, googly eyes and syphilitic lesions all over your amphibian skin? Why can't you violent leftists accept that you animals belong in cages with those Hannibal Lecter bite masks?
I did get a rash on my hand from poison sumac while working in the of anti-American plants...Bwha-ha-ha-ha-ha, cackle...
How a clash over bathrooms, an issue that appeared atop no national polls, became the next frontier in America’s fast-moving culture wars — and ultimately landed on the desk of the president — involves an array of players, some with law degrees, others still in high school.

The sweeping directive to public schools seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact, it was the product of years of study inside the government and a highly orchestrated campaign by advocates for gay and transgender people. Mindful of the role “Whites Only’’ bathrooms played in the civil rights battles of more than half a century ago, they have been maneuvering behind the scenes to press federal agencies, and ultimately Mr. Obama, to address a question that has roiled many school districts: Should those with differing anatomies share the same bathrooms? Charlotte was targeted after Houston repealed.....

Can't you read?

How the Push to Advance Bathroom Rights for Transgender Americans Reached the White House

From your own paste: """Mindful of the role “Whites Only’’ bathrooms played in the civil rights battles of more than half a century ago, they have been maneuvering behind the scenes to press federal agencies, and ultimately Mr. Obama..."

Do you need someone to give you the definition of "ultimate"? Or do you understand the definition of "emanate"?

It's fun to catch you righties making flat out lies. It's my leisure activity.
Val Jarret worked on it long before he signed it....instrumental....last time I checked she was part of WH staff.......ooooops

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