
In all my 66 years I've yet to see any perverts hanging around in the public restroom.

Then again, I don't spend a lot of time looking around. I go in, do my business, and get out as quickly as possible. And never touch anything that doesn't belong to me.
If you're doing something like, oh, looking up women's skirts (what you ironically want to legalize) then you could and absolutely should be reported.
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
How come you clowns lie and invent bullshit?
Shitforbrains doesn't even know Democrats in several states have made it legal for male sexual predators to hangout in public women's bathrooms.
Really link to a report that uses that wording.
Btw the don't know ploy has worn thin.
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
How come you clowns lie and invent bullshit?
Shitforbrains doesn't even know Democrats in several states have made it legal for male sexual predators to hangout in public women's bathrooms.
Really link to a report that uses that wording.
Btw the don't know ploy has worn thin.
I'm off to hangout in the ladies room at the park, elementary school is letting out early today.
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
How come you clowns lie and invent bullshit?
Shitforbrains doesn't even know Democrats in several states have made it legal for male sexual predators to hangout in public women's bathrooms.
Really link to a report that uses that wording.
Btw the don't know ploy has worn thin.
I'm off to hangout in the ladies room at the park, elementary school is letting out early today.
View attachment 73330
Oh is that who you want to hire to inspect the alleged little girls crotches before they are allowed into the park bathroom?
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
How come you clowns lie and invent bullshit?
Shitforbrains doesn't even know Democrats in several states have made it legal for male sexual predators to hangout in public women's bathrooms.
Really link to a report that uses that wording.
Btw the don't know ploy has worn thin.
I'm off to hangout in the ladies room at the park, elementary school is letting out early today.
View attachment 73330
So as always you are talking out your ass.
Exactly. If there's a weirdo behaving oddly in the bathroom, report them. That's how it has always been and still is. If the other people in the bathroom are minding their own business, then so should you.
One thing good about this whole bathroom issue, it allows discussion and admission that hetero men can be serious perverts.
SOME hetero's are perverts.
ALL homo's are perverts.
When I go to a public bathroom, I want the other people I see in there to be women. I don't care if they were born women or became women. If they are men, born men or changed to men, let them use the men's bathroom. What's the big deal? Anytime anyone tries to peek over or under a stall, they're going to be called out. If men are exceptionally curious about the guy at the next urinal, they're going to be called out, too. We have greater things to worry about in this country.
------------------------------------------------------------------- aw good example Jed , good to see that you have a little bit of commonsense . This bathroom deal is one of the unintended consequences that you and your widdle children will get in the future and its directly related to the politicians that you support and put in office Jed . Next and in a few years or maybe now you and your widdle children will have to put up with the story or claim that PEDOPHILES are just misunderstood because Pedos where born with the desire to have sex with babies and young children . Its quite a society that you are building for yourself and your widdle children JED !!
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Exactly. If there's a weirdo behaving oddly in the bathroom, report them. That's how it has always been and still is. If the other people in the bathroom are minding their own business, then so should you.
One thing good about this whole bathroom issue, it allows discussion and admission that hetero men can be serious perverts.
SOME hetero's are perverts.
ALL homo's are perverts.
Good thing you are just ghey...
When I go to a public bathroom, I want the other people I see in there to be women. I don't care if they were born women or became women. If they are men, born men or changed to men, let them use the men's bathroom. What's the big deal? Anytime anyone tries to peek over or under a stall, they're going to be called out. If men are exceptionally curious about the guy at the next urinal, they're going to be called out, too. We have greater things to worry about in this country.
------------------------------------------------------------------- aw good example Jed , good to see that you have a little bit of commonsense . This bathroom deal is one of the unintended consequences that you and your widdle children will get in the future and its directly related to the politicians that you support and put in office Jed . Next and in a few yearsor maybe now you and your widdle children will have to put up with the story or claim that PEDOPHILES are just misunderstood because Pedos where born with the desire to have sex with babies and young children . Its quite a society that you are building for yourself and your widdle children JED !!
So you are saying that children that are born to be pedo's ,, sexually abuse children while being a child?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
So it is okay with you if a non-perv stands next to your wide or daughter and opens his pants exposing his dick and ass because he likes to go commando? That happens in men's rooms. Not all the time, but it wouldn't raise eyebrows when it does. Women and girls must be exposed to that in your twisted opinion?
Exactly. If there's a weirdo behaving oddly in the bathroom, report them. That's how it has always been and still is. If the other people in the bathroom are minding their own business, then so should you.
One thing good about this whole bathroom issue, it allows discussion and admission that hetero men can be serious perverts.
SOME hetero's are perverts.
ALL homo's are perverts.
That's puts you in the first category.
More liberal neoQueer nonsense. In New York City, they are erecting masturbation kiosks right on the sidewalks. There's a curtain, a chair and a PC.
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
So it is okay with you if a non-perv stands next to your wide or daughter and opens his pants exposing his dick and ass because he likes to go commando? That happens in men's rooms. Not all the time, but it wouldn't raise eyebrows when it does. Women and girls must be exposed to that in your twisted opinion?

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