Batshit crazy secessionist wants to name new confederate states "REAGAN".

Not an advocate of secession, but why does the Left give a shit about The South?

I care about ALL of this great Union of ours. Every state is a great state in my book.

I don't see red or blue.

I see states, filled with diverse and sundry people.

That wins bullshit award of the day. You see interest groups with grievances and you dont give a shit about any of them.
Grievances? Sounds to me as if their 'grievances' are they are opposed to granting equal access to the law to all American citizens. Why should anyone then support a 'movement' that wants to erode freedom?
Shows what you know.
Speaking of ignorance about the Constitution and its case law, the document does not prohibit states from leaving the union unilaterally. It is totally silent on that subject.

Before the Civil War, people were citizens of Virginia or Georgia first, and the United States second. That's how the country was setup. It was only the illegal invasion of the Confederate states and the wholesale slaughter their citizens by the Lincoln Administration that changed the arrangement. That change has no foundation in law.

Everyone living in the American colonies prior to the Revolution was a British citizen, a third of whom had their citizenship taken from them against their will. If that was legal, then so was secession prior leading to the Civil War.

You really don't know shit about history or the Constitution.

I bet you don't even believe your own bullshit, you are just blowing it out your piehole.
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.
A society destined for the shitcan of history.

Only in the strange wild wooly wet-dreams of fascist RWNJs.

Carry on, Benito.
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.

I say let them secede. If they are that dumb and think they can make it on their own.....let them try it. But, we have to say you can't come back if you don't make it. That should get the message across....they can't keep crying wolf, either do it or shut up about it.
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.
I am not one to stop Texas from seceding. They
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.
I am not one to stop Texas from seceding. They

I don't think they can find enough dumb people to override the smart ones, so Texas is not seceding. Now, if enough Democrats were to come out and vote for Wendy, we might could get this state back on the right track.
Rick Scott? Is that you?

(image redacted)

Zander :
Not cool to put members' pics in an open forum.

It's on the internet granny, Google it yourself.....

And the thread has rules to it. The pictures are not there for anyone to make fun of or use to flame the person.

This thread is for posting of members pictures there are no flames, no "call outs", etc. The Moderation Team will move/trash/delete offensive posts pursuant to the "Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum" rule.

This thread has been a haven for some and a nice outlet for others, any further posts which serve as a "call out" or otherwise speak to the aforementioned rule will be treated in the same manner.

that's very nice to know. . But I didn't find the thin skinned losers photo here at USMB.

I found it on GOOGLE Images. Try it yourself. Google his user name........then click images. It's right there- from another source.

Anyway, if this fat, bald, attention whore doesn't want pictures of his gross face posted on the internet, why does he have it posted all over the internet using the same moniker?

Rick Scott? Is that you?

(image redacted)

Zander :
Not cool to put members' pics in an open forum.

It's on the internet granny, Google it yourself.....

And the thread has rules to it. The pictures are not there for anyone to make fun of or use to flame the person.

This thread is for posting of members pictures there are no flames, no "call outs", etc. The Moderation Team will move/trash/delete offensive posts pursuant to the "Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum" rule.

This thread has been a haven for some and a nice outlet for others, any further posts which serve as a "call out" or otherwise speak to the aforementioned rule will be treated in the same manner.

that's very nice to know. . But I didn't find the thin skinned losers photo here at USMB.

I found it on GOOGLE Images. Try it yourself. Google his user name........then click images. It's right there- from another source.

Anyway, if this fat, bald, attention whore doesn't want pictures of his gross face posted on the internet, why does he have it posted all over the internet using the same moniker?


I googled it and didn't come up with any picture. But, even if I had, it would take a very scummy type of person to take another person's real life picture and use it to make fun of the person or inflame. Why can't you just debate like normal adult people do? Why does your type always have to get personal? Your insulting words sound like those uttered by rejected teens in junior's time to grow up.
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.
I am not one to stop Texas from seceding. They

I don't think they can find enough dumb people to override the smart ones, so Texas is not seceding. Now, if enough Democrats were to come out and vote for Wendy, we might could get this state back on the right track.

Apparently "the right track" is a euphemism meaning "down the shit-hole."
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.
I am not one to stop Texas from seceding. They

I don't think they can find enough dumb people to override the smart ones, so Texas is not seceding. Now, if enough Democrats were to come out and vote for Wendy, we might could get this state back on the right track.

Apparently "the right track" is a euphemism meaning "down the shit-hole."
No, that would be where Republican Perry has put us. We're down at the bottom on education, he took away health care from the poor (the idiot), and it looks like the dumb people are coming out in droves to vote for someone worse.....Gregg Abbott. Geez, maybe that will nudge all the Liberals to get off their butts and come out and vote.....

So let me introduce to you Perry’s likely successor, Greg Abbott. A man who once, when asked to describe his job, responded with the words, “I go into the office in the morning, I sue Barack Obama and then I go home.”

And that’s exactly what he’s done – twenty-seven times – costing millions of dollars paid for by Texas taxpayers.

You just have to love that “fiscally conservative” government, right?

But let’s look at a list of just a few things which Greg Abbott believes or is responsible for:

  • Led the push for radical congressional redistricting maps which disenfranchised Latinos and African Americans in Texas.
  • Accidentally released the Social Security numbers of millions of Texans.
  • Once said the Americans with Disabilities Act is unconstitutional, therefore the state of Texas shouldn’t have to provide wheelchair access–he’s a paraplegic that relies on a wheelchair.
(Go to link to see the rest of his idiotic bloopers)...............
Think Texas Governor Rick Perry is Bad Let Me Introduce You to His Likely Successor - Forward Progressives
They'll be happy to get rid of all that so long as you take all the government parasites with you.
They'll be happy to get rid of all that so long as you take all the government parasites with you.

Interesting: white people represent 44% of those at poverty level and it is white people who get more than 2/3 of "food stamps", the vast majority of them in DEEP DEEP DEEP red states, like Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama.....which vote very Republican. Sounds like the Righties have an awful lot of gubbermint parasites in their party.....
Breadkdown of Foodstamp Recipints in Red States (and maybe why they vote red):

City: Overall%/Whites%/Black%
Kansas City 21% 11% 48%
Wichita 12% 8% 36% Columbia 15% 10%
St. Louis 36% 10% 60%
Little Rock 14% 5% 29%
Memphis 25% 6% 42%
Jackson 23% 5% 31%
Nashville 17% 9% 33%
Knoxville 13% 11% 36%
Birmingham 13% 4% 27%
Montgomery 20% 3% 32%
Mobile 19% 10% 37%
Tallahassee 10% 4% 23%
Macon 24% 7% 40%
Atlanta 14% 2% 30%
Savannah 14% 4% 28%
Charleston 12% 3% 30%
Columbia 14% 4% 26%
Omaha 10% 5% 37%
Lincoln 7% 6% 33%
Tulsa 11% 8% 34%
Okl. City 14% 10% 36%
Shreveport 20% 7% 35%
Baton Rouge 16% 3% 32%
New Orleans 22% 3% 32%
Houston 9% 3% 21%
Dallas 11% 4% 25%
Austin 11% 3% 25%
Salt Lake City 8% 6% 37%
Phoenix 11% 6% 30%
Augusta 23% 10% 35

What will they do with gay southerners?


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