Batshit crazy secessionist wants to name new confederate states "REAGAN".

all their residents in the military and working on gov't installations might not agree w/ that butt hurt, clinger :eusa_pray:
What the real reason the South's so flucked up?

A) is it the ignorant, superstitious Fundamentalist Christian Protestant upbringing

B) Or is it just lack of appreciation for intelligence (in fact, there's a belligerant defensive hatred of logic or intelligence, because deep down the jesuslanders (and their ilk) know they're ignorant

C) inbreeding

D) all of the above
^^^^. Bigot
no shit. Really.

And he wants the South to secede over: gay marriage.

(Audio at the link, LOTS OF IT)

Author Wants Southern States To Secede Over Gay Rights Name New Country Reagan Right Wing Watch

Conservative columnist and former Reagan administration aide Douglas MacKinnon is out with a new book calling for Southern states to secede…again.

While speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd about his book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country…Now,” MacKinnon called for a movement of states, starting with South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, to establish a new country that will adhere to the Religious Right’s political agenda...

Texas, MacKinnon explained, was not included in his secessionist blueprint because “there have been a number of incursions into Texas and other places from some of the folks in Mexico.”

He added that the South had “seceded legally” and “peacefully” during the Civil War, but greedy Northerners like President Lincoln “waged an illegal war that was in fact not declared against the South after the South basically did what we’re talking about in this book now in terms of peacefully, legally and constitutionally leaving the union.”...

......After lamenting that “for whatever reason the leaders that we’re picking are deciding not to stand firmly for traditional values,” MacKinnon repeated his view that a new country should be formed, and even proposed an “interim name” for the ultraconservative breakaway nation: “Reagan.”


Ok, Righties, have fun with this one.

that's one opinion, so what?
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

Plus, no more jobs and an inexplicable desire to start speaking French.
Divert, distract, dissemble.....the usual leftist disinformation tactics. Nobody cares about this turkey.

Democrats will do anything except talk about the election in less than 2 weeks.....
Divert, distract, dissemble.....the usual leftist disinformation tactics. Nobody cares about this turkey.

Democrats will do anything except talk about the election in less than 2 weeks.....

Well, at least you are not talking about assassinating liberals anymore, so I suspect that might even be progress.
I want to secede, all I need is a country...What to do with all the gay GOP preachers is a problem....
No Toe Tapping signs will be in every male potty break room...

There is no such thing as a "male potty break room".
Not an advocate of secession, but why does the Left give a shit about The South?

Blue states support red states.

If they want to secede, fine with me and good riddence. And they can name their new country anything they want to. Watching them try to pay for basic services will be impossible, especially since the sane and employed will move north.

On the plus side, they can elect Palin as their absentee president. She's just as corrupt and dishonest as Reagan was.
Not an advocate of secession, but why does the Left give a shit about The South?

I care about ALL of this great Union of ours. Every state is a great state in my book.

I don't see red or blue.

I see states, filled with diverse and sundry people.


They're crazy. No state can secede, you have to be really inane to think so.....we have a moron in Texas who has said the same thing. They say that to get the crazies on their side and we've got plenty of those, but they are a minority and they end up eating humble pie.
Not an advocate of secession, but why does the Left give a shit about The South?

I care about ALL of this great Union of ours. Every state is a great state in my book.

I don't see red or blue.

I see states, filled with diverse and sundry people.


They're crazy. No state can secede, you have to be really inane to think so.....we have a moron in Texas who has said the same thing. They say that to get the crazies on their side and we've got plenty of those, but they are a minority and they end up eating humble pie.

Yep. Hypocrite Rick oops Perry wanted to secede right up until he needed the feds to take care of him.
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

It would be TeaTard heaven...

Low taxes
Read'n, Writ'n and Rithmatic schools with a good dose of god
No gays
Blacks know their place
Low wages
No healthcare unless you can afford it
No environmental protections

Drill baby drill in the National Parks
No restrictions on firearms
Have to go back to the "old country" for an abortion
succession, Great.

Said states can have their own government fight Ebloa all by themselves, and dodge ISIS when they're not too busy building and paying for roads, highways, and bridges.
Those states wouldn't allow any travellers in coming from effected areas. All the workers would leave, so where would you get your money? Welfare has become a major problem effecting our debt, and people like yourself want more. So, I will ask you again. When the providers leave, where would you get your money?
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

It would be TeaTard heaven...

Low taxes
Read'n, Writ'n and Rithmatic schools with a good dose of god
No gays
Blacks know their place
Low wages
No healthcare unless you can afford it
No environmental protections

Drill baby drill in the National Parks
No restrictions on firearms
Have to go back to the "old country" for an abortion

And 24 hour bible thumping on TV, pat robertson and benny hinn on the creation "science" channel , and the trailer park Channel and fox, reruns of hee haw, the dukes of hazzard, gomer pile nascar and wreslin' all broadcast in their native language: hillbilly crackernees

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