Batshit crazy secessionist wants to name new confederate states "REAGAN".

Maybe LGS could stop by and comment on the content of the OP, namely, secession.

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Consider the crimes that former (unrepentant) domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his gang committed. It makes the secessionist movement (if it exists) look like child's play. As always the left wingers set the atrocity and depravity bar too high.
no shit. Really.

And he wants the South to secede over: gay marriage.

(Audio at the link, LOTS OF IT)

Author Wants Southern States To Secede Over Gay Rights Name New Country Reagan Right Wing Watch

Conservative columnist and former Reagan administration aide Douglas MacKinnon is out with a new book calling for Southern states to secede…again.

While speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd about his book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country…Now,” MacKinnon called for a movement of states, starting with South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, to establish a new country that will adhere to the Religious Right’s political agenda...

Texas, MacKinnon explained, was not included in his secessionist blueprint because “there have been a number of incursions into Texas and other places from some of the folks in Mexico.”

He added that the South had “seceded legally” and “peacefully” during the Civil War, but greedy Northerners like President Lincoln “waged an illegal war that was in fact not declared against the South after the South basically did what we’re talking about in this book now in terms of peacefully, legally and constitutionally leaving the union.”...

......After lamenting that “for whatever reason the leaders that we’re picking are deciding not to stand firmly for traditional values,” MacKinnon repeated his view that a new country should be formed, and even proposed an “interim name” for the ultraconservative breakaway nation: “Reagan.”


Ok, Righties, have fun with this one.

They can still spoon. Aside from that, how is batshit crazy? I've never understood that cliche.
Consider the crimes that former (unrepentant) domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his gang committed. It makes the secessionist movement (if it exists) look like child's play. As always the left wingers set the atrocity and depravity bar too high.

Considering the crimes of Satan that makes a lot of other things seem tame...but you see, we arent comparing one thing to a completely unrelated other thing
no shit. Really.

And he wants the South to secede over: gay marriage.

(Audio at the link, LOTS OF IT)

Author Wants Southern States To Secede Over Gay Rights Name New Country Reagan Right Wing Watch

Conservative columnist and former Reagan administration aide Douglas MacKinnon is out with a new book calling for Southern states to secede…again.

While speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd about his book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country…Now,” MacKinnon called for a movement of states, starting with South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, to establish a new country that will adhere to the Religious Right’s political agenda...

Texas, MacKinnon explained, was not included in his secessionist blueprint because “there have been a number of incursions into Texas and other places from some of the folks in Mexico.”

He added that the South had “seceded legally” and “peacefully” during the Civil War, but greedy Northerners like President Lincoln “waged an illegal war that was in fact not declared against the South after the South basically did what we’re talking about in this book now in terms of peacefully, legally and constitutionally leaving the union.”...

......After lamenting that “for whatever reason the leaders that we’re picking are deciding not to stand firmly for traditional values,” MacKinnon repeated his view that a new country should be formed, and even proposed an “interim name” for the ultraconservative breakaway nation: “Reagan.”


Ok, Righties, have fun with this one.
Poor Reagan must be turning in his grave
reagan never died, he was a andriod .....
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
I've lived there for many years. Even had Klan in-laws. So, yeah. The Southern culture still has a way to go. Remember, "The South will rise again!" Yeeeeeeee-haaaawwwwww.
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

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