Batshit crazy secessionist wants to name new confederate states "REAGAN".

Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.
You know, that gives me an idea. ..back in one hour. ..

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What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
I've lived there for many years. Even had Klan in-laws. So, yeah. The Southern culture still has a way to go. Remember, "The South will rise again!" Yeeeeeeee-haaaawwwwww.
Yeah, I've lived in the South for 50 years, what a blast! One step away from a concentration camp for Jeebus...

Can you morons get a room? You may enjoy your liberal circle jerks, but trust me, they aren't fun to watch.
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
I've lived there for many years. Even had Klan in-laws. So, yeah. The Southern culture still has a way to go. Remember, "The South will rise again!" Yeeeeeeee-haaaawwwwww.
Yeah, I've lived in the South for 50 years, what a blast! One step away from a concentration camp for Jeebus...

The north is where they control you and take all your money through excessive taxation. Its like living under the british crown circa 1700's all over again.
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
I've lived there for many years. Even had Klan in-laws. So, yeah. The Southern culture still has a way to go. Remember, "The South will rise again!" Yeeeeeeee-haaaawwwwww.

I've lived here many years, and I've never met anyone in the Klan. I've never even heard of anyone in the clan.

You're a lying POS.

liberal Utopia



We already know what the North will look like after the South secedes.
Never heard of the guy so forgive me if I don't take the rantings of an irrelevant person serious.
“MacKinnon called for a movement of states, starting with South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, to establish a new country that will adhere to the Religious Right’s political agenda...”

Yet another conservative exhibiting his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

Indeed, there are millions of American citizens in those states who have no desire to lose their American citizenship, and be consigned to live in some bizarre reactionary theocracy.

This is why the Constitution prohibits states from leaving the Union 'unilaterally,' to safeguard the rights and citizenship of Americans residing in a given state.

American citizens are first and foremost citizens of the United States, and residents of their respective states subordinate to that, where one may not have this citizenship taken from him against his will, or be compelled to abandon his state of residence merely as a consequence of 'majority rule.'
“MacKinnon called for a movement of states, starting with South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, to establish a new country that will adhere to the Religious Right’s political agenda...”

Yet another conservative exhibiting his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

Indeed, there are millions of American citizens in those states who have no desire to lose their American citizenship, and be consigned to live in some bizarre reactionary theocracy.

This is why the Constitution prohibits states from leaving the Union 'unilaterally,' to safeguard the rights and citizenship of Americans residing in a given state.

American citizens are first and foremost citizens of the United States, and residents of their respective states subordinate to that, where one may not have this citizenship taken from him against his will, or be compelled to abandon his state of residence merely as a consequence of 'majority rule.'

Speaking of ignorance about the Constitution and its case law, the document does not prohibit states from leaving the union unilaterally. It is totally silent on that subject.

Before the Civil War, people were citizens of Virginia or Georgia first, and the United States second. That's how the country was setup. It was only the illegal invasion of the Confederate states and the wholesale slaughter their citizens by the Lincoln Administration that changed the arrangement. That change has no foundation in law.

Everyone living in the American colonies prior to the Revolution was a British citizen, a third of whom had their citizenship taken from them against their will. If that was legal, then so was secession prior leading to the Civil War.

You really don't know shit about history or the Constitution.
succession, Great.

Said states can have their own government fight Ebloa all by themselves, and dodge ISIS when they're not too busy building and paying for roads, highways, and bridges.
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
I've lived there for many years. Even had Klan in-laws. So, yeah. The Southern culture still has a way to go. Remember, "The South will rise again!" Yeeeeeeee-haaaawwwwww.

I've lived here many years, and I've never met anyone in the Klan. I've never even heard of anyone in the clan.

You're a lying POS.
you have to be invited into the're probably too ethnic for them

liberal Utopia



We already know what the North will look like after the South secedes.
bullshit the above is what happens when corporations out source jobs and produce crappy products .
anybody remember the K cars?
Before the Civil War, people were citizens of Virginia or Georgia first, and the United States second. That's how the country was setup. It was only the illegal invasion of the Confederate states and the wholesale slaughter their citizens by the Lincoln Administration that changed the arrangement. That change has no foundation in law.

How can the US 'invade' its own territory? If the Southern States were States of the Union, then they were part of the US. And US forces were suppressing a rebellion. If they weren't, then the Southern States were a foreign country. And there were no laws preventing the invasion of a foreign country. We'd just done it to Mexico less than a generation earlier.

Suppression of a rebellion or conquest of a foreign country, either was perfectly legal in the 1860s.

Worse, the attack on US territory would more than validate a war. And Ft. Sumter was US territory. Even theoretically, the States could only secede with their own territory. The Ft. was held by the US government and under the jurisdiction of US federal law before the secession. Thus, it was still US federal land after the secession. Making the south's attack against it an act of obvious war.

Hell, the south's seizure of federal properties before the attack were an act of invasion or rebellion right there. And would have justified any war against them. Be it the suppression of a rebellion or the invasion of a foreign country.

The fact that these properties, including Ft. Sumter, were Federal holdings is indisputable. As the South approached Washington and offered to pay the Union for them. Acknowledging in the process that the South didn't actually own these holdings. The Union declined the offer for sale, which they had every right to do. Just because someone makes you an offer on your house doesn't mean you're obligated to sell them. The south responded by taking the property by force of arms. If someone did that to your house, you have ever right to stop them with extreme prejudice.

Everyone living in the American colonies prior to the Revolution was a British citizen, a third of whom had their citizenship taken from them against their will. If that was legal, then so was secession prior leading to the Civil War.

And as you'll recall, the British took issue with that. An instigated one of the longest wars in our nation's history. The difference between the British and the the Union won. Had the British won, its quite likely that we'd be like Canada. Albeit with fewer french speakers.
I want to secede, all I need is a country...What to do with all the gay GOP preachers is a problem....
No Toe Tapping signs will be in every male potty break room...
What are you talking about? That sentence makes no sense.
Lions and tigers and homosexuals oh my.... an issue brought about by hypocrites who believe in smaller gov't and freedom... if you are one of them. Somehow gay marriage threatens them. Why? I wish he would secede. Would be a great reality show watching this fiasco trying to build itself into something workable.
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.
A society destined for the shitcan of history.

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