Batshit crazy secessionist wants to name new confederate states "REAGAN".

succession, Great.

Said states can have their own government fight Ebloa all by themselves, and dodge ISIS when they're not too busy building and paying for roads, highways, and bridges.
Those states wouldn't allow any travellers in coming from effected areas. All the workers would leave, so where would you get your money? Welfare has become a major problem effecting our debt, and people like yourself want more. So, I will ask you again. When the providers leave, where would you get your money?

The providers are mostly Libs. The takers (welfare people) most live in the Red don't know how you are going to take care of them.

Back in 1990, rich liberals were still something of a novelty. A small and predictable cast of donors gave money to progressive causes and candidates, and they included people like Stewart Mott, an heir to the General Motors fortune; Max Palevsky, who made his money in computers; and the television producer Norman Lear.

That was then. A sizeable slice of the upper class has since swung into the liberal camp, changing the balance of power in American politics. The Forbes 400 is now heavily populated by a new breed of billionaire: high-tech entrepreneurs, financial whizzes, and communications moguls. Today's super rich are also far more educated, a trait that correlates with liberal values like tolerance. In 1982, roughly 50 members of the Forbes 400 had college degrees. By 2006, 244 of those on the list had finished college, and at least 132 -- or nearly a third of U.S. billionaires -- had graduate degrees.

Some of the biggest fortunes in America now tilt left, and that can be seen in the vast sums of cash pouring into Democratic coffers and progressive organizations. Billionaires like George Soros and Peter Lewis have given tens of millions of dollars each to liberal 527s and have also helped to bankroll a greatly enlarged progressive infrastructure that includes groups like the Center for American Progress and Media Matters.

The Real Liberal Elite
Rick Scott? Is that you?

(image redacted)

Zander :
Not cool to put members' pics in an open forum.

It's on the internet granny, Google it yourself.....

And the thread has rules to it. The pictures are not there for anyone to make fun of or use to flame the person.

This thread is for posting of members pictures there are no flames, no "call outs", etc. The Moderation Team will move/trash/delete offensive posts pursuant to the "Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum" rule.

This thread has been a haven for some and a nice outlet for others, any further posts which serve as a "call out" or otherwise speak to the aforementioned rule will be treated in the same manner.
Just think what America would look like without the souf' . (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “jesusland” or “dunmbfukastan” or "trailer park land" or something like that.) Universal health care.Unions. A humane minimum wage. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

It would be TeaTard heaven...

Low taxes
Read'n, Writ'n and Rithmatic schools with a good dose of god
No gays
Blacks know their place
Low wages
No healthcare unless you can afford it
No environmental protections

Drill baby drill in the National Parks
No restrictions on firearms
Have to go back to the "old country" for an abortion

And 24 hour bible thumping on TV, pat robertson and benny hinn on the creation "science" channel , and the trailer park Channel and fox, reruns of hee haw, the dukes of hazzard, gomer pile nascar and wreslin' all broadcast in their native language: hillbilly crackernees

Wow, look at all the stereotypes of Southerners. If one didn't know better, one might think you are a bigot.
succession, Great.

Said states can have their own government fight Ebloa all by themselves, and dodge ISIS when they're not too busy building and paying for roads, highways, and bridges.
Those states wouldn't allow any travellers in coming from effected areas. All the workers would leave, so where would you get your money? Welfare has become a major problem effecting our debt, and people like yourself want more. So, I will ask you again. When the providers leave, where would you get your money?

jknowgood thinks the government will provide it.
I wouldn't really mind if all the anti-freedom people went to live somewhere else.

We could reclaim the cities and turn them back to nature or something else.
secession didn't work 150 ,years ago why do these lame asses think it will now? besides florida will never SECEDE the
The Walt Disney Company

would never allow that!

Since you leftists hate the South so much anyway, you should be all in favor of a secession.
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
What will they do with gay southerners?
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
it did, you had to comment and showcase your ignorance
The same thing they will do to the blacks.

You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
it did, you had to comment and showcase your ignorance

All it proved is that you're a moron who believes anything he's told.
Not an advocate of secession, but why does the Left give a shit about The South?

I care about ALL of this great Union of ours. Every state is a great state in my book.

I don't see red or blue.

I see states, filled with diverse and sundry people.

That wins bullshit award of the day. You see interest groups with grievances and you dont give a shit about any of them.
Grievances? Sounds to me as if their 'grievances' are they are opposed to granting equal access to the law to all American citizens. Why should anyone then support a 'movement' that wants to erode freedom?
You think all Sourtherners are just itching to start lynching blacks and homosexuals, but you aren't a bigot, right?
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
it did, you had to comment and showcase your ignorance

All it proved is that you're a moron who believes anything he's told.
that would be you...
It's time we start calling these liberals out for the bigots they are, especially Christophobes.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
it did, you had to comment and showcase your ignorance

All it proved is that you're a moron who believes anything he's told.
that would be you...

Nuh uhn!

God, what a moron you are.
bigots calling other people bigots ?

Religion-Based Bigotry
Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.
Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.
Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society.
We have learned that when we focus on the harms caused by religious hostility toward gay people – its destructive role in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans and explaining that being gay is not a lifestyle choice but is how you are born– persons of faith can understand why religion must no longer be misused to justify hostile attitudes and actions toward LGBT people. These stories, told by the people who have been the subject of or witness to religion-based bigotry serve as a powerful tool to begin changing the hearts and minds of persons of faith.
Faith in America’s efforts—and those of many other LGBT organizations—are working. A recent Gallup poll that showed a majority of Americans no longer consider homosexuality as immoral and we believe this is in large part due to the efforts to show Americans that being gay is not a lifestyle choice.
Religion-Based Bigotry Faith in America

I'll bet you believe your propaganda proved something.
it did, you had to comment and showcase your ignorance

All it proved is that you're a moron who believes anything he's told.
that would be you...

Nuh uhn!

God, what a moron you are.
again you.....

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