Battle of Ferguson is about to begin.

Not to mention C Shiton Jones, anyone who comes to this thread can watch the LIVE video feeds and confirm that it is indeed a very dangerous situation tonight, making you appear even more stupid.
I'm not hearing anything on the police scanner that indicates trouble.
It's the quietest it's been for days...

Without any ideology involved I'll just thank you for the link, I haven't seen it before. You're too young to remember the Watt's riots but you've probably heard of them. Anger, misplaced or not can turn people very very ugly.

I'm not hearing anything on the police scanner that indicates trouble.
It's the quietest it's been for days...

What needs to begin is your battle against your mental illness.

Why do you keep personally attacking me?

If you were watching the LIVE stream, the cops went into the crowd and started trouble for no reason and arrested a couple of people (why????). Thankfully these people had restraint.
Why do you keep personally attacking me?

If you were watching the LIVE stream, the cops went into the crowd and started trouble for no reason and arrested a couple of people (why????). Thankfully these people had restraint.

You are getting mocked for two main reasons. are clearly enjoying this unrest. Your thirst for real violence among Americans is real and it is disturbing. are a dupe. You have no ability to discern fact from fiction. You will believe anything you are told if it feeds your desire to see chaos. Please note....I said "see" chaos. You aren't into it enough to be a part of the chaos. You just want to see it on your PC.

You are getting mocked for two main reasons. are clearly enjoying this unrest. Your thirst for real violence among Americans is real and it is disturbing. are a dupe. You have no ability to discern fact from fiction. You will believe anything you are told if it feeds your desire to see chaos. Please note....I said "see" chaos. You aren't into it enough to be a part of the chaos. You just want to see it on your PC.


The only ones enjoying this unrest are the cops that assault reporters while smiling.

Not to mention, more than a dozen MSM networks have recognized the impending disaster in Ferguson, using the word "dangerous situation." The very fact that the NG was called into Ferguson proves that even the local and state governments believe it's very dangerous.

Video: Ferguson protests: 'there is a dangerous dynamic in the night', say police - Telegraph

Get real kid. It's a dangerous situation, and it nearly exploded tonight; worse than ever. Thankfully it turned out to be the most peaceful of the nights (overall).
I think problems like what's happening in Ferguson will become more common and it's partly caused by destruction of America's job base by offshoring and also bringing in cheap labor by visas and immigration. Almost all Americans don't approve of this policy and neither political party cares what we think. Obama, the so called liberal is trying to fast track another nafta type trade deal with no transparency and the corporate press obligingly goes along with it. We'll get thousands of hours of Fergusons to maybe no coverage of Transpacific Partnership progress. So now we have one side hating cops and another side hating blacks instead. The owners of this country are probably laughing at us.
I've been watching these streams for the last four days when I'm off of work. This is the most perilous situation I've seen. What have you been doing? Defending Obama the Messiah as usual?

Been watching live coverage in the evenings. Only threat to journalists seems to be coming from the protestors who like little children like to throw rocks.

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