Battlefield 3 game infrastructure under attack


Nov 14, 2012
Due to my mobile internet connection´s volume limitation I had to take serious measures to get the latest patches for BF3. I carried a HHD and a ATA to USB adapter to an internet cafe, installed Origin and told it to install the games there, where my BF3 backup on the HDD is. The installation started at 71 % (what was 100 % half a year ago) and slowly forged ahead. After one and a half hour, it was done. I disconnected the HDD, deinstalled BF3 and Origin, went home, copied the files to the location I wanted them to be to be used for playing, installed everything it needs and once I wantetd to join a server, the game chrashed and told me something about corrupt data and I should repair the game via Origin. I did, and was happy when it wanted to download 100 additional Megs only.
When it was done, I started to suffer conection errors. It couldn´t join servers and after it did, the game was mostly aborted with "Something went wrong" messages, etc. I was angry about the buggy stuff I payed 54 bucks for and switched to Bad Company 2. Now after all my efforts to play the game again after about six months, I couldn´t due to programmer´s neglect I thought, sorry, isn´t true.

At the battlelog webpage (replacing the ingame server browser console players have), several messages appeared during the last days. The latest one gives more detailed information about the errors. The Battlefield 3 game infrastructure is being attack by some guys who don´t match the the game´s system requirements or something:

Despite our security measures, we have been working around the clock to mitigate the impact of an ongoing denial-of-service attack on our Battlefield 3 game infrastructure over the last several days. While the motives are unclear, the focus of the attack has been interference with network communications preventing access to multiplayer gameplay. At this point, no user data is involved. We share your frustration about the impact this has had to our service and the ability for many of you to play Battlefield 3. We are working tirelessly to mitigate the problem. As a part of our efforts to resolve these issues, we’ve conducted rolling restarts of Battlefield infrastructure servers to apply some updates. Thank you for your patience and support while we work to get everyone back and playing Battlefield 3 as soon as possible. More updates to come. /DICE Team

I hope, the attackers will not attack user accounts but it´s bad enough so far.

By the way: Add me, if you want:
Progression - Leadpriest - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

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