Baz: Terrorism (Cinema)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern age is marked by geopolitical intrigue and commercial networking so terrorism has become a key-word. Reflecting this trend are comics art and movies that present images/ideas/stories about shrewd terrorists/agents engaging with a modernism globalization-oriented 'landscape' --- e.g., Spy Game, The Terrorist, The American, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (etc.).

We've seen the unusual film-maker Baz Luhrmann give us three iconic incendiary films (Romeo+Juliet, Moulin Rouge!, and The Great Gatsby), films reflecting a new cinema-arts trend in 'turbulence-oriented themes.'

So, how does the rest of the world look at America's embracing of such incendiary films/images (within the context of pluralism/heresy)?


A wily bank-robber named Stan who always wore a ski-mask every Halloween (if he got the sudden 'urge' to perform a heist on Halloween Eve) met a strange woman named 'Baroness' who claimed she was from Romania and working as a 'sleeper-agent' for ISIS (the terrorist group!). Stan thought 'Baroness' was being facetious, since it was Halloween and Baroness was in a rather fancy-looking white-snow terrorist 'outfit' fitted with an insignia of a cobra-snake on it. However, Baroness insisted she was being honest. Stan wanted to know more.

BARONESS: Why don't you believe me, Stan?
STAN: I think you look alluring, but it's all Halloween, right?
BARONESS: No! This isn't glamour; my celebrity-friend Leo DiCaprio is my ally.
STAN: Oh, so the Hollywood star is your 'cobra-agent ally,' eh?
BARONESS: Is it so hard to believe, Stan?
STAN: Look, I might rob this bank right now (wanna help)?
BARONESS: No (and maybe I don't believe you); you should work with us.
STAN: I guess you're 'organization' is called 'Cobra.'
BARONESS: Correct.

Well, Stan pulled off a little heist anyway but used the money to buy himself and Baroness a plane ticket to L.A. the next morning where they could meet up with Leo. Baroness explained to Stan (in Leo's mansion) that Hollywood 'agents' were working with the IRA and rogue members of ISIS to plan a coup of 'TrumpUSA' on Valentine's Day. Stan thought at first it was all some elaborate 'celebrity-boredom PR-prank or joke,' but then realized Baroness was being serious when Leo looked Stan in the eye and suggested, "Baroness is no joke, Stan!"

Stan thought the idea was a riot(!), not a laugh-riot, and suggested to Baroness and Leo that they pitch the idea for this 'anti-TrumpUSA coup' to Steven Spielberg and then carry out the deeds presented in the film (the screenplay for which the trio would co-write!) and then frame it as a 'copycat crime' blamed on some 'anonymous group.' Leo loved the idea, and Baroness used Leo's connections in Hollywood to pitch the idea to Spielberg. Two years later, Spielberg's completed film (based on Baroness's script), titled Atomic Pedestrians, was a huge hit (and the 'copycat crime' Stan/Leo cooked up was sure to be a 'success'). Stan mused to himself, "Is America an empty canvas?"



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