BBC, Fox News and PBS News Most Trusted...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...CNN damn near dead last.

Most trusted.png

BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands

That's gotta hurt...
An internet push poll as polling protocol.

I agree with BBC and PBS, but that is merely me.

The polling is flawed.
The BBC is moving worrying close towards becoming an “arm of government”, a former chair of the Corporation has said.
The BBC is worryingly close to becoming an arm of the Government, says

Some pro-establishment, and some multicultural.
BBC the state-owned and state-controlled TV operator

more than 30 individuals with strong connections to the British intelligence community who had worked for the BBC.
Did all of this result in the BBC serving as an instrument of the intelligence community? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is an emphatic ‘yes’. The BBC’s toxic relationship with MI6 has done a lot more than bring it into disrepute.
The dark side of the media

Clarion: MI5 secretly controls hiring firing BBC staff, Observer 18 August 1985
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Stratford comes from a country that controls its media, so maybe he is right.

He loves state controlled media.
An internet push poll as polling protocol.

I agree with BBC and PBS, but that is merely me.

The polling is flawed.
All polling is flawed, jake. Polls said that Hillary would win 2016. Republicans who crowed about that little FUBAR ought to remember not to place too much faith in polls today too.
An internet push poll as polling protocol.

I agree with BBC and PBS, but that is merely me.

The polling is flawed.

So says someone who can't bring themselves to watch FOX News.

No "agenda" here, eh?
Wake up dumb citizens of the USA sheeplings! Our MSM...our news stations SUCK a big fat one for the most part. Thank goodness this poll is mostly correct as I agree that PBS (public tv) is one of THE BEST and mostly balanced REAL NEWS outlets out there. Most of the rest in this country is really a big sensationalist event like 24/7 Jerry Springer. Do try watching BBC once and awhile boneheads because our nations news rarely covers international news anymore because it is obsessed with garbage stories. No wonder when a street quiz is done on Americans they cannot answer basic questions about history, geography or politics!
The Talon
The School Newspaper of East Lake High School.

Is ignorance bliss?

Danae Zimmer, Features Editor
September 28, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” If this is true, then America is in trouble. With a staggering number of American citizens unable to answer correctly even basic questions about our country and its government, let alone questions relating to anything outside of the United States, it causes not only alarm, but it begs the question “what went wrong?”

There have been numerous surveys done to gather information on just how dumb some people are. Probably most famous of these is Jay Leno’s fan favorite segment “Jay Walking,” in which Jay Leno hits the streets with trivia questions to find out what the average American knows. After looking up some clips, while I found them extremely humorous and entertaining, once I witnessed someone say that the Panama Canal was most likely located in China and that the first president was Benjamin Franklin (and for those who may not be aware, Benjamin Franklin was NEVER a president), I couldn’t help finding the results quite disturbing. I suppose those who are ignorant to such, what I thought to be, common knowledge, aren’t solely to blame. There’s their education to consider, plus the added pressure of being on camera, but really, China?? It would be easy to say that it’s the teenagers who are responsible for the lack of smarts in America, but that would be a lie. Unfortunately it’s adults as well. Even sadder yet is that some of the interviewees on “Jay Walking” are recent college grads.
I noticed that the new channel VICE News isn't listed. If you have HBO and are free from 1830 to 1700 CST, it's worth the watch.

I also like BBC and PBS.
An internet push poll as polling protocol.

I agree with BBC and PBS, but that is merely me.

The polling is flawed.
All polling is flawed, jake. Polls said that Hillary would win 2016. Republicans who crowed about that little FUBAR ought to remember not to place too much faith in polls today too.
Clinton indeed won, Bullwinkle, the polls that said she would win the PV.

She did handily.

In fact, Trump got 14 MILLION LESS VOTES than his opponents combined.

No polls exist that could predict the EV per state.

Having pointed out your error, there is good polling protocol and poor protocol, and an internet push poll is not reflective of the population at large.

PS: some idiot above said I don't watch Fox News, when, in fact, I do. I like PBS and BBC better than Fox News.

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